As someone who grew up in a household full of women, there is one habit that’s always stuck with me–putting the toilet scene down when I’m done peeing. This practice has baffled former boyfriends and male roommates. They say to me, “Hey Dewitt! We’re two dudes. We pee standing up. Why do you keep doing that shit?”
I really don’t know how to answer that question. It’s become such a routine that I don’t even think about it while I’m doing it. In fact, it would be difficult for me to leave the bathroom without putting the seat down. It just wouldn’t feel right, you know?
In any case, after discussing this topic with several male friends–straight and gay alike–I’ve come to the conclusion that there really isn’t any conclusion to this matter. No one seems to agree on the concept of male toilet etiquette. Where do you stand? It’s okay if you don’t have an answer. Perhaps you’d rather just masturbate to these semi-related pictures of Tommy Defendi pissing on Kennedy Carter and Jake Tyler…
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Fetish Force
To check out Tommy Defendi, Kennedy Carter and Jake Tyler in action, follow the JUMP:
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It is not a given that simply because you are a male you pee standing up. I pee sitting down because that’s how I prefer to pee, and I know other guys who do the same. Just sayin’
hmmmm gross yuk
Even if we pee standing up, we sure don’t shit that way….
I agree with Naughty.
But I will add this… I grew up with four older women, so I was born doing all sorts of things that didn’t make sense. Then throw in my stepmother…! She was the type where, if I made toast, and changed the setting, I had to change it back after so that it’d be on her setting the next time she made toast.
The toilet’s the same way. If we just decide, hey, the LOGICAL thing is to check the seat before you do what you need to do, it doesn’t matter. If you used the seat down, leave it down, and if you used it upright, leave it upright. Otherwise, you’re just feeding the ego of someone who thinks their time is worth more than yours, and isn’t interested in doing the same for you.
The toloit “seat” comes with a Lid. Ever notice no one shuts the Lid? Why would anyone want to walk into a Lavatory to see this gapping hole of water? Seat AND Lid down.
see, i never understood why most girls couldnt LOOK before they sat. my mother is pedantic about germs, so we always had a can of disinfectant to spray the toilet seat before or after we sat so we wouldnt spread germs (not as crazy as it sounds. we had a big family, and once one of us got sick, EVERYONE got sick. disinfectant helps_
I put the seat down and close the lid, because I hate seeing into the toilet when I’m not using it. It just fits better that way
I always thought the “toilet seat down” thing was just something you found in sitcoms. I had four sisters growing up and we didn’t have any rules about it. We just looked before we used the toilet.
i don’t think it really matters how you find the toilet seat, it takes so little time to fix it, you waste more time bitching about that millisecond of effort, for the record, i always leave the seat and lid closed, i don’t think i’ve ever heard a complaint
I am one of those pedantic people.. the seat and lid must be down when finished doing whatever.. it look neater and far more asthetic than a lid up with a bit of left over floating around..
Well, regarding peeing on someone, YUK,YUK, YUK.
The toilet seat should be put down and closed!
It’s not the most attractive item in the bathroom.
BTW, I’d rather sit.
I grew up with sisters. It was common to keep the seat down, because the majority of the people in the house were women. When I only had male roomates, we kept the seat up.
These pics are hot, would love to be in on that scene!
Seat and lid down. Just because we are dudes, don’t mean we gotta live all nasty.
Seat AND lid down most of the time. Seat down at all times unless I decide to stand. Sometimes in the middle of night I sit because I don’t want to turn on bright lights (the nightlight provides SOME)and I’d rather not pee on my foot or the floor because I wasn’t quite awake!
If you’re with a woman who nags all the time about putting the seat down – put the lid down too. Then she’ll still have to lift something!!
By the way, as you age, sitting becomes preferable because of the W&DF (waiting and dribbling factor)!
I keep mine down when I am not using it for 3 reasons.
1. I have cats who like to play in the water.
2. It keeps things from getting knocked off into the water.
3. When you flush, germs can become airborne, keeping the lid down reduces that change.
i dont even lift the seat when i pee…im just that good
First of all, peeing on people is pretty fucking nasty… I don’t understand why people like it.
Concerning toilet seats, LEAVE THEM UP. If it’s down and you have to pee, you lift it up. If it’s up and you have to shit, you put it back down. You can leave it however you want, but I think it’s bull that girls get mad when you don’t put it down. And then they get mad if you pee when without lifting it up. wtf. It’s easier to bring it back down… you have gravity helping you!
Well-raised people close their toilets when they are not in use. Not just toilet seat down, but also lid closed.
Seat AND lid go down in my house.
Partly because of the cat, but also it feels more hygienic and aesthetic.
Agree w/Bill
seat goes dwn & lid goes dwn … just something about a bathroom that’s just not neat even with lid up!
I just piss in the sink and don’t worry about it.
LOL @ The Doc!!
I agree, it doesn’t matter, not worth the fight and you should look before you do anything anyways.
But, if you were going to make a rule, it should be seat and lid down BEFORE you flush. Jason is right, the mechanics of flushing means that the urine and fecal matter become aerosolized. So it gets on you, the clothes your wearing and all the surrounding surfaces.
the real question should be do you close the lid or not when done
Seat and LID are to be down after each use.
For decency’s sake, the well pedigreed only pee on each other in the bathtub!
I agree with Parks – seat and lid down after each use. That way, you don’t get little yellow spatters on your wall when you flush (yes, it happens)
I grew up in a house full of boys and then there was my mother. We were a rough bunch of boys but the one thing that must be done was to put the seat down or it was gunna get ugly if she was to ever fall in the toilet in the middle of the night, so now that I work in health care with a bunch of women, they appreciated it! Everything has its good points.
I also grew up with a household of women and never understood why it was up to me to act because they never bothered to look. You want equality but in the same breath want to be treated different and special!!!
Ultimately the seat question was decided by the dogs in the house – Irish Setters. They are notorious for that long, deep drink from the bowl then wanting to come give you a kiss. Still, the women manage to not sit and piss on the closed lid so why not deal with the raised seat?
We also know of airborn e-coli now so the seat, lid and all, stays down. I’m not touchy about that subject – at all! lol
Mark me down as agreeing with the proper toilet ettiquette of the seat AND lid being put down after each use. Toilets have lids for a reason! If you’re too damn lazy to do this, get a urinal.
I read when I was younger that when you flush it makes the piss/shit molecules float around the bathroom (which is why leaving your toothbrush just out there isn’t a good idea).
Thank you for the WS pics!
I’m so interested by how many people commented on this.
Firstly, very hot pictures, minus the watersports (not my forte).
Secondly, keep it down myself due to large percentage of women in my family, but continue to keep it down out of habit and sensibility.
Seat and lid up. Quick in and out.
WS pics and shots were hot!
LOL DOC … I leave the seat down have pets Use 2 find my kitten standing up N the bowl and my German Shepard seems 2 find the water quite refreshing LOL !!! That pissing SHIT is down right DISGUSTING 🙁 🙁 🙁
Well, putting the seat down is actually healthier in that fecal matter won’t float out as you flush (small amounts, yes, but they add up).
I heard a comedian do a joke something like, “They expect us to put the seat down again. how come they can’t put it back up when their done?”
Also, very hot pictures!
I am going to repeat what a few other people say, put the seat AND lid down. It is there for a reason. And that way, irregardless of if you live with women or not, everyone has to put something down when they are finished.
Seat and lid down, looks better, things can not fall in, and the floating bacteria thing are my reasons. I never understand guest who find the seat and lid down, use the faciltity and then leave it up. When in Rome do as the Romans do!
First, not into golden showers.
Second, prefer to close the seat and the lid.
This is my biggest pet peeve, whenever I go to someone’s house, and see the lid up. Not interested in the “open bowl” look. Also this is for all realtors during open houses, as well as shows on HGTV, close the DAMN LID!
they both need to be down
I say leave it how you leave it. It seems like more effort to come in each time, raise it up, pee and put it down just to come back in an hour or so to do it all over again. The less I touch the seat the better I like it. That whole “girl thing” is annoying. I have a female friend who I share my work space with and she started that “lid down” thing once and I snapped her up. “You are in male space. If you want it down, put it down but don’t bitch about it being up. You are the minority here.” Bitches. OY. Never came up again.
Love the pics…thanks for those.
This is a pretty stupid topic. Running out of ideas Dewitt?
This use to be an issue for Ann Landers and her female readers. Women complain about sitting down into the water because their husbands wouldn’t put the seat down. Ann said it was about control. I say that a women who is too dumb to check before sitting down deserves a wet ass.
My partner and I keep the lid down because we have limited space in the bathroom, and do not want all the creams, shampoos, and other crap to fall in the pot…
When we get a bigger bathroom, I doubt that we will care one way or another, (as it is the responsibility of the person using the room to check first).
P.S. The piss pics are hawt… 🙂
Guys–you all need new glasses if you can’t pee into that ENORMOUS hole with the seat DOWN.If you dribble on the seat–that is what the toilet paper is for–Clean up your own mess.
to all women who complain about men pissing on toilet seats, women should fucking PUT THE SEAT UP after they use it – then it will be sprinkle free
I think it’s polite to leave the seat down. Regardless of your home situation, it is polite for females and guys shouldn’t be upset about it.
i just hope that you-all who are so adamant about leaving these flaps down after flushing to “contain” the bowl-water spray (for these “hygienic reasons”) also take the time and energy to wipe your toilet flaps clean before you go parking your keisters on them.
each and every time.
no matter how urgent your “need” is at that time: in the name of consistency, of course.
plus, if you want to speak of the ærosolization of waste matter, i imagine that minute particles of urine does find itself sprayed directly onto the business-end of the open-lip lid as you piss — if you’re one of those daring ones who leaves it down during emission.
so, you have that to deal with that, in addition to whatever sprays out and then drips down from the top lid after having concluded your business.
that said, i am now feeling conflicted about what i should do.
• on the one hand, i really don’t like surprises, which is why i had been leaving that lifted.
• on the other hand, i’m not very keen about something being dropped into the water (although i’ve suffered fewer than 5 instances of this over my lifetime).
• but if i shut-then-flush, then i’d feel like i shall be sitting on a concentrated butt•load of germs (that would have been otherwise dispersed through the open air), the next time.
i wonder if bidets prevent this kind of thing from happening.
(you know i’ve heard they are a superior choice, to an outmoded-means of human waste removal.)