And this is why Rachel Maddow is our favorite lesbian! Check her as out as she destroys ex-gay and International Healing Foundation founder Richard Cohen.
The main topic of discussion is Uganda's proposed (and likely to happen) law that would make homosexuality punishable by death. Cohen doesn't support the law, but his book and work sure provides a lot of fire to the haters in Uganda.
– Andy
never any comments on the important stuff… but then again this is a sex blog what do i expect…
Wow… she annihilated him XD people like him should be taken out back and shot
My GOD What in the hell is wrong with you?
Amazing to see in this day and age but I understand Rachel’s concern. Giving *can’t find an objectionable enough word to describe individuals/organizations like Cohen* “them” even 2 minutes of press is two minutes of publicity they do not deserve. Besides I have yet to be invited to a homosexual recruitment fair so he doesn’t know what he’s talking about!
“what’s wrong with andy” is that he’s observed what’s been going on in this blog and is dissatisfied with the state of the gay “community.”
(i just wonder if he’d seen the lackluster response to the “have you ever: been tested for HIV” posting.)
and i am disappointed that you would attempt to make andy look like he’s The Crazy One, tp.
I just threw up a little in my mouth…
I just watched the second part and she quoted from his book that he said being gay is caused by numerous psychological reasons including race…
His response: “I never said that in my book. [Race] doesn’t have an impact on homosexuality.”
She really sack him in the second part:
ye, like that guy looks as if he is happy to bang his wife. bullshit.
anyway, she did a great job there especially with ‘blood on your hands’ which is so true.
thx for posting important stuff like this Andy.
dewitt only makes fan posts about Gaga.
gaga this, gaga that. lol
Thanks lost for linking us to the second half
And andyford CTFD.
Thanks lost for linking us to the second half
And andyford CTFD.
I’m not even sure if it is something to be happy for, but the latest news is that they are taking out the life-imprisonment and death sentence from the uganda bill in order to gain support from religious organizations which are against those penalties.
Of course this still means that being gay would make you be criminally prosecuted, and we do know that there are worse things than death.
Rachel Maddow is like the anti-Bill O’Reilly. Even when she finds a guest morally repugnant, she treats them with dignity and respect. Brava.
and the funny thing about andyford’s comment is that he posted it less than an hour after this blog posting went live. Give people a chance to read it, dear.
dewitt actually made the posts about HIV, Nex so give some credit
if i got what rachel was reporting, correctly, some people in Uganda want to use the “fact” that, a certain percentage of Homosexual Adults molest children, as a major reason to enact the Kill The Gays measure.
so these Ugandans are implying that they’d rather it be Opposite Sex Molestation that takes place?
because if Gays should be killed because [we’re] prone to sexually violating people, then shouldn’t all Heterosexuals be offed, on those same grounds, as well?
if i got what rachel was reporting, correctly, some people in Uganda want to use the “fact” that, a certain percentage of Homosexual Adults molest children, as a major reason to enact the Kill The Gays measure.
so these Ugandans are implying that they’d rather it be Opposite Sex Molestation that takes place?
because if Gays should be killed because [we’re] prone to sexually violating people, then shouldn’t all Heterosexuals be offed, on those same grounds, as well?
“You took that one little quote out of the three hundred page book (blah blah blah)”
Yes, and that’s exactly what the gov’t will do too. Durrrrr.
“You took that one little quote out of the three hundred page book (blah blah blah)”
Yes, and that’s exactly what the gov’t will do too. Durrrrr.
Love it — so there’s outrage when junk science is quoted as authoritative in this case, but the junk science, 100% shown to be whole fabrications, that supports the global warming and climate change fanatics gets a pass by the same people. I just wish this much scrutiny was given to every authority and scientific realism.
So why is the Uganda bill causing such outrage when that is already the case in the middle east? Why not outrage there? Everyone seems to be afraid to speak against Islam but that dictates this as well. Where’s the outrage there? Oh right, political correctness.
an even bigger issue of “being too P.C.” likely exists when one wants to speak out against christians.
for my part, i am against anyone who i know is against me — especially-more-so, when these Antagonists have no justified reason for their spite.
if i am not mistaken, neither religion is especially On The Side Of non-heterosexual people, by default; i do believe Islam isn’t “friendly” for any who isn’t a heterosexual male, specifically.
(i have to wrap my entire body in Cloth, in the hot ass desert, whether i want to or not?
i have to produce *multiple witnesses* in order for The Judge to believe that i was in fact raped {why didn’t these “Witnesses” make an attempt to jump in and break It up, if it was just the one guy?} by a member of the protected class?
so don’t lump me in that “everyone” group, mr. steele.
no Religion ever comes out on top, anyway, when extremists and fundamentalists go around, misinterpreting Books, *and* the “regular” Believers don’t make a continuous, explicit, *loud* effort to correct/guide them, and then officially disown and disavow them when these fundies’ mental instability proves too great for any layman to control.
(Funda”mental”ists and Extremists, going around and furtherly slandering the already tarnished names of their respective Beliefs’ System.)
i just wish i knew what we could do about our treatment by muslims, and its’ sympathizers, in the Middle East, and elsewhere.
you have any constructive suggestions, Carter?
There but for the grace of God go I… I grew up in that culture and spent years trying to be healed. Thankfully I saw the error of those ways. But I have to say… you Americans have a special kind of fucked up Christianity over there. Don’t envy you at all…