Oh, tattoos! Every time we post a picture of a man with some ink, it’s pretty inevitable that someone’s going to complain about it. Generally, this leads to someone else telling the other person to “shut the fuck up” or “get over it”. But this isn’t the time for a debate…
In the past couple of weeks, I’ve been thinking about getting a tattoo, and it only seemed logical to look to you guys for a little inspiration. So without further ado, I have to ask–do any of you have tattoos? Did you regret the choice to get one, or is this something you’re proud of? And last but not least… does the tattoo have a meaning or reason behind it?
– Dewitt
Photo credit: BUTT
I got one on my ass; something novel and meaningful. Gotta love some nice, hot ink! Don’t regret it and will probably get another one some time soon.
I plan on getting one that is a symbol of Hope with the phrase “Vivere bebe est vindicata optima” around it. Tattoos are fine in my book as long as they have a meaning besides just as a piece of art.
I have two (so far). I designed them both, so not only are they unique, but personal. I hate when I read posts here about how ‘an otherwise’ hot guy ‘ruined’ his body with ink. If done properly, they can enhance. I will write that I cannot stand people who get tat’s of ‘tribal’ art or Asian language characters because they think it looks cool (sometimes I think that the artist is fucking with those people and really writing “I’m an asshole” instead of, ‘peace’ lol).
I’ve thought about getting some also, I really think you should decide on what you want and wait 3 or 4 months… you’ll be surprised how much you change your mind. Those tacky things stay with you forever, unless youre willing to spend a lot of money getting it removed.
I’ve gotten three tattoos over the past five years and I still love all of them. However, mine don’t have some special meaning that I’m dying for people to ask me about (because I’m not a pretentious douche); I got mine because I wanted them, they’re body art, end of story.
”Oh, tattoos! Every time we post a picture of a man with some ink, it’s pretty inevitable that someone’s going to complain about it. Generally, this leads to someone else telling the other person to “shut the fuck up” or “get over it”. . .”
i laughed … my ass off when i read that.
(i also noted that you do, sometimes, read our comments.
so i want to take this opportunity to advise you that an “NSFW” picture showed up in the main page in one of your Sponsor ADs — dick-and-balls and everything one could not ever want his {or Her} boss to see.)
i have no Tattoos.
but i think about getting something temporary, just to see what it’d look like, and what reaction it’d garner..
..depending on what happens, i might make`r permanent.
i also believe that some people have some real psychoses regarding otherwise standard-issue tattoos: unless it’s a depiction of something highly grotesque, or similar|such, i see no reason to get into a Tizzy about it.
(heck: if i’m ever lucky enough to get a bodybuilder-class muscle guy to let me suck him off.. ..i think i would definitely make some “allowances” for his Ink, if he happens to have any.)
I have the Golden Apple of Discord tattooed on my back, over my right shoulder blade. On it is written (appropriately) the word ‘Kallisti’, meaning to the most beautiful one. It was the tool by which Eris, the Greek Goddess of Strife, Discord and Chaos caused the Trojan War (the first war among men) – as it was what the three Goddesses were fighting over at the wedding.
I’m also getting a phrase, in greek, that says ‘an army of lovers will never fall’, in remembrance of the Sacred Band of Thebes – which was a greek military unit that fought up until Philip II of Macedonia (Alexander the Great’s father) invaded Greece. It was 145 male-male couples, most lovers some just weirdly close best friends (You know, ‘roommates’) – and they were undefeated until Philip II. At the battle they fell in, most of the theban army turned and ran – but to a man they fought, and more than half of them died in the battle.
Philip II – realizing who he’d beaten on the field – turned to his army and said, ‘Perish the man who believes these men did anything unseemly.’ He had the fallen from the Sacred Band buried together, and allowed the villagers to erect a statue of a lion to mark their grave.
I fucking -love- tattoos, so long as they’re art. And a fire truck inked onto your ass cheek is soooo not art.
I have an eagle’s head with part of the American flag on the upper part of my right arm. I got it done shortly after the first anniversary of 9/11. I don’t regret getting it even though it means I can’t be buried in a Jewish cemetary.
i have 3, but if your not sure about getting one or thinking about one, i would get it done in henna first because it is not perm. so if you end up not liking it being on you it will wash away after awhile, and its not painful because it just darkens your skin allitle when applied
tattoos = turn off
There you go Dewitt. Took 10 comment before a negative. Way to go NEX.
So “shut the fuck up” or “get over it” LOL
Anyway Dewitt, how about a tat on your lower back that says
I don’t mind tattoos on a guy as long as they are not excessive. One or two on the arm or someplace discrete and sexy is fine. Not into all the body art with both arms, both legs, chest and back covered. Then it loses any kind of appeal, sexy or otherwise.
On the hip. It’s an old symbol meaning royalty, but I mostly call it my wonky bullseye. It’s usually hidden and I barely notice it (it’s about the size of a watch face), which is a blessing because I think I’d get tired of seeing the same thing each and every day. I’d say go for something meaningful (and hopefully) aesthetic, but don’t make it obvious: it inspires people towards harsh judgements and I know of friends who get bored of theirs and therefore just end up regretting it.
When I was thinking about getting inked, I called some friends with many tattoos to get their advice. They said “As soon as you decide you want one, wait five years… and if you still want it, then get it.”
I have one on my left shoulder. Got it about 8 yrs ago, still LOVE it, designed it myself, so it’s personal and there are several meanings incorporated into the design. But a warning…once you get one that you love, you’ll want another one. For some reason, that’s always the way.
I have three and to each is their own …Nex.. if you dont like you dont but its a form of art and expression!!!!
So far I’ve only got one, but I love it.
i’m getting more when i have the money. I’d say make sure you love it and get it in a place your comfortable with. just don’t get anything tacky.
I have 3, the first I got on a whim, when I went to visit family in NH. I just decided I wanted a tattoo…ended up looking thru their tat book, and at the time decided the only one I liked was one of a skull with a rose behind where the ear would be. This was in ’94. I’d been thinking of another for a while, and this January, finally found a picture of what would be an incredible tattoo. It’s the hand of God, reaching down, grasping someone’s arm. I will never regret this one. And the third, I got is one of the Gemini symbol. And, I’m thinking I want another.
I love tattooes so much. It’s really disappointing I’m allergic to the ink. I tried getting one once – the results weren’t pretty.
I have one of a panther on my calf. The only one I’ll get. I don’t even think about it. I wear pants all of the time so no one sees it. I like it tho.
i have 27 tattoos and counting.. they range from tacky, scary… to just plain awesome. i dont regret a single one. why regret something if you really want it, life is to short to worry about the perfect tattoo, its art, protection, creative, whatever reason you want a tattoo just do it.
I have five tattoos
1) Chinese Symbol for Friendship
2) Cartoon Black Panter
3) Memorial Tattoo for my grandfather (ship’s wheel)
4) Zodiac sign for Pisces
5) Gay Pride Tattoo
I have a few tattoos..I have two stars on my legs..one is in flames and the other is cover’d in ice..then I have a dragon kanji on my back..a virgo abigram on my chest with stars on both sides..three stars on my shoulders(i really like stars)..my next tattoo is goin to be familia on one side and mi amor on the other side..I love tattoos and if it looks good get it..its for u not everyone else to like(and it didn’t take me three years to decided on them)
Ive got six so far…all well thought out and meaningful to me…5 of them are fairly small and my largest is on the outside of my right calf. Planning a few more…one thing I always take into account is location and whether or not they are easily hidden due to my line of work.
I have a total of 9 Tattoos. I love 5 of them and I honestly want to remove 4 of them.
I got a smiley face devil when I was 21 and now that I’m 31 it is kinda not so cute anymore lol.
I got an arm band way back before they were trendy…then they got cliche. I HATE it now.
I got an Asian dragon as my first tat when I was 20. I loved it for a long time and really wish I didn’t get it now. It is on my forearm and because of that most places that I have worked required me to always wear a long sleeve shirt which sucks in the summer lol.
I do have 5 that I love. One I got for my mother on my shoulder blade. I have the word “SINNER” tattooed down my side (which is my favorite tattoo and it has “meaning” for me).
I have the “AUM” symbol on the back of my neck which I had picked out for about 10 years (i have had the tat for 3) and I love it. {I know what it means and I know what it symbolizes for me}
I have an eye of Horus on my wrist and I even have a piece of “tribal” work on my lower back (yeah it’s a total “tramp stamp” lol) that I had picked out for about 6 years before I got it. I have had it for about 7 years and I still love it.
My Advice to anyone considering a tattoo is to think long and hard before you get one.
Pick out a design or an idea and wait. Come back to it from time to time and see if it is still relevant to you.
Also, do not get something you see often or that is trendy now because what a few people have now may turn into EVERYONE having one…(like my arm band lol )
Even then you may live to regret it.
If you do get a tattoo my advice is to get it where it is easily covered. It’ll save you headaches later.
On A side note I think that tattoos are a PERSONAL decision and whether you want it for the actual artwork or special meaning that is your choice.
If you are turned off by tattoos then keep it to yourself. I mean it isn’t your body so shut up. I like guys with and without tattoos.
I’m still (mentally) designing my first one that I want to get soon. It’ll just end up being my Korean name in Hanja though.
I have no problems with people with tatoo. Everyone has their preferences and lifestyles so I tend to respect everyone. However, I have noticed quite often that if a new guy show up at my workplace with visible tatoos, he will not fit-in and will be dismissed in the very first week. So people still judge those with tatoos and may a lot to a guy. Tatoo is being identified as trouble maker, trash and even criminalized. I dont have one and I do treat everyone the same; but for some young guys, tatoos cost them their future job.
nope and not really into them either… i’d rather a guy show me what he’s about than have to prove himself with a bunch of tattoos…
I’m going to get one soon. It will be a symbol from one of my favorite fantasy books. They symbol represents the magic that allows a character to see into the future. Around the (somewhat) circular symbol will be the words “Vi veri veniversum vivus vici” which translates to, “By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.” It has a lot of meaning to me. Partially having to do with me being gay.
I totally have seven, and I’m only 19. My first tattoo and probably my favorite is my tramp stamp that says “If U Seek Amy” it’s the most slutty and perverse of them all but it’s really fuckin sexy
I have “Pride” is Gaelic on my left forarm, my family crest on my right calf, and the cd cover to Powerman 5000 (its a skull of alien) on my right bicep. The only one that needs work is the skull, im gonna do a scifi half sleeve.
I just got a tattoo 2 weeks ago one my birthday. It’s the letters “MMIX” which stand for 2009 in roman numerals. It’s on the inside of my upper arm. It was the most influential year of my life, where I learned a lot about myself, plus the fact that I came out too…
I think ink is great, in moderation. Plus, tattoos should have meaning, not just be a picture of something cause it’s cool.
I can understand a person falling in love with an image and wanting to “capture” this and carry it around on their body.
However tattoos are a fashion and fashion changes.
I really don’t think that we need tattoos as the male body is a most beautiful looking machine without them.
I am so pleased that I was never, ever tempted to get a tattoo.
I have often and very quietly advised my friends not to “disfigure”their bodies.
Those that listened and walked away from the tattoo parlor have come back to me later, and have said, “thank you”.
I have one tattoo. It’s on my left forearm. Its a cross made of three nails and has a crown of thorns going through it. It has a lot of meaning. Its to remind me how I was raised in the church, and I have had a lot of friends die in my short life on earth, I’m 25, and all of my friends were Christian.So it symbolizes my love for them. Do not regret it at all. Want to get others. They are very addicting. And does not hurt as bad as I thought.
A couple tasteful tattoos I can deal with, but in general, they’re a total turn-off. The human body is a beautiful thing as it is; it doesn’t need a paint job. It’s like taking a magic marker to Michelangelo’s David.
I have a huge tattoo on my upper arm, starting from my shoulder. It’s a Ganesha tattoo, with a gentle face expression.
I got it, because a) I love Indian culture and religion b) it’s the symbol of literature, wisdom and he removes obstacles c) in honor of my uncle a big fan of tattoos.
Everybody loves it, and it attracts Indian guys ( a bonus) I love tattoos in general, especially those with a unique design and a meaning behind it.
I hate tribals, skulls, death, and naked women. Spiderwebs on elbows are totally stupid.
I have several tattoos……….all my own design and I’m proud of and not tired of of all of them. My favorite is my most recent. King Neptune coming out of the ocean with a trident held high in his hand, starts and my hips and goes to mid-thigh.
Andrew, what a great tat…congratulations on coming out and your great 2009!
Michael, if you, and your friends, don’t want tattoos or don’t like them, then so be it. We don’t like it when you make snarky comments about those of us that do.
My tattoo is a lion crest, and a I picked a background I liked for it….a year later I met a man and the background for my tattoo is from HIS family crest. So mine has meaning…it is now our version of our family crest, seven years later.
i have a heart on my arm, chinese on the other meaning peace, my ex’s name on my neck, the gay symbol on my wrist, and a massive pheonix fighting a dragon covering my back, and dolphins on my leg and stars on my other forearm, i love tatts.
5 so far and I have never seen any like mine
1)Gossamer the orange monster from Bugs Bunny
3)Bird Martian from Marvin the Martian
4)Goofy Gopher pulling carrot
5)Black Crow with top hat surrounded by thorn bush and 3 roses(took 5 years to decide on this one)
Tattoos generally means low education or class to me.
well, if That’s the case, L.C., then there are so many members of Government who should be profusely inked, themselves.
if that’s the mindset you want to have about it.
When it comes to whether I would get one: no way. It would just look the worst when you begin to get older.
That said, I don’t mind a guy who has one or two. But truth be told I wouldn’t make a guy with a tattoo my life partner. Tattooed people just come with so many preconceptions and some of them are true. I’m probably not compatible with a dude who has a tat. Too hardcore for me… or something.
I guess I’m the first to comment who is half-covered with tattoos, and whether it’s that or something else, I generally need to carry a stick around to get some peace from guys throwing themselves at me.
I started with one, the design of which I kept on my hard disk for two years and looked at it every now and then to make sure I still like it. That was 11 years ago. Now I have both sleeves, chest and entire back done, plus one on the leg. I’m quite sure I’m going to get more.
In completely unrelated news, Logan McCree is one of my favourite porn stars.
LC I totally agree with your comments.
Tattoos are for common people.
I am too well educated and sophisticated to ever consider one for myself however if it entertains those feeble little minds then OK “boys”, ruin your bodies.
I find many younger,less worldly men are those with tattoos.
Michael you sound like a very intelligent man.
No tattoos here! I’m too scaaared! lol
I know a guy who asked the tattooist for Chinese writing on his body.
The guy at the parlour agreed and went about inking chinky writing up and down the guys legs and arms.
Turned out that the tattooist was looking out the window the whole time at the local chinese restaurant across the road.
The poor idiot walked away afterwards and for here and everafter, had that particular restaurant’s foot path menue adorning his body.
I think from memory it was the day’s specials……..
I rest my case.