R U Horny?

Conversation, fail blog

Dewitt sent me this hilarious conversation that he found on Fail blog and I thought I'd share it with you. After giving the guy hell for not using proper grammar, the woman kindly rejects the guy. So what was the lesson learned? If you're horny and trying to hook up with someone, please use proper grammar. Right Randy?

– Andy

16 thoughts on “R U Horny?

  1. It wasn’t another person on the other end. It was an Eliza type computer program. Still funny though.

  2. That is omegle and people usually troll that for fun. It basically lets two strangers talk to each other anonymously.

  3. I find it an enormous turn off when guys use text speak in an email, especially when they open a conversation that way. Proper grammar is, in its own way, really sexy because it shows he’s got some intelligence. The sexiest part of a guy’s body is his brain.

  4. also can we not give “randy” aka carol burnett any attention or notice, its sure to send him into the holier than thou spell checker mode quicker than one can say : its a porn blog who cares, if its cum instead of come.
    semantics people

  5. I don’t usually don’t throw my two cents in on these, but I have to agree 100% with Bohemond. Poor grammar and spelling is one of my biggest pet peeves online. First impressions are huge, both online and offline, and a first impression like that is always countered with a quick, polite declination. If someone takes the time to form a complete sentence using full words and not just letters, it makes me think that they’re halfway intelligent and might just really be interested in me instead of what they want from me.

  6. Haha! Hilarious, I must say. Women are such teases. Gotta love the “mangina”. Haha. I have come to expect horrible grammar with online culture. I don’t lose sleep over it anymore, because it’s not my problem if people refuse to type in a manner befitting of at LEAST a kid in grade 6. Which I am VERY glad my boyfriend is a grammar N*zi biologist… (Apt description, as he is a German… I must tell him that next time I see him.)

  7. Lack of capitalization and even text-speak I can deal with. But if a guy can’t spell, can’t write a complete sentence, or uses abysmal grammar, I won’t be interested. Attraction is about much more than face and body.

  8. Octavio Paz, literature nobel prize winner, wrote a book, “Los hijos de la chingada (Sons of a bitch) with endless grammar and spelling mistakes, avoiding the use of points and commas and a lot of modisms, all on purpose. He claimed that language purists used to uncredit gorgeous works from writers like Ruben Dario, Jose Arreola and Luis Borges just by the way their work was written, so he made this book to make a point about that is not the way is written, but the meaning what is really important. Many guys write very well, but their ideas are so poor, so why dismiss someone because he use shortcuts or else, if he makes clear sense of what he saids. My two cents about the comments above: writing or speaking well is not a sign of intelligence (Bush used to talk very well, you see what I’m saying?), and most MIT guys write on text mode.
    I think he was dismissed by the “horny” thing at a beggining of a talk. Is like when someone sends you an IM and even before saying hi, they ask “do you have place?” or “Top or bottom?”.. now that’s a turn off…

  9. agree with potblessed.
    excessive spelling mistakes and grammatical errors need to be remedied, but letting the grammar and spelling considerations overwhelm anything and everything else is also annoying.
    alot of these professors who write papers, don’t bring anything new to the table and their themes are jaded, yes they deliver their message eloquently but the ideas in the message are bland.
    also i think experimenting with language in terms of grammar is interesting sometimes, english is a very flexible language, if one was writing in mandarin (you’d have to get the character right or else the entire meaning changes), in english one can leave out a comma, insert a comma, de-capitalize everything and the message still stays the same.
    ee cummings the poet used to experiment with grammar like this.

  10. also since i know jimbo 😉 and i share similar “feelings” for randy, this poem is dedicated to him.
    a light Out)
    & first of all foam
    -like hair spatters creasing pillow
    next everywhere hidinglyseek
    no o god dear wait sh please o no O
    3rd Findingest whispers understand
    sobs bigly climb what(love being some-
    thing possibly more intricate)i(breath
    in breath)have nicknamed ecstasy and And
    spills smile cheaply thick
    –who therefor Thee(once and once only,Queen
    among centuries universes between
    Who out of deeplyness rose to undeath)
    salute. and having worshipped for my doom
    pass ignorantly into sleep’s bright land
    ee cummings

  11. Good lord, this is popping up everywhere! I sometimes pop into Omegle for some material for my writing, with a faint hope that I might actually meet someone ‘normal’ and have a decent conversation. For the record, I’m not sad and lonely – I’m happily living with my amazing boyfriend in SA. Anyway, back to the point; this one particular day I was feeling rather smarmy and ran into this guy. I just had to bait him, and I was amazed that he responded at all instead of disconnecting. When I ended the conversation myself, I had a bit of a chuckle, and sent the screenshot to my boyfriend and a couple of friends. That was back at the beginning of December, I think.
    Last night my boyfriend was browsing Failblog, as we do every evening, and he says to me ‘Wait a minute… isn’t this yours?’
    So yeah… I guess one of my friends sent it in. Figures that I miss-spelled ‘sentence’, heh. But thanks for the positive feedback here 😉

  12. How Randy got a shout out for correcting peoples grammar yet doesn’t know how to form paragraphs amazes me.
    This post made me chuckle, Alex’s poem dedicated in Randys name made me lol.

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