There seems to be this misconception that all men hate condoms. This simply isn’t true! Some of us enjoy the sight of our partner sliding one onto our rock hard cock, as he eagerly anticipates the pounding he’s about to receive. It isn’t just about safety or obligation. They’ve become a seemingly natural and routine part of the process.
And yet those same people who would never fuck without a condom might occasionally (or more than occasionally) enjoy watching bareback porn. Do you happen to fall into this category? If not, do you think those folks are slightly hypocritical? Is there some sort of cathartic reason to indulge in something you wouldn’t do in real life? Or do you think they all secretly wish they could be fucking raw, without any serious risks, consequences or repercussions? Let’s have an honest discussion about it, guys! Try to be nice to one another.
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Chaos Men
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NOTE: We here at Manhunt Daily encourage you to make responsible decisions in your sexual activities, however you may interpret that. Please head over to Manhunt Cares for more information on safer sex techniques.
Yep I feel a little guilty watching bb porn but being a condom wearing Doc in real life
im a guy in an open relationship here, we bareback when together, but the only rule of our open relationship is we must use condoms with other guys, for obvious reasons. as such it doesnt mastter much to me weahter the porn i watch is bareback or not.
why is it hypocritical? i dont care about their lives, i dont care in the least little bit about them!!! anyone is free to make their own choices and the onus for concern about your health is firmly and SOLELY on YOU…
i will never do bb, but watching other guys do it is hot.
I love watching CSI too – but I neither condone murder nor want to investigate murders forensically…
I can enjoy watching something without wanting to do it and without thinking it is a sensible thing to ACTUALLY DO….
I watch both, and find both hot, but I HATE the fact that condom porn has the magically appearing condom. There was one company that for a while had the guys putting on the condom on camera, but now it seems they are back to the old way of condoms magically appearing on cocks once they are in the ass. if they bothered to make the act of putting it on sexy too, there might be less BBing going on. just a guess, please don’t blast me.
Hypocritical, I don’t think so, if the actors care about themselves,then they get tested ,if not they know the risks, we’re all Adults here. I like watching bare porn it’s hot, but in the real world it’s a condom for me everytime,with everybody. Hiv isn’t the only thing hiding in there sometimes.
Hot to watch (in fantasy), not hot to do (in reality).
It’s no more hypocritical than someone who would never commit murder enjoying watching a slasher flick.
A lot of times it is hard to tell whether they have a condom on because it ‘magically’ appears, and a lubed up cock and lubed up condom look a lot alike unless you see the whole shaft. That being said, if I see a porn with someone cumming on the bottom’s asshole after just gaping it open, then pushing it in, I do get squeamish.
I always use condoms as I am single, but in the old days when I first started watching porn, no one wore a condom in porn (but most people did in real life). I don’t think the porns affect condom use and vice versa as much as a false sense of safety these days. HIV meds are not like antibiotics. You don’t take them for a week and then get to stop, plus they have nasty side effects, and some people still die. Those are the things people need to be made aware of if you want the younger generations to play safer
I don’t feel guilty about it at all. The guys in the video are adults and they are tested. Honestly I’ve never understood why gay porn is so condom oriented while straight porn is not. Condoms in straight porn would cause your porn company to go out of business.
I agree with you. It’s a personal choice. I love to watch it but know better than that in real life.
Porn is a fantasy world, and in my fantasy world, there’s no disease. So I hate to admit it, but I prefer to see BBing in porn, even though I fear it encourages unsafe practices in real life.
Is not one’s wildest fantasies meant to be just a little hypocritical?
I almost only watch bareback porn. Yet, I always use a condom. And it’s not because I like condoms in any way. I just find it cleaner, even with my bf. After all, HIV is not the only thing around; there’s plenty of standard skin infections you can get from fucking bare.
But porn actors are professionals. They had the time to get tested for STDs, to clean themselves thoroughly, etc. And I’d rather watch porn without the added latex. Though in real life I find that the latex actually makes it more comfortable.
And no, I don’t find any of this hypocritical.
I think it is all about choice…to enjoy watching unprotected sex does not mean one is hypocritical….maybe it reminds us of our younger (uncomplicated) years? Those were the days….and some very HOT actors..sadly many of them not with us anymore…
I haven’t ever had sex with my boyfriend of 6 years without a condom ever. I would just never do it. But I don’t have any guilt whatsoever about watching a bareback film. They are adults making informed decissions.
For most people, porn is a fantasy outlet. Guys will enjoy seeing something that they wouldn’t really do as a way to vicariously experience that fantasy. Same as horror movies, crime dramas, adventure flicks and The Hangover.
I rarely, if ever, specifically go looking for bareback porn, but I find many times I like a scene or movie that just happens to be bareback. Some of the bareback studios use more ‘guy next door’ type models and have a little bit more of an amateur feel that can be more of a turn-on for me than some of the overly-slick produced porn from the big studios.
I do feel a little bit guilty renting BB movies just because I don’t want to feel like I’m supporting their efforts, even though BB is not why I’m renting them. I won’t buy them, though, for that reason. Hypocritical? I don’t know…but it is something I have thought about before. Interesting thread…
I am guilty by seeing Antonio Biaggi and other hot guys get their freak on raw. However, I wouldn’t do it in fear is getting STD or HIV. I think, raw sex is just a fantasy for many guys to see.
For the record, I watch free gay porn online, Xvideos. Buying porn moives can be expensive. LOL
Nope. Not one bit hypocritical. What? Am I supposed to feel some kind of “guilt” for loving to watch BB porn? I also like to watch hard, rough sex…. but prefer otherwise for my personal gratification. I sometimes like to watch “hetero” or bi-sex porn, but am strictly homosexual. Hey! It’s a fuckin’ MOVIE!
Provided the people are working as professionals, the studios are taking as much precaution and screening as possible. Things that simply are not practical to real life. I do enjoy BB porn more as I always see bare as relationship sex. Thus I can think the people perhaps have more chemistry then normal.
Porn films can sometimes be viewed as hot fantasies.. And I wouldn’t necessarily try everything I watch on a porn. In real life I always use a condom. In porn I prefer they don’t use a condom, though when I do see one on it doesn’t turn me off or anything. I don’t think it’s hypocritical either!
One thing all of us fags could definitely get better at, especially with eachother, is a much more “live and let live” attitude.
I AGREE 100%
i just don’t understand the appeal of barebacking…i wear condoms all the time, and often i find either some shit or some blood on the end of my covered dick….imagine if i was not practicing safe sex, i could be dead by now.
I love watching bb porn..but find condom porn can be just ass hot..I practiced safe sex for years..then went bb ..for a few years til a trick gave me and my partner gonaria..thank God that is all we I put the condom back on…it is a risk one takes every time one bbs’….even though we got tested on a regular basis. Doesn’t mean your trick does… Wrap it men..or know that there is a bullet in the gun and your number will cum up…
i seriously doubt the porn participants at Treasure Island Media get tested.
Bareback porn is so much hotter, at least for me, because it implies a level of complete trust and intimacy. As it’s been pointed out, porn is complete fantasy, and in that fantasy world, condoms would be unnecessary. As such, it’s condom only in real life unless I’m in a committed, monogamous relationship of at least a year.
the only time i have ever done BB was when id been with the guy for over 3 years.. it was just the next step.. and very hot! so yeah, i dont mind wotching other people do it. its their choice and their body, i sure as hell wont bb with any 1 less then a guy i 100% trust with my life. end of.
People can do whatever they want. I don’t think is hypocritical if you practice safe sex and enjoy watching bareback porn. The problem is when you preach about guys not practicing safe sex and you are doing it bareback behind everybody’s back.
A better example would be someone who would never commit murder, but enjoys snuff films. Porn is real; slasher flicks are fakery.
Then maybe you shouldn’t fuck guys who don’t clean themselves up before you fuck them… just a thought.
I love to watch movies from Treasure Island Media. There’s especially one movie where this bottomed named Dawson BB bottomed for a room full of guys (as usual). They all came inside of him. When Dawson was riding one guys cock, all the previous loads from the other guys came splashing and gushing out, making that squishy noise. It was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I love watching that…. on video! Now I’m not even sure I can even watch that in person, and most definitely would not participate in it.
wOw!! Finally some realistic responses to this age old issue of showing bb porn here.
Congrats to all the guys above that actually made sense here for a change.
I always play safe, and yeah I’ve watched my fair share of bb, I enjoy the actual sex (oral, sometimes more anal) view of it. I enjoy seeing hot bottoms getting pounded good, by black men such as myself. Being a man of color, and I’m not speaking for all BGM’s, but lately all I’ve been seeing when it comes to Interracial Porn – it seems with the popularity of movies like machofucker/ass-stretcher that some people think that interracial and bb go hand, and hand — That is not true, if they are all wearing condoms I think it would be just as good if not better for me. I get guys who come at me talking about — drop your seed in me black man, or other fucked up shit, and I automatically block them. Sometimes I think people just look at the fantasy so much they could care less if they die in real life or not, and that’s just plain sad. I made look at porn for fantasy but in reality is not cool and a total turn off…
As others have said porn is a fantasy and I hope we are all wise enough 2 know the difference between fantasy & and reality . Personally I do not think condomless scenes are hotter than scenes with condoms because after all its the hot guys FUCKING that make the scenes hot condoms only makes the scenes safer
Not hypocritical I don’t think. As someone said, no different than watching movies with murder. Personally, I bareback if I’m serious with one guy and I trust him and we’re honest. Any random hook ups are condoms though I admit there have been (too many) times without one or “just one thrust” becomes fucking. I feel horribly afterwards and any headache or cold or sore throat within a certain amount of time scares the shit out of me. Oh, I got a UTI from a dirty bottom once so that was my major lesson.
I watch BB porn, but I think we’re whistling past the graveyard when we assume that all the producers are reputable and the actors have been tested. Then there’s the gray areas like X-tube where amateurs are barebacking and we’re encouraging it by giving pageviews and ratings. It can definitely be hot, but I think we’re complicit in the risks these people, the amateurs in particular, are taking. Sometimes that gives me a hard-off.
I think it’s only hypocritical to watch it or see pics of it here, enjoy it and then start preaching about it being bad. The lovely thing about porn is that you can fantasize about whatever you’re watching being you without ever having to do it. I see lots of things in porn that’s hot to me but that I’m not into in real life. We have to respect everyone’s journey and the decisions that led them to do whatever they’re doing without projecting our own fears and judgments upon them or their actions. We can only control ourselves and make the decisions that we need to do for that and let everyone else do the same. Projecting our judgements onto others doesn’t mean we’re better than them, it simply means that we have a need to judge (and that’s where our attention should be…on the self).
Hypocrisy is the nature of pretending you have virtues that one doesn’t hold. Thus watching BB isn’t hypocritcal, its is if you tell everyone you don’t do BB but actually do.
“you use that word alot, I don’t think it means what you think it does”- Inigo Montoya
Being a fan of bukkake and facials I get into bb porn; however, I have not bb’ed myself in almost 20 years. I do miss it.
To Dewitt:
Are you hypocritical if you are pro-condom but enjoy featuring bareback porn on your website?
I agree with the Doc. Enjoy watching but wear them in real life.
Where are the responses from the uptight queens who go off on rampages on Maverick Men posts? That’s what I came here for
As many have pointed out, porn, like all films, is fantasy. (And most porn, like most films, ain’t that good anyway.) I enjoy the Paranormal Activity films – does that mean I want to get chased around by some spook?
In my opinion, condoms is a wise choice while still dating and if you have any transmittable diseases, however, if you are 110% truthful to your partner and the other way around, bareback should not be risky unless you have HIV, but then it’s really hot taking the responsibility to make sure the one you love don’t get it. Worst that can happen is… when your partner hasn’t cleaned properly.
That bearded muscle boy makes one hot bottom! Woof!!!
Valentino (the big guy) is… so beautiful, so beefy, so unbelievably HOT! 9/10!
Chaosmen has some great-looking manly guys who are versatile. Valentino is probalby the beefiest — and when he got fucked, I wanted to subscribe. BUT, I cannot, in good conscious support bareback. I understand why some people think it’s hot, but it’s the opposite for me. I find it distracting and bothersome.
While the situations in porn are fantasty, the risk of bareback sex is all-too-real. Would prefer that it just go away. Most of these guys are just too young and stupid to tell Chaosmen to fuck off.
yep bb porn is kinda hot…but then for me after watching it for a while i start to feel kinda uneasy…im gonna sound like some starchy old maid,lol..i hope the guys doing the bb porn are regularly tested and are neg,its fantasy but and heres the rub guys are copying it in real life..they are..thats the problem guys are sick of condoms and suffer condom fatige with the introduction of meds we no longer fear hiv/aids were not seeing the kinda deaths that we saw in the 80s/90s..for now…i think its up to everyman to protect themselves ..i mean fuck and fuck and fuck till the cows come home ..have a good time ..but sex allways.
now ive been thinkin and im gonna comment again,ive been lookin on some of the crusein sights,lookin at crusein listings,and yeah its horny reading but it seems 8 out of 10 gay want and are doing bb sex for real..for real not some porn fantasy…now guys here me the early days of the hiv/aids crisis ,the goverments didnt give a shit..but people did we had real sympathy,empathy project open hand ,blood drives fund raisers..if society see,s and starts to think that we are causeing the crisis to persist[and this is wot they will think]THE SYMPATHY WILL GO,THE EMPATHY WILL GO…AND THE FUNDING WILL costs here in the uk between 35/45 THOUSAND POUNDS PER YEAR in basic meds and clinical there gonna think wot the fuck why are we keeping thease people alive know how to avoid..think about it fellas..if we all worked together we could stop hiv/aids in its tracks by 2025 it could be history in our communitys..but its gonna take hard work,love self dissaplin and i hate to say it self policeing in our communitys..are you up for it are we up for the challenge,dxxxxxx
Right, I always state clean bottoms a must and always ask if they douche. Nasty bottoms turn me off………..
I love bareback porn, Treasure Island, SX Video and Dark Alley bb porn companies are my favorite. I also watch condom porn as well as long as they’re manly masculine that don’t include twinks. We are all adults and can watch whatever we choose to watch. In reality we know right from wrong and old enough to make decisions whether it be good or bad. So with that said, we’re gay, quit judging each other, it’s pathetic.
Bareback is just wrong. Living with AIDS is possible today, but the medications are very agressive to the body.
I don’t believe in censorship, but this is the idea I challenge:
“In reality we know right from wrong and old enough to make decisions whether it be good or bad.”
This is wishful thinking. Some people are educated, some, especially young gay men are not. More worryingly, many, especially young gay men, get their education from porn. And what porn has been teaching young gay men for a long time now is that bareback is best, and it is especially important that if any cum isn’t deposited directly into the arse of the bottom being fucked, it is scooped up and pushed in.
Some bareback producers have simply followed the money, some more responsibly than others, but like Treasure Island has been willfully sociopathic about the porn they produce and they have thrived on the horror they have provoked amongst the ‘well behaved’ knowing full well that their work is influencing the behaviour of many thousands of gay men and increasing the spread of infection.
i want u guys to ass fuck me to
I love love love watching Bareback porn…nothing hotter to me than two muscle studs going at it raw and filling each other’s asses with hot cum. In real life, I worry about HIV, and so I use condoms. If I didn’t have to worry about HIV, I’d fuck 5, 10, 15 guys in a row and let them all cum inside me.
I don’t jump with a parachute because I would find it dangerous, but still I can enjoy watching that on video… Same thing here, I would never fuck without a condom, but still, I enjoy to watch bb videos.
I feel the same,