You have the option of being granted the power of X-ray vision. With this magical ability, you would be able to see beyond any piece of fabric. Here’s the catch! You can’t turn it off. Everyone single person you see would be in the buff, including the ones who you wouldn’t particularly want to see naked. So what do you say–would you take this power?
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Sean Cody
To use your X-ray vision on Jeff, follow the JUMP:
definitely not. Ruins the fun.
that cock…… might be safe to assume that he doesn’t walk around with a permanent erection when clothed though
agree with Joe
no not at all… i prefer to not know whats under the wrapping paper when i open my presents… i dont care about nudity its natural but if i have already seen someone naked it kinda kills the challenge and lust
No… what’s the point of just looking???
Besides, some mystery about what’s beneath the clothes is always hot!!!
I already have x-ray vision. It’s called PSP – “penis sensory perception”
Sure. It’d be hilarious! It’s also probably an employable skill. Become a spy, perhaps?
i agree with master sir here lol
My dream top!
Fuck yeah! You’d learn to ignore what you didn’t want to see. This would eliminate pursuing a guy and being disappointed when you see he has a tiny dick.
WoW you do not need to have a Ex ray vision to see the size of that mother fucker yummy cock hell no !!!
ever a blind person will gane vision!!!! L0L
Damn, that is one nice cock! And the rest of him’s not bad either
No, I wouldn’t want it, sometimes I like imagining more than just flat out seeing the goods.
No I would not !! Ok maybe 4 day !!!
Why isn’t THIS guy on Cock-a-doodle Do Me?
yum yum yum
family get togethers are awkward enough
Ya’ll crazy, hell yeah I would…it would be really fun 2 c what ppl have 2 offer especially tha cocky 1’s who think they’re hot shyt & really don’t have nething 2 b COCKY about…lol!!!
I must have said “I wish I had x-ray vision” about a million times in my life. OH YES! I want it! I love looking at guys and would love being able to see what’s going on under the clothes of the hot str8 boys (and celebrities) would be a wonderful thing. I get to see what I want without having to work for it. All bodies are beautiful and clothes just get in the way. Yes, some do look better IN clothes but still, beautiful.
I must have said “I wish I had x-ray vision” about a million times in my life. OH YES! I want it! I love looking at guys and would love being able to see what’s going on under the clothes of the hot str8 boys (and celebrities) would be a wonderful thing. I get to see what I want without having to work for it. All bodies are beautiful and clothes just get in the way. Yes, some do look better IN clothes but still, beautiful.
when you read and write hot emails – sending for a month, and then find out that the self professed top is a bottom, and the 8 inches is actually less then 6. I’d like to be pyschic – so that I know when I meet them if they are desparate for sex and lying or honest and a boy who just wanna’s have fun! Deceit when the clothes come off – makes me frustrated. Stay and cope – or leave on principle. Depends on how long it’s been since I last had sex and how dishonest the person is. I respect all men – until I find out they have been saying things they can’t back up – age – that’s the worst. I once had a 64 year old who had a picture of himself at 40 and no age on his profile = I threw him out of my house and he was angry with me!? Go figure.
I’m no sin to have average, normal, above below or just good enough guys. It’s the heart and intention that makes me wanna say – nice time, let’s met up again!
I’d put disclosure of HIV status lies and dick size lies and age lies all on the same level. I still dont’ care – it’s the principle of things. I’m average with a few lbs., 7.85 inches not 8 and hairy with a few grey hairs everywhere. Not ashamed to be real. It’s just the principle of that’s how I sleep like a baby at night, I have little to remember if I’m telling the truth. Freedom of self-oppression is the best.
Yes… only cause Im nosy as hell!