Every time we interview a porn star on Manhunt Daily, we’re always inclined to ask them about the origins of their name. Sometimes, it’s an obvious answer. You really don’t have to think twice about why Girth Brooks chose his pseudonym. But in some cases? It’s an uber-personal reason that they’d never share with us.
This got me wondering–what would you choose as your porn star name? The typical method is to take the name of your first pet and combine it with the street you grew up on, but this doesn’t always work for everyone. After all, some of us had female pets… or sea monkeys whose names we can’t remember.
Since I happen to fall into the latter category, I’ve decided to throw the rules out the window and try something entirely different. My porn name was bestowed upon me by my favorite “hairy older gent” (LOL) Kyle Derring. So if you ever see a guy named Otis Spunkmeister in a video, you can probably guess who it is…
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Extra Big Dicks
To check out Girth Brooks in action with Cole Streets, follow the JUMP:
Probably something like Heath Valentine or Johnny Gonzalez. something like that i’d have to give some thought, but i’d probably go with Heath Valentine.
My pet name / street works out really well actually Sonny VanRose would be mine. However if I could actually pick it be something like Giovanni or Stefan
Based on pet/street, I’d be Rocky Dorchester.
First things first: The third pic from the last, the one with the tongue running up the shaft of that huge cock, is so fucking hot. (Creaming here.) That is fucking ART.
Hate my pet/street porn name: “Fifi Durkin.” Sounds like a French Tranny—which I am not. I’m German. (o_~)
Well if I follow the rule my name would be
Heffer CR-171
Am I the only kid that grew up on a farm with a pet cow?
Latter in life it would be…
Toughy Cliff
A cat that thought it was a dog…
So it all burns down to my "porn momma." Sean Storm is a good friend of mine. Knew him before he became a Main Stream Porn Star. He is the only Porn star I know so I am sure he would be more than willing to share his name with me.
Josh Storm
or I could always use my Modeling Pseudonym
Josh Diamos
Sylvester, hahaha! One name like Cher!
pet/street name = Duke Walnut
I love my formulaic porn name: Fuzz Bender…but now that I type that it occurs to me that that might be more appropriate for heteroporn.
pet/street name: Beau Rushton
not sure what I think about it…
I like yours, Adam!
Mine would be Bootsie 300W. (Yeah, a farm boy too.)
I’ve always liked the name Chance Crawford. Nothing sexual to it. Just would be something I’d use. Not that anyone would watch….
My pet choices are Scamper and Susie … Street choices are Thorn, Glade, Galewood …
Scamper Thorn
Scamper Glade
Susie Galewood
Think I’ll stick with Carter Steele … sometimes au naturel is best …
My pet/street name is…”Chevette Garfield”…I think I will pass on that and go with “Rocky Stoner”
dont know about porn star name, but i use Random drag queen name generator on the internet and got Crystal Titz as my drag queen name
my bf got Notorious F.A.G. i was laughing so hard, cos he is playing it macho :0
Technically, my name would be Rio Bicksler, but I think I’d like to go my own way, so–Lemon Riviera. (I’d probably focus pretty exclusivley on the chicks w/dicks niche, or maybe clothed drag queen/naked male category.)
Doggy Jones.
…Oh…pet NAME. Um…Buster Jones.
Still good.
@Lorenzo… How about…. Lorenzo?!?! LOVE your name!
I just used the Drag Queen Name generator.. LOL It’s a good thing I am not into drag queens! Unita Lay is my Drag Queen name..
The pet/street rule applied to myself gives as result ROCK HUDSON. So I guess it doesn’t work… Or does it?
Mine would be…
Spyke Wildwood!
Very porn star if I do say so myself.
Although I kind of like my current alias…
Trip E
The pet/street thing would make me Chico Hunter.
The pet/street algorithm gives me Smokey Maple
The pet street rule applies Rocky Wellington or Champ Jefferson
the thing is… the pet/street pornstar name is a terrible idea because it gives out two possibilities of secret questions…
i unno, i’d probably only change my last name, even though my first could probably be flashier.
Hmmmmm if I were to use my pet-street, I would be Rafiki Waterman, LOL, how about using a combo of your dick’s nickname, and your first car, which leaves me with Kenny Imperial! I like that! LOL, feel bad for all you guys that wound up with escorts for first cars!
dog/street name? our pet was named iona and the street we lived on was knipl
so: iona knipl
ugh. ill pass
pet/street name = Snuggles McQuade
pet/street name = Smokey Appleton….mmm not quite lol
Maxx Hardsteeple. I’d wear a goofy papal hat in all of my shoots.
The pet and street name one, I guess would work for me. My name would be Lobo Meyer. lol!
Umm… Kerneels Tierkrans. So wierd. grew up on a farm in South Africa.
Mmmmmm fuuuuuuuck…. would I EVER love to ride that cock!
My pet/street name would be Sugar Washington.
mine would be johhny blue eyes
I thought it was your middle name and your child hood street name…. in that case mine would be Nick Austin…. but doesn’t a pro wrestler have that name?… the pet name would be Clarence Austin, I guess that could work
Mine would be Jack Hammer
Well first pet was bentley ( golden retriver) and grew up on snyder way so
Bentley Snyder
I like Will & JSilv’s names.
Mine would be Pepe Monterey or Pierre Monterey.
@Ibhardubhard lmao if youre black thats a perfect name or if u have dreads
@johan ppl would remember your name though
@Costa I’ve heard of that way too. Mine would be Brian Monterey that way but I hate the name Brian.
@John P awesome name
@Skeetzskeetz is good too
Roughy Yothers
Sounds good to me. lol
I don’t think I could handle all that meat. You guys can have my share.
My name would be Wyatt Burps