Is Rihanna going broke? That’s the topic of the day. According to many blogs and eMagazines, Rihnna has only $20,000 left in her bank account. That amount of money may seem like a lot to you and I, but she’s considered broke in Hollywood Land.
To make a long story short, Rihanna’s accountant, Patricia Williams, was fired recently for allegedly stealing money from the Umbrella singer. In retaliation, Williams had gone to the media to clear her name. She is quite upset with her termination and believes that it is not her fault.
Williams had said that her manager, Marc Jordan, would use Rihanna’s own money to fund her future projects. He believes that he can make Rihanna a worldwide mega star. Rihanna’s album sales are no where as close to her single sales and if people start referring to Rihanna has a "singles artist", then she is only good as her last hit song. Unfortunately, Jordan did not inform Rihanna of using her own money to fund her projects and Williams is getting the blame for it.
Def Jam, her record label, wanted to drop Rihanna due to poor album sales. However, Marc persuaded them to release
S.0.S (Rescue Me) which became a hit. The official video for S.O.S was funded mostly by Samsung (Nike funded the first video) because Def Jam would only fund a small amount. Even after the success of S.O.S, Def Jam continues to not fund
Rihanna appropriately and Rihanna’s money was used to shoot the videos
for Take a Bow and Disturbia. The total cost for the two song’s were
close to $750k. Rihanna had made a little over $1 million.
Considering the cost of the two videos and other expenses, it’s no
surprise that she only has $20,000 to her name.
So what do you guys think of the story? Is it true or only a rumor? I personally being a Rihanna fan hope that this is not true. The moral of the story? Hire people you can trust!
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