Random Question: What Do You Watch On TV?

Johnny Hazzard, gay TV, Greg Thompson

You already know a few of the shows we're watching, so why don't you tell us what you're watching on television? We'd love to know if we're missing out on any great shows, and we trust your judgment to tell us what we should be adding to our lost list of DVR programs.

And before anyone even asks, this post was inspired by this past weekend's edition of Unlockables. Upon doing a little more research, we discovered that there is one way to incorporate a television in your picture, but you need to have a really hot ass to pull it off. Click through to check it out!

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Greg Thompson

For more TV-watching men, follow the JUMP:

gay TV watching

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beer, bear, jerking off, remote control, gay, straight guy, watching porn, watching TV


40 thoughts on “Random Question: What Do You Watch On TV?

  1. Love the fur on the first pic after the jump…that’s a nice juicy bubble butt on that one…the second pic after the jump is just him watching himself on tv while is making his own video.

  2. You’re be sorry you asked this question….
    The Big Bang Theory, 24, Supernatural, The Good Wife, Castle, Fringe, Ghost Whisperer, Medium, The Cleveland Show, Spartacus: Blood & Sand, Law & Order: SVU, American Dad, South Park, The Vampire Diaries, Smallville and The Boondocks. WHEW! And yes they are all my favorites lol!

  3. I’m the wierdo, it seems … I watch alot of anime, Merlin, Star Gate (SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe), Attack of the Show, Guy’s Big Bite(Wanna take a bite outta him), NCIS, and Mythbusters.

  4. I’m not actually home ever during normal primetime hours, but my dvr is set up to record Castle, Blue Mountain State, Glee, Modern Family, Ugly Betty, Leverage, Fringe, Project Runway and Bleach. Oh and without a doubt i always watch Chelsea Lately.

  5. I know,you’re all gonna moan at my favorites, but I love American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Antique Roadshow, Cops, Lockup, the sexy host of If Walls Could Talk, and if I’m home alone . . . reruns of the Beverly Hillbillies. And of course Nip/Tuck.

  6. UGLY BETTY – Series Finale this week – Gotta What that.
    Attack of the Show, Brothers & Sisters, Drop Dead Diva, Project Runway, United States of Tara

  7. Lost, American Idol, Top Model, RuPaul’s Drag Race, Glee, Cougar Town, Gossip Girl, Chelsea Lately, True Blood, Scrubs, Ugly Betty, Jersey Shore (LOL). Still love Friends and The OC!
    Gave up on Heroes, One Tree Hill and Desperate Housewives

  8. Lost, American Idol, America’s Next Top Model, True Blood, Gossip Girl, Jersey Shore (LOL), RuPaul’s Drag Race, Chelsea lately, Scrubs, Ugly Betty
    Still mourning Pushing Daisies!! Still love the OC and Friends
    Gave up on Heroes and Desperate Housewives

  9. I watch too many to list individually, especially because of my dvr, but I watch lots of sci-fi, dramas, and a few comedies.
    Fav sci-fi is Fringe
    Fav drama is Brothers&Sisters
    Fav comedy is Accidentally on Purpose

  10. The Big Bang theory!! “A neutron alks into a bar and ask ‘how much for the drink?’ and the bartender says: ‘for you, NO CHARGE!!’ ” XD.. Oh, I love that serie ^_^
    Other things are the Simpsons, SNL, White collar, scrubs, repetitions of series (friends, futurama) and lots of cartoons and anime!
    When it comes to TV, I’m still a child! ^_^

  11. Chowder, Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack, Classic Looney Tunes, FLCL (when it actually airs) and House on ocassion, but I’d honestly rather play video games or put on a dvd.

  12. I’ll be watching Sunset Daze on WE starting 4/28/10. I was lucky enough to stumble across them filming last winter in Surprise, AZ and they are insane! LOL!!!

  13. I’ve been telling that neutron joke to all my friends, Potblessed. No one is laughing as much as I did. LOVE me some Sheldon. (There should be a Big Bang “who’d ya do?” poll.) Also like The Good Wife. Then there’s lots of reality crap. And some smarter stuff: Dexter, The Tudors, Damages.

  14. Spartacus, Survivor(faithfully), ANTM, Lost, The Hills(lol), Jersey Shore, alot of reality shows. Supernatural, The Simpsons, Judge Judy, Smallville.

  15. NFL Network
    Espn News
    Forensic Files
    Deadly Women(sistas who kill)
    The Food Network

  16. Desperate Housewives, Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice, Project Runway, Chelsea Lately, House, Dexter, Weeds, BIG BROTHER <3

  17. Weeds, RuPaul’s Drag Race, Ugly Betty, 30 Rock, and Community…what I miss – Sex and the City, Queer as Folk, Noah’s ARC

  18. I watch Hulu, does this count? Mostly 30 Rock, Family Guy and American Dad. Couple months ago was Glee, Burn Notice, Psych and Nip/Tuck. But mostly I watch TV on DVDs: The Big Bang Theory, Arrested Development, Everybody loves Raymond, and my guilty pleasure: (KY Jelly) Sex and the city.

  19. I watch LOST, BSG (yes, even though it’s been over for over a year, I still watch the episodes. what less could you do for the best show ever?), SGU, Caprica, Burn Notice, Destination Truth (cuz josh gates is both cute and funny), and who could forget, everyone’s current favorite, returning tomorrow: GLEE!!!!!

  20. I love to watch ANTM, Dexter, The Kardashians, Larry King, AC360, D10, Enews, Guiliana and Bill, 10 things i hate about you, Chuck, The Vampire Diaries, Gossip Girl, Chelsea Lately, TMZ, Inside Edition, Tyra, Glee, Castle, AI,Icarly, Legend of the seeker, SpongeBob, Mighty B, Hannah M, Jonas, Zeke and Luether, The Soup, Charmed, Californication, The Listener, Simpsons, Blue Collar, Hung, HeadCase. Gosh there so many i couldnt think of any.
    I watch DH b4 but eversince gale harold was out of the show, i gave that up.
    On DVD i have Queer as Folk US, TRUE BLOOD, Dantes cove.

  21. Dull me! News, Jeopardy, HGTV, History Channel, some specials, and Dancing With The Stars, most of the garbage on TV just justifies the term “Boob Tube”.

  22. Family Guy, Better Off Ted, Arrested Development, Community, 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation, The Office, Caprica

  23. never watch tv…just download seasons of shows…watchng nurse jackie and breaking bad. nurse jackie is awesome. lots of gay characters and super cool. i sugges that show to everyone that reads this. definately an under rated show.

  24. Glee, American Idol, United States of Tara, Nurse Jackie, Make it or Break it, America’s Best Dance Crew and So you think you can dance.

  25. True Blood/ Smallville/ It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia/ Southpark/ The Cleveland Show/ Family Guy/ Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood/ United States of Tara/ Glee/

  26. Lost, Battlestar Galactica, Family Guy, Dexter, Glee & Ugly Betty. I used to watch Pushing Daisies, but it got cancelled. Then there’s the shows I watch occasionally, if on and if I’ve got nothing to do, like It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Nurse Jackie & Queer As Folk.

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