By now, you've probably heard about all the crazy shit that's going down in Arizona. A law was recently passed that would allow police officers to ask any individual for proof of legal US residency, solely based on the suspicion that they're in the country illegally. Later, the law was amended to specify that officers could only check someone's status if they've been stopped or arrested for another reason.
Critics of the law say it will lead to racial profiling, while other folks believe it's necessary to crack down on illegal immigration. And I haven't even mentioned the legislation against heavily accented teachers or ethnic studies programs. So without further ado, I must ask… What are your thoughts on all of this?
– Dewitt
why didn’t my previous comment get posted?
too long? tim where are you? is there a comment word limit?
i’ll try again.
well i think there must be another way, its just another excuse for racism and using brown people as the scapegoat class for all the financial worries that is currently being experienced.
firstly if one looks at the main problem- its that there is no longer a viable middle class in the U.S, and the main immigrants if one really has to look at it – that are in competition with the middle class for jobs are Asians, and Indians from India not Hispanics. Even though (Asians and Indians) still should not be blamed.
the middle class is being fooled into thinking that the lower classes made up predominantly of illegal immigrants are the ones taking their jobs away – would any of the people who currently lost work really return to their former standard of living if they got Consuela the maid’s job – who is cleaning toilets for $30 dollars a month? No.
the illegal immigrants and brown people are being made into the scapegoat class, i can’t count the number of times i read, illegals are taking away our jobs – the cause of the current economic downturn, and they are the cause of the healtch care system going down etc etc.
As if Consuela being deported back to Mexico and having her underpaid one dollar an hour job, cleaning toilets going to a US citizen would actually stop the Wallstreet men from stealing millions (Wallstreet being the actual cause of the downturn). So Consuela goes back to Mexico, an American gets her job, and the Wallstreet guy steals another five million and then blames it on another $1 an hour worker.
as if consuela going back to Mexico would stop doctors charging exbortitant rates to treat patients, no people are being lead to believe Consuela going back to Mexico would cause doctors and hospitals to lower their fees – yeah right. if one couldn’t afford the $3000 dollars the doctor was charging for a fairly standard operation before, Consuela going to Mexico isn’t going to solve the problem now.
fourthly it does seem like a lot of racism and profiling going into this:
elin woods comes from sweden, has two anchor babies and gets violent with her husband and shes a matyr, brings nothing into the country in terms of money. where was arizona’s outcry – and there a lot of europeans coming into the country in similar ways – as russian brides and other sorts of similar occupations but they would never be harassed because they don’t fit the racial profile.
change her name to consuela and there would be the usual – these illegals are violent criminals and have anchor babies and bring nothing into the country.
the difference between elin and consuela is consuela would actually be trying to get a job and working to feed her family, but consuela is brown.
also this law opens the floodgates for all types of harassment: if i was a legal or illegal hispanic i would be concerned about it.
situation 1: my eighteen year old brown skinned daughter maria lopez, is legal and so is my family, is at school and theres another kid/bully in class who doesn’t like her, the bully steals her purse with all her papers, calls the cops on her that same day when shes walking home from school, the cops arrest her and are allowed to keep her and question her for up to two days.
hey she looks a lot like maria lopez the illegal immigrant (see where the racial profiling is coming in), same hair, same skin color – she could end up in mexico.
situation 2: similar to situation one: in where brown people are harassed by their neighbors, coworkers who might not like them, and police inefficiency means they end up being in jail with hardened criminals and god knows what might happen.
it sounds like the path nazi germany was on, with people being allowed to “report” on suspicious “jew like” activity.
i was reminded of that saying – first they came for catholics and no one spoke up, then they came for the jews and no one spoke up and then they came for me and no one was left to speak up.
even as a legal hispanic i would be concerned about this law, once all the illegals are gone, and the economic situation doesn’t get better, they are going to need another scapegoat and then its all the other brown people i.e the legacy “anchor” babies that will be targeted – they fit the racial profile after all.
part 1
to be continued if tim and andy don’t moderate too much
I say bravo to Arizona for having to audacity to actually defend its border.
Cheers to AZ! NO ONE has the right to be in this country, or any other country, illegally. My ancestors came here legally. They learned the language. They got jobs and supported themselves. As a legal citizen of the United States, I say to all the illegals, of any skin color, go back to where you belong, but feel free to come back LEGALLY!
I think Immigration is a tricky, hot-button subject, but I applaud Arizona for taking action. Whether or not people agree with it, finally someone is DOING something, because inaction-so-as-not-to-offend-anyone hasn’t exactly been working all that well.
I think the solution to the illegal immigration problem is two-fold. Simply put, we have to make it less attractive to immigrate here illegally. Our borders are too weak, yes, but it’s also too fucking easy for employers to give jobs that Americans WOULD work to illegals just so they can pay them less money under-the-table and NOT pay taxes on them. I mean, I was born and raised in Southern California, but I’m in Philadelphia now and even here it’s a joke. I’ve worked in restaurants for years to pay my way through school and I can tell you one thing: try finding a back-of-the-house job in the restaurant industry in this country. Damn near impossible.
We need to a) actually ENFORCE the laws that we have to make it tougher to immigrate here illegally, and b) Make it more difficult for employers to KNOWINGLY hire illegal immigrants. Arizona has taken a big step toward tackling A.
I don’t think this will lead to a general hatred of “brown people” as the poster above me insinuates. Hell, this country WAS built on immigrants. It’s a matter of maintaining our border and economy, and doing it LEGALLY. Afterall, illegal immigration makes LEGAL immigration a much more difficult process than it has to be.
My aunt lives in Az. As she said to me: once we toss out all the ‘illegals’ and everyone realizes there is no one around to do any building or harvesting and houses cost twice as much to build, take three times as long to build and food costs four times as much peole will realize how foolish this law is. Everyone wants everything cheap but are targeting the same people that make that happen.
Wake up white America (sorry for the specific but it applies for the most part) you can’t overrun an occupied space yourself, commit genocide and then bitch when it is done to you albeit without the genocide part.
I find it interesting that the two comments supporting Arizona make no mention of the race of those illegally entering our country (save one, which says, correctly, that it doesn’t matter), while those who criticize the state’s decision bring it up continually.
Before commenting any more on this issue, make sure you understand two key points. First, try to find out exactly why Arizona made this decision (hint: it had very little to do with jobs). Second, find out how our neighbor to the south treats foreigners who enter their nation, either legally (i.e., tourists/workers) or illegally.
To Micilob (and others of the same ilk), let me remind you that it was the darker skinned peoples that were here first for some, oh – 40,000 years or so. WHITE people were the ones who aggressively took over these continents from the darker peoples. Whom do you think were the “illegal” immigrants in that scenario?
Also, a person cannot be illegal (or illegals), rather they are performing an illegal act (BTW, I’m a white bisexual man who works for law enforcement). Let’s think back to the heady days when police would routinely break into “gay” bars & detain, beat, & jail homosexuals for NO reason other than they were gay (under vagrancy laws. How someone could be a vagrant in a private establishment is beyond me).
The more we continue to seperate fellow human beings into “undersirable” catagories, the easier it will be to make them less human.
And remember, Arizona was literally founded itself by persons commiting illegal acts – by murdering, robbing & raping the folks that had been there since before recorded history. Get off your damed high horses.
you do know there are tons of people coming from Asia, India, Europe, and then you moan about race not being part of the arguement but then you say our “neighbor to the south”.
no one moans about the asians, europeans, indians who tend to “steal” jobs from the middle class, the higher paying and earning jobs.
are things really going to get better, if a ton of people earning $50 dollars a month are targeted and sent back – i don’t think so.
i think there should be border control – but whether you are elin woods or consuela – you should have an equal chance of being questioned and made to “show” your papers and the way this law is leaning is that it is only targeting consuela or consuela like people.
even if the legal hispanics are higher up on the ladder, the point is that they are still on the racial profiling ladder and once the lower rungs are removed and the economic situation is still not solved, the next people on the ladder to be handled will be the other brown people.
to DAK1975
it makes me so happy that someone can be so full of common sense, brief and concise.
i would have guessed that gay, bisexual people that visit this site would be more in touch with their human side, being judged on a daily bases for something that they can’t change.
but apparently not, i guess you can have the answer to life (42) in your hands and not see it if you don’t want to.
i remember reading about the holocaust, and thinking how could people let this happen? we’re so ahead of this..
people are still blind and full of hatred.
i wish many people could know the fear of having your mom not come back from the supermarket, or see how your 14 year old brother can’t do normal teenage activities like going to the mall or hanging out because you never know if they’re going to run across someone like Micilob, or Brandon.
my family like many others doesn’t take anything from you, we pay taxes and don’t get them back, we literally aren’t allowed to get sick, we have honest jobs and contribute.
i think what’s going on is discussing and a step back in history.
we, humans fucking suck.
How is defending one’s borders against an illegal entry “a step backwards”?
firstly the word “defense” – i wasn’t aware the us was at war with anyone.
secondly yes the borders and the other illegal channels need to be monitored – i think it was vip biden who once made a joke about indians.
indians from india are actually the largest growing foreign population in delaware and i’m sure many of the indians from india are also not there legally.
wheres all the speak about “control” etc etc, there was a huge outcry when biden made the joke about racial profiling.
point is – theres no harm in trying to legalize immigration – i think its a good thing.
but whether you are consuela, elin woods or indira from india – you should face the same scrutiny.
and the law definitely is targeting one specific group of people, and building up hatred against one group of people and making them the scapegoat for all the problems that can possibly be linked to them.
healthcare and illegals – are the problems with huge medical fees going to be solved if illegals go home? NO.
jobs – the hispanic illegals tend to do very, very low paying jobs, the guy that flew his plane into the government building was an engineer – he wouldn’t be too happy if consuela went home and he got a $50 dollar a month job cleaning toilets – contrary to the current illegals from mexico steal “our” jobs – they take jobs no one would do and are underpaid for doing them.
theres no harm in preventing illegal immigration from ALL avenues and ALL colors.
but lets also be real and not blame all the problems on illegal immigrants
Alex, it’s been well established that these border crossings are used by all sorts of people entering illegally, including those who entered MEXICO illegally in order to make their attempts to enter the US.
You are correct that immigration reform is needed, but remember that in order to best way to deal with a hole in a wall is to plug the hole first, then deal with whatever made it inside.
I think this law should also be discussed with some of the others up for consideration in Arizona.
-Not allowing teachers with thick accents to teach English in their schools.
-Dismantling university programs that focus on ethnicity, like Chicano Studies programs.
The larger picture does not scream “protecting our border” it screams “we don’t like brown folk”
People always are looking for something to blame for their problems. Like all these people could be shot on site and that would be ok because “we are defending our borders” The system is the problem, not the people. If an individual can come over here and really make a life for themselves without being a citizen then it’s the system that needs to change. This country was built on immigrants and we have the audacity to act superior to others. Sure they are coming over here but who employs them? Pays them? Grant’s medical care? etc etc. We do.
This law reminds me of a quote…attributed to Martin Niemoller. But I’ve re-worded to make it relevant to this discussion and this site.
“THEY CAME FIRST for the Latinos,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Latino.
THEN THEY CAME for the Gays,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t gay.
THEN THEY CAME for the Native Americans, Blacks and Asians and I didn’t speak up because I am not any of those.
and by that time no one was left to speak up.”
The problem with such laws is that it inspires other to expand on such laws…and if a politician tells you otherwise…ask yourself..has a politician ever lied?
Whoa racism on MH… who would have known!?
… and for those who say they claim they came to this country legally, you forget that the US stole half its nation from Mexico half of the US is named in Spanish. So we haven’t been exactly nice to the world.
And Immigration keeps a nation alive and thriving, the day people don’t wanna move here is the death of this nation. Im sure like Alex said (even though just calling people brown isn’t very PC) you wouldn’t want Consuelo’s job of $30 cleaning toilets. And somebody has to do it.
Not to mention the pilgrims were Illegals on this native american land too, and this nation proceeded to wipe them out. Im sorry but I don’t think the real intention of these laws is good.
i’m never very pc dan
but alot of people are seeing this law as being biased towards people (immigrants and otherwise) of a certain color i.e brown skinned hispanic looking people.
take this situation, elin nordgren, none rich woman gets a job as a nanny working for a fellow swede parvenick, eventually marries, has two kids and apparently gets violent with her us citizen husband.
all good shes a saint – wonderful woman.
consuela comes in, to work as a nanny for a legal hispanic family (then the story is – those hispanics always get their friends in, you legalize one and then they get their friends in), marries a legal us citizen and has “anchor” babies. attacks him about cheating – and then its – those hispanics always such violent people.
the difference between those two stories is a skin color.
if a swede with a thick accent is teaching at a university or a school, are they going to be told there is no longer work for them? highly doubtful.
is heidi klum going to have to stop presenting project runway because of her thick accent.
highly doubtful.
so there is a large amount of racial profiling and baiting going into this law, thats where the objections are coming in.
also yes many people do agree with border control but don’t make the hispanic illegals responsible for things Wallstreet caused or health care which is the fault of high doctors bills which won’t come down if the illegals are deported.
also the assumption that all other illegal immigrants in terms of european, asian, indian are all bringing jobs and money into the country – which more often than not is not the case.
How about we just admit that “protecting out borders” is really a euphemism for saying, “We’ve got ours; to hell with the rest of them!” The gall of those on here who place so much value on immigrants being “legal” and following the law. How many of you were following the law when gay sex was illegal? At what point to we look beyond the law and ask a bit about human rights and basic needs?
noone is illegal, we are all humans!
Cheers to AAA, we ARE all humans.
First of all, no one is taking into aspect all the other ridiculous and stupid laws that the republican majority Arizona legislation has put into place, which by the way, will all cost Arizona so much money because of how unconstitutional they are.
Second of all, the law that was put into place has been put into place by the federal government, all that was required was that anyone who was found to be illegal was handed over to the federal government for further investigation.
Third of all, get over yourselves, if you don’t think it is racist do your research, the background behind the bill is one of the most racist trails one can ever have. The bill was written by Kris Kobach who is a long, associated figure for FAIR, which is funded by the white-nationalist Pioneer Fund. If you don’t know what the Pioneer Fund is- its main priority is to find the varying IQ among races and has a lot of support from various pro-Nazis.
And last, but not least, do any of you know what kind of shape Mexico is in? It is basically run and powered by violent drug cartels who will kill anyone or anything that get in their way. If I lived in a country that was like that, I would find any way necessary to get out of my country, too.
Again, read the bill, do your research and then feel free to partake in a debate.
Also, I live in Arizona. Am I an illegal?
A) People really need to stop making the “Americans stole Native American Land” argument – it’s not new and everyone already knows – you don’t seem intelligent because you said it.
B) I agree with everyone that says this nation was built on immigration, it’s obvious and I don’t think anybody would disagree with you. But you seem to be missing the point…the issue here is not immigration it’s ILLEGAL immigration
C) Everyone keeps talking about racial profiling and well, let’s face it, it’s gonna happen – nobody’s accusing Hans of Switzerland of being in Arizona illegally – the problem is Hector from Mexico
D) Just like Cheers Micilob said “My ancestors came here legally. They learned the language. They got jobs and supported themselves. As a legal citizen of the United States, I say to all the illegals, of any skin color, go back to where you belong, but feel free to come back LEGALLY!” My grandparents came to a country in which they didn’t understand the language and culture but the learned and worked hard.
why am i being moderated?
Nathaniel thats where the racism is coming in your point C)
question heidi klum speaks with a very thick German accent, is arizona going to stop broadcasting shows that heidi presents because her what $50000 dollar a month job could go to a us citizen, and shes guilty of the “heavy accent” thing. NOPE and it seems her $50000 dollar a month job would be way more beneficial to a us citizen than consuela’s $30 toilet cleaning job would.
thats the problem right there – you are saying hans from switzerland is not a problem just saying it doesn’t make it true – there are probably tons of hans that are also illegally here or outstaying their visa permits but they’d never get questioned because they are too white to be considered a problem.
yes your grandparents probably came to the us and were not harassed or called names and your parents were not called anchor babies either.
in a couple of generations time, elin woods grandkids might be saying the same things as you are, but then elin would never have been questioned even if her visa was not current or permanent or subject to racial profiling
say bravo to Arizona for having the balls to actually defend its border.
To NathanielB… “A) People really need to stop making the “Americans stole Native American Land” argument – it’s not new and everyone already knows – you don’t seem intelligent because you said it.”
Well, just because ‘everyone’ knows about it, does that make it right? No, I don’t feel intelligent for pointing that out, but just because someone points out old knowledge doesn’t make it less atrocious.
This land was taken by force from the rightful inhabitants. Turn the tables. If lily white folks were trying to escape to a place where most people had more skin pigments because of the exact same reasons, would you be so quick to judge so harshly? Or, would you rather try to stick up for them because they’re just trying to get a better life for themselves? Wait… that supposedly already happened! Circa 1600’s when the whitest people ever came over (emmigrated – as it were) to find a better life & “escape” religious persecution & eventually found a racist & persecutorial nation of their own.
Damned doubled standards. If you’re white & forcefully take someones land, then you’re just doing gods will by showing your racial superiority over the “darkies”, but if your darker & trying to do the same… ugh.
look at the health care crisis, budget crisis, education crisis, etc., in our border states and beyond and it’s our ridiculous approach to not enforce our existing immigration laws. We have done mass round ups of illegals numerous times (last time in 50s) to no detriment to the economy and often in order to turn around the economy. We’re at 10% unemployment — turn these jobs back over to those here legally, citizen or not.
Then, let’s strengthen our immigration laws to match that of mexico. Don’t flame but research what the mexico immigration laws are. Now that’s a government that’s putting their country and their citizens first.
@carter steele
yes i’m looking at the healthcare crisis, the education crisis and the budget crisis but i fail to see how that will be resolved by deporting illegal immigrants.
yes illegal immigration needs to be handled but its this – you know if only those illegals who are earning thirty dollars a month are deported, then i’d be able to afford the overpriced doctor’s fees which he still isn’t bringing down – thinking that i don’t agree with. one might as well say if they are deported gays will get rights. if one can’t afford a doctor’s bill thats over $3000 dollars for a standard operation now, how is that going to change once a few 100 illegal immigrants earning less than $3000 dollars a month combined, going to solve that problem of mine?
solving one problem like illegal immigration doesn’t mean education, budget and healthcare will then will great.
wallstreet greed won’t be solved by deporting illegal immigrants – thats where many people feel that they are becoming the scapegoat class.
why just mexico’s immigration laws, lets look at saudi’s immigration laws since many terrorists or suspected terrorists are immigrating and theres absolutely nothing stopping them from doing it – they can even carry guns.
and as i said there are many european visitors that may also be overstaying their welcome and yet no outcry
it’s about time this happened. we have too many illegal people living in this country who expect to get free health care plus free food and housing. when you come into this country you are expected to learn the language respect, our laws,and honor the american way. not the hispanic way, chinese,muslim, or any other country, when you enter these borders you leave all your former country’s rules behind. now it’s this country’s rules and regulations you must follow. our fore fathers wrote the laws for american citizens not afro-american, hispanic americans, or any 1907 the president declared all are welcome here but you must follow all our laws and traditions. you are virtually all deserters of your own kinds country’s. there is only one true american. and that is someone who is born here period. GOD BLESS AMERICA
Our President must be able to relate when his citizenship is still hotly contested too! Everybody who’s not white should just be worried that tommorow they could be next. Isn’t this how Nazi Germany began?
if you want to stop mexicans from coming to america, then you’re focusing on the wrong country! you need to send american officials to mexico so that they can see the situation firsthand and come up with actual realworld solutions at to what could be done…
they need industry, education, jobs, etc. why not make theiir country a decent place for them so they won’t have to flood across the border in droves? it’s a horrible thought to think about having to leave your own country/culture behind just b/c you can’t find a decent job or housing…
some of my best friends are hispanic and i get mistaken for a certain hispanic nationality so i know what it’s like to have people assume things about you…
one of my BEST teachers ever was from south america and she has the thickest accent in the world. but she cares about her students (current and past) equally and her accent never became an issue.
Build an Ellis Island like facility on the border with Mexico. Process everyone through that wants to come to America within reasonable immigration guidelines. Let them get jobs and pay taxes. Problem solved for those with honest intentions.
But what about all the drug connected people that will still come through illegally because they don’t have honest intentions? There’s a little inconvenient reality you racial crybabies don’t seem to consider.
Illegal is illegal. Arizona has every right to do what they’ve done. I don’t care what our dumbass president or anybody else says.
First of all, the US PAID for the land that WAS a part of Mexico! You aren’t doing your research! 19 million back then, if my figure is correct.
The other argument was made that he only mentioned the Mexican border, not the ones from wherever else they are coming from. SO WHAT! THOSE COUNTRIES have laws keeping illegals out!
It is NOT America’s job to fix Mexico’s problems, afersakajamie! We have our own to fix! WE NEED INDUSTRY AND JOBS! UGH! THINK MAN!
And one more thing! “Consuela” is NOT working for 30 dollars a week! You don’t know jack squat!
GO ANN! And I love your post, GM.
Apparently this site is swarming with people(?) who think that anything “legal” must be “right.” If only the world were so black and white….
BTW guys … the new Health Care plan for the US is now LEGAL. It’s THE LAW! Better start insisting that everyone on here defend it!
Eventually this country has to look at the source of the problem. What kinda system do we have here in America that is allowing illegal aliens to thrive? If you could go to another country and not have to be a citizen to reap all that country has to offer wouldn’t you.
This reminds me of Gangs of New York when the irish were persecuted for immigrating to NY by the so called “natives”.
…and how do you feel about that?
@tam okay and? countries have problems, people have problems that doesn’t mean that they can’t help other people out. you, my friend are pennywise and pound foolish… how much would it cost to set up computer centres, job training facilities, factories, etc in mexico? alot less than it costs to take care of undocumented people once they get here!
it’s about money plain and simple: give the people a decent opportunity in their own country and they won’t be forced to come here. when you come to a new country you’re not just leaving your family you’re leaving your culture. you have no idea how damaging the american culture is to non-americans. have you ever thought about why people are always trying to attack us? because american culture is so backward, selfish and hedonistic…
we can’t continue to be selfish and espect things to change. that’s the reason why we’re in the situation that we are in: business execs were being selfish and greedy… and look at the position that this country is in now because of it…
i have friends who are from latin america and people are constantly trying to take advantage of them: low wages, robbing them and sexual situations. it’s not other hispanics who are doing this to them; it’s middle-aged, horny, closet case white american males! now they wouldn’t have to deal with that if they were back in their own country…..
i mentioned race and now i’m a liberal? interesting… so if i talk about soap operas does that mean im a fat, white, housewife?
I love that we tell illegals to get out of this country because they are “stealing” jobs that americans can do, yet we don’t tell american companies that move their business to other countries for cheaper labor to move back here.
I think it’s funny that the only people in this discussion who are being rude, dismissive, and borderline racist are the people arguing AGAINST the Arizona legislation. And, as a gay man, I am more than personally offended that people are insinuating that I should naturally side with illegal immigrants because my people have been persecuted against for something they couldn’t change. Last time I checked, nobody was holding a gun up to Jorge’s head and forcing him to immigrate illegally.
Look, the problem with this debate is that people make it too personal, and admittedly it’s kinda hard not to. But, I think it’s important to remember that, as someone said earlier, nobody is arguing AGAINST immigration period. It’s ILLEGAL immigration that’s the debate.
Illegal immigration introduces a sizable amount of people who tax our economy without being able to contribute any documented amount in taxes.
Illegal immigrants take jobs. And no, nodody is talking about “Conseula” working a 50 buck a month job that doesn’t actually exist. But REAL PAYING JOBS. Back-of-the-house jobs. Small business labor positions. All these job markets are being lost to a work force that is increasingly willing to work for pennies, have no rights to violate, and go undocumented.
And, most important to me, illegal immigration makes LEGAL immigration into this country a more difficult and selective process than it has to be.
Nobody is arguing against immigration. Nobody is directing hatred toward “brown people.” Lets keep this civil. If you come to this country legally, more power to you, I (and most people) will look at you as an American citizen on equal par with the rest of us. This country was founded on immigrants, after all. But illegal immigrants is a problem. Heck, most of the positives of illegal immigration are only positives because they circumvent the law (cheap labor)! Due process should be followed, and laws should be enforced. It’s logic that’s damn-near impossible to argue, which is why so many people resort to making it personal, and throwing out terms like “brown people” and the ever-popular “Consuela” BS analogy.
What so few people realize is that we shouldn’t be blaming the illegal immigrants. Why did they come here? For a “better life,” or what they would consider one. And how are they going to get that? By getting a job.
And therein lies the rub: agencies and businesses to reap the benefits of illegal immigrants are the ones who are increasing the number of said illegal immigrants. By offering them jobs without paperwork, we exacerbate the problem.
Hold the businesses accountable for their actions; crack down on paperwork in the workplace. Then see how many illegal immigrants we have in the country. My guess: it will be drastically reduced because they will have nothing.
WE ARE ALL AMERICAN…NOT JUST THE U.S. IS AMERICAN…THINK ABOUT IT…NORTH AMERICA, SOUTH AMERICA, CENTRAL AMERICA…WE ARE ALL AMERICAN! And I have experienced lots of racism being a Latino in the midwest…just because of my skin color. People have asked how I got my job and and where the hell I’m from…so there will always be racism. But all you can do is EDUCATE THE IGNORANT instead of yell at them and be as low as them. Show them you are better than they think you are. Show them you are more educated than them….The best revenge is success.
I LOVE my country and it’s not a bad place to live/spend vacations in. Mexico have a lot of problems and life colud be harder to live, but it’s a nice and worm place, and people here are the nicest.
This law was obviously brought in too prematurely. There was not enough research done to obtain it’s said goal without interfering with the lives of the American people. Whether you accept it, or not, this law will bring forth racial profiling to several thousands of illegals and Americans! Corrupt law enforcers will use this new law as a scapegoat to stop any individual they choose. As a result several Americans will be harassed daily simply based on their appearance. The daily trip to work, school, or recreation can now be interrupted because an officer wants to know if you are here legally. Those of you whom believe this law is the solution, place yourself in a similar situation. Would you promote a law that can indirectly target you based on the your image, income, or sexual orientation? It is evident that such a law is not the solution to a problem that has been present for several years and that its establishment was a poorly thought solution. Also those of you whom are for such a law, please realize that the people you support are those whom also are working in making sure that we as Gay individuals do not obtain the same rights that the heterosexual American families have. Most of them being highly conservative right-wing men.
my my..’s not often when i see other people here be as verbose as i can.
i might have to pop a bag of popcorn to eat while going through all these comments!
it’s likely that anything i might have to declare has already been said.., i’ll hold off, for now.
oh please, its not about racism look how quickly when i spoke about hans in switzerland – i was told hans will NEVER be a problem.
because white automatically brings good things in – or at least its assumed that they do.
elin woods coming in as a nanny working for a fellow swede, having a few anchor babies – what did she bring into the country, heidi klum with the thick accent taking away a $50000 dollar job from a u.s citizen is no problem but consuela the maid’s $50 a month job is.
i mean what the hell is the legislation against accented people about – thats targeting people who are LEGAL(really its about brown), thats so unfair and will Arizona stop broadcasting Heidi on Project Runway.
no if your accent is as thick as Heidis, or Hans from Switzerland then its never a problem.
please this law is all about racism
That’s right, that’s right, WHITE POWER! Keep the brown folk out of my country! I don’t speak your ching-chong language, can’t understand you, go back to Mexico, WHITE POWER! I think forgetting history and acting impulsively is the way to go here, and in all similar cases! The Holocaust never happened! Populism! Nativism! Tea Party! My lip gloss be poppin’, y’all! And most importantly… WHITE POWER!!
I live in Arizona, I’m Latino… I think this is just legalization of racial profiling to be straight to the point
well, welcome to what it’s been like to be black since…well, forever.
I was born in this country, vote in every election and probably pay more taxes then many of the people complaining. I am offended that I can be pulled over or stopped walking down the street because of the way I look. My mother lives in Arizona and it pisses me off that she could get stopped because of the way she looks and talks even though she has been a citizen since she was 12. Immigration is a federal jurisdiction, not a states. If Arizona wants to become its own country, then let it do so and then there will be no question about the laws they want to write. This is just another example of the majority being wrong, does anyone remember California’s Prop 8?
I live in Glendale AZ which is part of the Phoenix Metro area. Racism is already here. The Sheriff of Maricopa County (PHX Metro area) routinely sets up roadblocks in predominately Hispanic areas or places where they are most likely going to be and then makes everyone prove that they are US citizens. He also goes into malls or shopping areas and makes all Latinos prove their citizenship. Most of the Latinos that entered our country through Mexico (not all illegals that enter through Mexico are Mexican) did so at the border crossing at Nogales (AZ/MEX) and simply didn’t go back home. Most have been here for many years and have raised families. A majority of them are paying rent or buying homes. They pay sales, gasoline and other taxes. They buy goods and services in our stores. They have Doctors, Dentists, Nurses and medical facilities provided by other Latinos (the majority DO NOT get health care at our expense by going to the hospital). The 460,000 or so “illegals” in AZ contribute more than their share to the local economy. Suddenly now the US wants them out. What AZ is doing to the “illegals” is a crime. By the way, I am a conservative Republican, but this criminalization of the “illegals” in AZ is inhumane.
Isn’t it at least interesting that though there are millions of “illegals” in the US; so far all of the terrorists have entered the US with valid passports or visas through international airports.
Hi dewitt I want you to reach me I’m a guy but I’m using my sisters email but please when you get tha chance I want you too email me
I wish all states would pass laws similar to AZs! What part of illegal immigrant do you liberal queers not understand? If they are legal, they show their papers and move on. What is so bad about that? I don’t want illegal immigrants using my tax money. I want unmarried women, who can’t support their 3 children from 3 different fathers to get my tax dollars!
Its funny how people didn’t care when Congress passed this law nearly 20 years ago. But when Arizona passes the law, SUDDENLY, like a EUREKA moment, the public says: Its an EVIL law!!! Meanwhile this law is nothing compared to the EXTREME and HARSH laws that Mexico has for people that cross its border illegally. I believe its 10 years hard labor in prison.