Radio Shock Jocks Spew Transphobia

Rob, Dawn and Arnie Show
There are a lot of radio morning shows that I've tuned into and quickly found myself hating. Whether it be offensive jokes about victims of natural disasters or general heteronormative bullshit, I'm not having it.
So other than the fact that they're not broadcasted anywhere near where I live, it's no surprise that I've never heard of the Rob, Dawn and Arnie Show. And now, I wish I hadn't. The two male hosts of the show have essentially called trans individuals idiots with mental disorders who need therapy because they were probably molested. 
One of the hosts even went as far to threaten abuse to his male child if he merely dressed like a woman. "If my son, God forbid, if my son put on a pair of high heels, I would probably hit him with one of my shoes. I would throw a shoe at him. Because you know what? Boys don’t wear high heels. And in my house, they definitely don’t wear high heels," he said.
Why the hell do they let people like this on the air? Frankly, I'd rather be listening to music in the morning. It could be the loudest, most irritating song and it'd still hurt my ears less than hearing this news. 
– Dewitt

10 thoughts on “Radio Shock Jocks Spew Transphobia

  1. Noone forces you to listen — you can always change stations — are you a masochist??!!

  2. How’s this for an unexpected ally:
    [Dick Cheney] told the National Press Club he favors gay marriage so long as it’s not imposed at the federal level. “I think that freedom means freedom for everyone,” Mr. Cheney said in answering questions after a speech. “People ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish, any kind of arrangement they wish. I don’t have any problem with that. People ought to get a shot at that.”
    (June 1, 2009)

  3. I’ve been a listening masochist many times whether it be Dr. Laura or Rush Limbaugh our of boredom for desperation of getting bored of my music.

  4. Hey asshole! “In my home if” you talked like that I would take away your allowance and ground you! Oh Wait! In the real world if you say that we’ll take away your sponsors and you’ll lose your show! Choose your words wisely! Its a free country but we def have reprocussions!

  5. Well how he rules his house is his business. If he doesn’t want his kid to dress like a woman, he can forbid it, and punish it, if he so chooses.
    What should have been looked at was his opinions and analyzation of the CD community in general, and how he stereotypes them as a whole.

  6. So Darius, does that apply if the son has a boyfriend too? The father can just punish him for it?

  7. This isn’t an Omaha show, so you should change the post so people don’t associate Omaha with ignorance. People in the Midwest are conservative yes…but they aren’t hateful. As an Omaha resident I can assure you that scum like this would not remain on our airwaves.

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