Random Question: Would You Sleep With Yourself?

Caio Carvalho, Carlos Carvalho, gay porn twins

Can you guys handle another hypothetical question? Let's just say there's a man out there who looks and acts exactly like you. He's not your clone or your long-lost twin, and you share absolutely no DNA. You stumble upon this mysterious doppelgänger on Manhunt, where he asks you if you want to come over and get naked together. Do you accept his offer? Keep in mind that you are in no way related on a genetic level.

For clarification purposes, I should point out that this question wasn't inspired by the Peters twins. Midway through a recent hook-up, a guy told me that he was turned on that we looked alike. I didn't really see such a strong resemblance between us, but we definitely had similar features. This encounter led me to wonder… would I have full-blown sex with myself? I mean, is it narcissistic to admit that I might consider it?

– Dewitt

For more pictures of Caio and Carlos Carvalho, follow the JUMP:

Caio Carvalho, Carlos Carvalho, gay porn twins

Caio Carvalho, Carlos Carvalho, gay porn twins

Caio Carvalho, Carlos Carvalho, gay porn twins

Caio Carvalho, Carlos Carvalho, gay porn twins

20 thoughts on “Random Question: Would You Sleep With Yourself?

  1. I’m actually not my own type, so someone who looks like me isn’t much of a draw. I have imagined what it would be like if I could split into two (or more) copies of myself, though. I suppose it would be the ultimate form of masturbation. After all, who knows your body and your likes and dislikes better than yourself? If that’s narcissistic or egocentric, so be it.

  2. LOL Al but I would not be my type either although I have 2 admit I do have a nice physique ..

  3. Would I do me? God no! I am very happy that there are others that don’t have my high standards 🙂

  4. i probably would do a random hook up with myself and then never call cause thats just the way i am lol..but seriously im not my type mentally..i need my opposite to make it work..but physically im my type

  5. I would fuck my clone. Or get fucked. Either would be good for me. As for someone not related… Yes as well

  6. Nope. Not my type. Of course, having a huge dick doesn’t help, ’cause one of us would end up getting fucked, lol! Oral yeah, but nothing else.

  7. of course… i am the hottest guy i know, by far
    ive had countless wanks looking at my hot bod in the mirror
    everyone else wants to have sex with me, so why wouldnt i? if only i could get my hard cock up my own arse…

  8. for one, it would be interesting to see to what extent self-image matches external perception…
    + the interesting aspect of the question is not about the looks, it’s about the matching of sensibilities….imagine someone who kisses like you, is sensitive to the same things as you, is as gentle or as rough as you…..love-making, when it really is love, works precise on that level, as an uncanny overlap of sensibilities.
    sex and sexual types, especially if they are defined visually, are something completely different. you turn a person into an ‘object’ of desire.

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