It’s time to settle this argument once and for all! Between cats and dogs, which of the two are better? Don’t act like you don’t have an opinion. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, everyone has a bias towards one or the other. You just have to be honest with yourself.
And you shouldn’t be afraid to admit you like pussy! Well, at least in this instance. Although some folks would consider it the less masculine option, those people are obviously total jerks. Vote with your heart, guys! Only one of these furry companions can win…
– Dewitt
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See more pics of hot guys with baby animals over here.
CATS! By far…they’re easier to take care of, and don’t always require constant attention. Plus, when was the last time you were walking outside and stepped in cat sh**? They have better manners and except for the hair, they’re much cleaner than dogs.
Dogs 100% forevuh!! they’re loyal and they love you no matter how much of a jerk you are. I used to despise cats, but now I think they’re pretty ok, just not as freaking AWESOME as dogs.
Dogs! When was the last time you preferred to have an animal crap in your house instead of outside? Plus cats are bitches, they make you earn their love instead of loving you for who you are.
Dogs! When was the last time you preferred to have an animal crap in your house instead of outside? Plus cats are bitches, they make you earn their love instead of loving you for who you are.
regardless of what animal you prefer as a pet, can you please stop posing with said animal on hookup sites… because when you do, a lot of people are assuming you have sex with said animal. and that’s just wrong… regardless of age of consent.
As pets…cats are for fem, dogs are for masculine types (unless their one of those small girly tyes)….duh!
cats.symbol of freedom and independence.They look straight in your eyes and they are personalities equal to you.dogs…well,they are used to hierarchy.if you raise dog in wrong way you can find yourself to be your dogs slave.
both are great but dogs require more care and cats can be loving pets, too.
Always been a cat lover…like me they are indepencent and odd…lol…but the hottie with the dog…now i think its time for a puppy…lol
bullshit – if you live in an apartment in NY and want a pet and actually have a life (one that doesn’t include walking around picking up dogshit in little baggies) cats are awesome. That whole masc/fem – dog/cat association is fucking dumb.
for reals? some of the biggest most masc tops I’ve ever been with have cats. living in a city or working a job with demanding hours can prevent you from giving a dog the attention it deserves, while cats are more independent and dont need to be taken out several times a day.
I love animals period, so I don’t have a preference per se. However, cats are far less high maintenance than dogs (and most men). So, depending on my situation at the time, that would determine whether I get a cat or dog.
Although, if a guy has a “puntable” dog (ie small, useless, yappy dogs), then that’s not really a dog. I’m sorry, but can’t handle a real dog (ie GSD, Doberman, et al), can’t handle a real man. The same applies for guys who ONLY love cats; tend to be more effeminate types of guys.
whaaa… those with vicious dogs or “real dogs” are the most weird people ive met…methinks they get those dogs to compensate for somethin somethin
PS cats and that guy with the cat 2x
Wow Matt…perhaps you want to stay away from broad generalizations and sterotypes. Geeze.
neither is better overall, but one may be better suited to a specific person. personally i got for cats lol
I like dogs because they not only poop outdoor’s they don’t climb on your counter tops & tables. They might get on your furniture some but that can be handled. Cat’s will get on everything even if you try to train them not too. Each to thier own tho. I don’t hate cat’s.
I like dogs because they not only poop outdoor’s they don’t climb on your counter tops & tables. They might get on your furniture some but that can be handled. Cat’s will get on everything even if you try to train them not too. Each to thier own tho. I don’t hate cat’s.
BOTH! They get along so well, and even clean up after each other in certain instances.
BOTH! They get along so well, and even clean up after each other in certain instances.
Either way, responsible pet ownership needs to be practiced by everyone. Here in Pittsburgh there seems to be owners whom are being irresponsible with Pitt’s and the dogs are harming innocent people.
Neither!! Having a pet just seems like you are imprisoning an animal in your house for your own emotional benefit. It’s kind of creepy.
Neither!! Having a pet just seems like you are imprisoning an animal in your house for your own emotional benefit. It’s kind of creepy.
Hot dogs fuck man-pussies everytime ;-)~
I have both.. cats and dogs… is really difficult to say cats are better that dog’s … i love both of then they are just different…. both are great in different way,,
That’s a very enlightened view ! I’m impressed !!
A lot of my friends say that cats are easier because they don’t require constant attention. But…why WOULDN’T you want a pet who wants your constant love? Why would you choose a pet that just wants to laze around all day and not pay you attention or acknowledge your care for it? I wish my friends gave me constant validation of me being a good person like my dog does.
cats!!! i like their independence. i can’t deal with puppy eyed men either…give me the independent one please.
People who talk about how much easier it is to have cats should just get themselves an ant farm, and be done with it.
People who talk about how much easier it is to have cats should just get themselves an ant farm, and be done with it.
People who talk about how much easier it is to have cats should just get themselves an ant farm, and be done with it.
lol, “wrestlesex”
If you have to have a “pet” then why would you want one that only wants to be with you when they’re hungry or bored? ;-)lol
That’s why, I’m not heterosexual and, I don’t have children ! lol
It’s so hard to choose! I had kitties growing up and it’s so easy to leave town qith extra food for a weekend and al they do when you get back in town is look at you like “Where the hell have you been” My loverboy got me a puppy for Christmas four years ago and now I don’t know how I lived without a dog. They really love you and NEED you and I’m needy so it works for me.
Dogs..I love dogs. Hate cats. They get hair all of the place and stink-up the place. Dogs run to you. Cats run away.
I’m sure most animals do not mind being ‘imprisoned’ in a house during the cold seasons. Also, some owners actually let their pets outside whenever they want or have doors specifically for that purpose.
Shocking isn’t it?
I like both and it depends entirely upon the animal’s personality. Dogs that are too hyper and clingy are very annoying but cats who are too apathetic are a bore.
I’d feel guilty about leaving a dog indoors all day while at work/school where as cats generally sleep during the day and, depending on where you live, can be let outside at night. But if you live in the city, that’s not an option for either. Dogs generally can come across as being more genuine and affectionate, though.
There are so many pros and cons to both sides…I really think you should have included a ‘both’ or ‘neither’ option.
Really??? I’ve never thought of beastiality when looking at a guy with his pet. Methinks someone has a twisted mind! lol
Really??? I’ve never thought of beastiality when looking at a guy with his pet. Methinks someone has a twisted mind! lol
Very well said!! I totally agree. I love the attention my dog gives me. I’ve been seeing a guy who has a cat. Gets mad if you pet it wrong, wakes you in the middle of the night meowing for food….. Love my “imprisoned” dog. (That’s why he does his job so fast outside so he can get back in to his warm “prison”)……….
Well said again!!! LOL. Great post!!
Totally agree!
I grew up with both. We only had one cat in the house. More trouble than it was worth. Rob, dogs generally sleep during the day as well while you are gone. I have two. A yellow lab and a chihuahua. Love them both. They are very affectionate and great company. I definitely voted for the dogs.
I grew up with both. We only had one cat in the house. More trouble than it was worth. Rob, dogs generally sleep during the day as well while you are gone. I have two. A yellow lab and a chihuahua. Love them both. They are very affectionate and great company. I definitely voted for the dogs.
Imprisoned? As opposed to… I don’t know… let’s say… Starving in the streets or being put to sleep? And what is wrong with having an emotional benefit? I think it works both ways. At least for dogs. I can’t speak for cats since I’ve never owned one myself. My dogs love me. Are always by my side. They sure don’t act imprisoned. That’s a new one! I think God made animals for many reasons. Emotional benefits is DEFINITELY one of them.
Imprisoned? As opposed to… I don’t know… let’s say… Starving in the streets or being put to sleep? And what is wrong with having an emotional benefit? I think it works both ways. At least for dogs. I can’t speak for cats since I’ve never owned one myself. My dogs love me. Are always by my side. They sure don’t act imprisoned. That’s a new one! I think God made animals for many reasons. Emotional benefits is DEFINITELY one of them.
All three of my labs have always slept at night and been active during the day. Only one of them had to be cooped up during the day due to work/school. Canis lupus is not nocturnal. Then again, neither is Felis catus.
Anyways, it’s nice to know that my cat acts more like a human in that it chooses who to love and gravitate towards. Cats are capable of showing extreme happiness through purring and all of mine have always had unique personality quirks that have made them incredibly fun and entertaining to watch and/or play with. My current long haired one likes to hop up on the piano while I play. Never had a dog interested in classical music. haha
I don’t have to bathe, walk, or clip them and they come and go as they please. They clean themselves and don’t smell (despite being let outdoors).
The sweetest animal I’ve ever had was a playful, stray tabby. So when I see these comments about cats not being able to show affection I just have to laugh.
Dogs stink much worse and shed just as much. Cats run away from *YOU*. My cats love me and have no trouble with strangers. If anything, dogs that get hyper just because of strangers are a nuisance. So nice to have your young niece trampled by your lab when they come over to visit.
I have both, and it is such a huge missconception that Cats don’t like you. Yes there are cats who have those horrible stereotype personalities, but just like us gay men they vary. Not every gay man is a raging queen who loves to sing show tunes and dress in women’s clothing like the media portrays us. Not all cats are like that. I have three. Logan & Tygress run to me everyday I come home and give me constant affection. They come when I call them and they are always by my side when I’m at home. They have the typical dog personality. Then I have Angel who does have that distant stereotype personality. She is loving when she wants it. She does not really love me, but then again I am not her true owner. She was my Grandfathers. She loved him and was by his side everyday until he died. She is proof to me that animals do have emotions. She misses him. Her favorite place to sleep is on one of his old coats, because I feel the scent of him on it comforts her. She will wander my house at times like she’s searching for something and will cry out as she does it, and I truly feel she is looking for him. Cats are easier as they basically take care of themselves by using the litterbox which I can clean later. As for all this dumb ass Masc/Fem shit. It’s bull. I have a big dog and a little dog, and cats. So what does that make me? Also the comment about a cat leaving hair everywhere and stinking up the house as an argument on which is better a dog or a cat is stupid too. My short haired Lab mix sheds more then all three of my cats combined. Also have you ever taking a dog out to the restroom in the rain and smelled them when you get home? Wet dog is an awful smell. Plus I don’t have to bath my cats, but I do have to bath my dogs. Now as for their “prison” I tried to take my cats outside one day and they nearly tore me apart trying to get back inside. They did not want out, so they must like their prison. My dogs while outside never get more than 3 feet from me, and that’s when not on a leash. They want to be right next to me. I didn’t train them that way, I have never scolded them for getting to far from me, that is all them. When I go to head back into the house they usually get to the door before me, and are more than ready to get back inside. So that kind of blows that theory out of the water as well.
Am a dog person by nature (and Chinese horoscope as well!). There is always something very reassuring knowing that when I get home, there is someone who is glad to see me no matter what, will always wear their heart on their sleeve, and will always look out for me.
Dogs stink much worse? Really? It’s called a “bath”. lol There is nothing worse than walking into a home with a litter box odor. By the time you leave, your clothes smell like it as well. And, it depends on the breed of dog as to whether it sheds or not. AND, that can be taken care of as well with regular baths. I will agree, however, that it can be a nuisance if a dog gets hyper with strangers, but unlike cats, dogs can be trained. That said, I’d rather be “trampled” by a dog in excitement than hissed and scratched at by a cat.
I have to say that I wonder about all of these comments about how cats don’t need. Why is it so bad that a dog requires attention? If you have issues with something that has needs, I have to question your ability to be committed to someone. Every human has needs. And cats don’t smell?? That is because you have become accustomed to their smell! Trust me! I walk into a home that has a cat, I SMELL it! Every time!
Another question… How is it human to “choose who to love and gravitate towards”? Aren’t we supposed to love everyone? I’ll answer that one. YES!
Well technically cats don’t smell. They really don’t. What you smell is most likely the litterbox, not the cat. It is an actual biological fact that cats have no natural odor on their body. Pick a cat up and sniff it. There is no odor. That’s because the bateria in their saliva kills any odor on their body. It’s to mask them when hunting, so that their prey doesn’t smell them coming, because cats a lone stealth hunters. It’s a fact that I found personally neat, call me a dork if you will, but I still find it neat. If you went in a home that had a Cat Genie, I bet you would never know one every lived there. Dogs do have a natural odor, because they are pack hunters, so there isn’t a need for much stealth, they usually surround the prey, and by the time it smells them, it’s too late, becaus ethey have it surrounded.
I would have to agree with that, James. I guess I should have said this: I would rather smell a WET dog than a litter box. LOL
Wow…lots of interesting opinions on here…this is almost as good as the “which way do you put a roll of poilet paper onto the holder” debate…there is no one answer…it is a matter of choice and preference…
With regards to “cats vs. dogs”, I most definitely choose cats…I was raised on a farm, so I generally like most animals…we had one outside dog, a gazillion “barn cats”, and usually one house cat…if you intend to either stay single the rest of your life or remain in the relationship you are presently in the rest of your life, the choice of pets really does not matter…you are already a “family”…however, for single guys looking to actually date and eventutally get into a relationship, I would say that cats are the better choice…and this comes from lots of experience with dating guys with dogs and/or cats…
A guy with a dog is really limited with regards to going on dates…he has to be home to let out the dog to go “potty”…he cannot spend the night because he has to go home and let the dog out…he cannot go away on a spontanious weekend get-away because he cannot leave out enough food for a weekend…the dog will “inhale” it immediately, then starve the reat of the weekend…not to mention the dog will crap all over the house! So, for single guys who don’t want to remain single, I would say that dogs are not the best choice!
There are specific reasons I have never been much of a dog person (and I am very masculine…you gay guys and your steroetypes…sheesh! I suppose you all also play lots of sports, don’t play with dolls EVER, and think you are “straight acting”)…I have always been a very independent person…I can also be a bit of a “loner”, preferring quite alone time over constant chaos…I don’t feel the need to be “one of the pack”…dogs are pack animals..they NEED to be around others and feel like they are part of a group/pack…that’s not love they are giving you, it is co-dependency! I also have never liked the smell of dogs…yes, you can bath them constantly, but there is a reason they produce those essential oils, so bathing too much can actually HARM the dog! Dogs also seem to constantly want to lick anything and everything…I only want a MAN who does that! Also, there is nothing more annoying than the constant barking/yipping that many dogs do…ugh…I hate going over to visit friends who have dogs…the first thing the dogs do is make a visitor go deaf from the barking, then try to lick whatever flesh is exposed…and that is WITH training! No, give me a cat anyday…and they do show tremendous affection…without being next to you 24/7 like a dog…and little boxes don’t have to smell…but a cat owner also does not have to take the cat outside to go potty a few times a day and then touch the warm shit through a plastic bag right away…talk about disgusting!
So, to sum it all up, I prefer cats over dogs for many reasons…however, I don’t HATE dogs…and any man who can show love for any of God’s many creatures is a man who may even learn to love another man…so I would rather date a guy with a dog than a man who hates all animals!
Dennis in Indiana
Oh, one more thing…those PETA people should stop throwing blood on people who wear fur coats..they should instead concentrate their ire on people in cities, who live in small apartments, yet have large dogs…talk about cruelty to animals! Dogs, especially large dogs, need the open space to exercise and bond with “nature”…to have a large dog trapped in a small apartment all day until the “master” comes home is cruel beyond belief!
Well like I said. If you ever went in a house that had a Cat Genie, you would never smell anything. I have one works wonders, and trust me I have not grown used to the smell. I can smell a litterbox too. The Cat Genie basically works like a toilet, so there is nothing to smell.
I would rather smell a wet dog too, but I would not trade my cats in for dogs, nor would I trade my dogs in for cats. I mean you even posted above that you would want something to love you and not hiss at you or scratch you. Well my cats don’t scratch or hiss at me and they love me just as much as a dog. I think that is the whole point I’m trying to make. Just because the cats you have come in contact with are like that doesn’t mean that all are like that. Just like others who talk about Dogs licking and barking. My Dogs will bark at someone once or twice as soon as they come in, but once in they don’t do it anymore and usually go and lay down some where. They aren’t hyper nor lick the people to death. They may walk up to my visitor and look at them, expecting to be get a pat on the head, but that’s it. I guess, maybe my personality has rubbed off on my pets. If you are a high strung stressed out mess of a person, then chances are you pets will be too, if you are a friendly and loving person, then you pet just might be the same way. I guess the bottomline is, Animals are just like people. They all have different personalities and they are act in different ways, so to lump the whole species into a stereotype isn’t right in my personal opinion. Just like I’m sure most of us gay men hate being lumped into the stereotype of Jack from Will & Grace. Just like not all the people who live in low income areas aren’t all Drug Dealers and Gang Bangers etc.
A dog is a member of the family. A cat is kinetic home decoration.
What, like humans? Dogs are grody.
I normally love dogs and have read the above point and have to agree last year my husband and I where walking home from the movies and came across an adorable Tuxedo Kitten walking down Center Street.
He followed us home and has been a fixture ever since. He follows us around everywhere in the house hates to be alone and is very affectionate. He loves to play and until recently used to fetch and return his toy mouse for us to throw again.
All in all he has become very much a part of your little family and is just as much fun as a dog.
I think it really depends upon the personality of the pet.
Love Dogs but have fallen in love with a cat as well.
I’m allergic to cats but I still much prefer them to dogs. If i ever got a dog, it would be a little one, so why not go with a regular sized cat instead? I feel like cats are mildly affectionate, but that doesn’t mean they’re less so than dogs. Dogs are so wild that they always outright show their feelings. Cats are much more discreet and subtle. That’s why I prefer them. I plan to get one even though I’m allergic. I’ll probably have to take an allergy pill every day but I don’t even care.
You make a very good point. Very well thought out. I had always heard that chihuahuas were yappy dogs, but mine is very quiet. As am I (except when I’m on here, lol). So I would have to agree with you.
To me something that isn’t very capable of higher thought showing me unconditional love isn’t very unconditional. The condition is that they love me just as much as they love going for a walk or their food. It’s too simplistic. Cats are picky and won’t warm up to everyone. That shows me that they at least have some standards. Yeah, they could warm up to you because they want food but none of mine have ever done the whole clingy thing just to get food.
After they warm up to me, they try to get attention but they don’t overdo it. Occasionally hoping up on the counter while I cook, hoping up on the bed while I read, rubbing against my legs/head when I’m sitting at the computer or walking around, etc. I have met very snobby cats but have been fortunate enough not to own any like that.
You don’t have to question my ability to commit to someone. I’m not looking for commitment at 23, Todd. But I will tell you that I am extra sensitive when it comes to taste, smell, and sound. I don’t ever smell litter on them.
On the other hand, my last chocolate lab smelled…well…like a dog. You get accustomed to that smell but it’s not very pleasant to me. She was the sweetest dog I’ve ever had the chance to meet, though. I’d always have her groomed and give her baths frequently. She was a pool dog so I couldn’t let her out back without having her jump in.
I loved her quite a bit and miss her very much which is why I initially stated that I wish Dewitt had included a ‘both’ option. I could not pick between her or my cats. But all these misinformed opinions aren’t acceptable either.
We’re not supposed to love everyone, Todd. There are people we naturally dislike for the most asinine reasons you could think of. You witness it every day on MHB in the comments…I’m surprised you’d say we were meant to love everyone based on that alone.
Guess it’d help to mention that all of my cats have been stray. Maybe there’s a difference in personality between strays and ‘bought’ cats. I can definitely tell they are thankful to have a home, though.
Awww puppies and kitties they are both so cute! I lean to kitties though because dogs can get a little to big and cumbersome at times. But both are adorable!
i suppose cats and dogs both have their respective Pros & Cons — and, as with most things, it’s a matter of interpersonal compatibility.
some cats are good for keeping rodents away.
some dogs are good for keeping certain Human Rodents away.
i know someone who has both.
i have neither, although i might lean towards owning a cat, if i were to.
but i know that some (large-sized) dogs are just lovable!
(as long as they are very intelligent.
i cannot stomach a dumb dog.)
(so, yeah — you could have included “neither”/”both” in the poll.)
it’s all about the knot
Nah, I don’t think that’s it. It’s just what ever personalities they end up with. Logan & Tygress my most loving cats weren’t bought, but were given to me by a friend whos cat had kittens. They look nothing alike, but are siblings and are both very loving. They are the first cats I’ve ever seen who love everyone. They run up to everyone who visits my home and are just very friendly, but their Mother was the same way. Angel, the one who is not all that friendly and picky about pretty much everything was a stray that showed up on my Grandfather’s doorstep as a kitten. So the two nice ones came from a happy home where they had everything and the not so nice one came from the streets. So it is just like with people I think. It’s a role of the dice on what personality they end up with.