Sadly, Cody Cummings has left us before he (actually) bottomed on camera. The performer, real name Kevin Lengyel, parted ways with Next Door Studios after they refused to let him film more bisexual content (as reported by our dear friends at The Sword). Cody Cummings, as a brand, is officially dead. There will be no future updates on the site.
To clarify further, Kevin Lengyel is still very much alive. Cody Cummings has departed this dear Earth forever, provided that Kevin Lengyel’s lawyer isn’t able to help him reclaim his stage name and do whatever the hell he intends to do with it.
Goodbye, Cody! We’ll miss you, if not only because you gave us an excuse to troll our readers and pick up a ton of traffic over the past few years… Alas, we still have significantly hotter human being Vinny Castillo to fill our void of straight sex and blowjob videos. We think we’ll be able to sleep tonight. Maybe.
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Cody Cummings
Check out a clip from Cody Cummings’ final scene below:
Watch Cody fuck chick, simulate anal sex and get his dick sucked a lot at CODY CUMMINGS.
Did he ever even put a cock in his mouth? He’s good looking and all, but perhaps this is for the best.
See ya “Cody” … don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya (and where no “top” on your side ever split ya, either, no matter how many suggestive camera angles and acting was used)!
i love the guy, sad to see him leave. i never knew why everyone hated him (ok, i knew why but those opinions werent justified).
Wait, I’m looking for fucks to give…
Nope, sorry.
Sorry, but the gay for pay thing was not believable. No one can do that many videos with men and not be gay. That was his gimmick, he is very full of himself and that is such a turn off and I never knew what the big deal was about him, granted he s got a great body. And there is a video that he was without a doubt bottoming and another w a toy up his butt. Yes I am guilty of some of his videos. Was the same as not being able to stare at a train wreck. And trust me, this is just another gimmick as to what a big deal it will be when he makes his big comeback. Someone stole the twinkie comeback idea, lol.!
Can you please direct us all to this video where he is “without a doubt bottoming”? Because as far as I know, there isn’t a single video where we actually see a dick in his butt.
i ll get on his site for you and find it boo
watch him come out at some point, his movie career might be dead…….oh well
videos called shadowkiss
Yeah, there’s no penetration in that. He’s done a few scenes where he simulates fucking with other men, but it’s all fancy lighting and humping.
Never understood the hype in the first place. Okay, we are talking about gay porn here, so I understood it. Just didn’t buy into it.
As hot as he is, if you’re gonna be miserable because you’re “so straight” and have unwavering boundaries, why bother? A tease is only fun for so long.
ah, so you were just fucking with us all along, eh Dewey?
gosh you’re bad.
:: forcibly takes you and then bends you over my knee to give your backside a good paddlin’ ::
Oh my God, good fucking riddance.
Ding dong the witch is dead….
Yes, Cody is sexy … but he is also a big fraud
! What he has been doing lately is just acting to take it up the a**. Personally
I resented him thinking that we are so stupid not to notice. It is time for
Cody to grow up now and either suck and f**k like every gay or doing straight
porn … Oh yes, and take that stupid watch off when you are having sex !
I deserved that. And I liked it.
What? A studio owns his stage name? What kind of a fool would sign THAT contract? Maybe whatever name he comes back as (because you know he is NOT going away) will be more gay. Kevin Cummings could work. Or maybe Cravin Cummings.
Bad news? How could this be bad news?
Shit doth happen.
ah ha.
i know your angle, now!
influencing events like that, to get the outcome you really desired.

who resents porn stars? str8 emvy much? why is he fraud? u think it was all his idea? obviously there was a market for this. gays obsess over str8 guys…str8/bi guys could relate to being into it but not all in w/ bb dp gb ws etc.. hell it was even more women friendly. good for him for leaving. if anything he’s staying true to the concept…Cody is a studly sexual man who enjoys all kinds of sex on his on poised and less promiscuous terms. this man exists & porn has power re: identity. bisexuality i believe is included in LGBT rites. barring bi scenes destroyed the concept…Kevin just honored it by walking away.
because he didn’t put a cock in his mouth? what about total tops who you never see suck cock? are they a detriment to whatever morale code of gay porn you seem to know of that the Cody Cummings concept violated so clearly? maybe gay porn thats less extreme would be better for kids. i mean doublefucking was not a thing 10yrs ago. now there’s triplefucking? sheesh.
ive seen it. didnt I? lol i searched myvidster and title came up for vid he’s not in at all. but oh the comments. didnt realize the fuss being made about harmless porn with one dude maintaining a str8 character who has gay encounters he indulges in more realistically for many str8 guys. not…oh ive never done this but gimme 2min & i be rimming n fucking dudes or eagre cockslut getting dp’d and loving it. TeamCummings
now that i agree with. for so long? meh never say thru any of his stuff…a grazing mild stroking at best. BUT seeing all this I have respect for trying something different.
who says he’s miserable? the refraining of so many standard sex acts is symbolism dear. boundaries are underrated. if uve always been gay u may not ever understand this but….i will forever miss my unwavering bounderies….even when most wavered once in Weho…the ones left made the DL so hot. 5yrs after coming out and having all the wild gay sex i want…its still all i want..and all it seems to be about…and im so fucking bored with it…I miss my girlfriend.. shame & solitude were never absent in my struggle watching hardcore gay porn dudes i saw as free and brave. .if only symbolic boundaries were shown to me working fine and cool next to hardcore gay sex…hmm maybe id have seen way to be open and see love outlive the long rush of living for getting hella laid
i never seen he fuck a guy on his VID. he just jerk off or get blow from other guy.
I thought Cody finally announced that he is gay and had his ass fucked in a video ?
A hot prick who’s prick made up for the prick wielding it
Ya know…here’s my take on it if anyone cares…
Just because (on video) he hasn’t sucked a cock, or every “really” bottomed doesn’t mean he isn’t gay…but what he should realize is that even if he did, it doesn’t mean he is gay…and nothing means that he hasn’t done it in his private life. I mean come on, he’s had his cock and been naked with more gay men than I have, and I’ve been with more than a few!
the man has had a damn good run because of everyone waiting and waiting to see him kiss, suck cock and get fucked…but it is because he “DIDN’T” that he has had such a good run…this is marketing guys….
He or his managers are smart enough to know that he would be “over” in a few seconds once he did the “deed”! It was the fact that he didn’t do any of those things that kept everyone or well a certain segment of the population on the edge of their seats and watching every episode for when it would finally happen.
Wasn’t him bottoming In “Fantasy Fulfilled”?
Fine. I have no use for bisexual anything. The one thing I remember about being with a bisexual man in NEARLY every case, is they will not kiss you. There’s something wrong with that. How many times did you ever see Cody Cummings kiss a guy. Yeah, that’s what I thought. Whenever there is a porn star who has trouble with kissing men, you can tell by watching them do it ( I imagine because they’re told to ). No use for that.