Okay, so that title was a joke but the picture above made me think dirty thoughts about this young hottie. I know the reaction to River Viiperi is mixed; either you think he’s a hot fuckable twink or you’re over the stylized pretty boy look, but can we at least find some humor in my gutter mind?
Anyways, River shot a new campaign for Bershka and he’s looking cute as usual!
– Andy
Check out more shots, after the JUMP:
Pass way too eastern euro for my tastes.
Cripes, first guys are too Indian looking, then they’re too Black, then they’re too – anything… now this guy is too ‘Eastern Euro’ looking? WTF? Hot is hot, why do people keep bringing ethnicity into this site?
can’t figure that bitch out either, karma post a pic PLEASE. I bet you wear more makeup than Boy George, America is a land of immigrants.
As a “masculine man” of Russian immigrant parents, I happen to think he’s pretty hot! Not my first choice on the “hot meter”, but I wouldn’t kick him out of bed, either! Whether he comes from Eastern Europe, or elsewhere, is totally irrelevant!
right! a “masculine man” named Sasha, quit with all your snarky comments about my preference! And alaskaman if he decides to take a picture he’s opening himself up for not only compliments but also to comments. There’s nothing wrong with him per se just my own personal preference.
Karma, you also open yourself up to criticism when you make generalizations about any group of people. For instance, your perception on the name “Sasha” is not “masculine” to you because you simply fail to see that his name is not “western” enough or “American”, and may sound like a girl’s name….unlike names as Mike, Joe, Dave or Dick. Sure, chime in on your preferences. But don’t do so by saying what you don’t like. Or how about, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it. As a gay man, you should know all about respecting diversity.
Ugh navysausage get over it this isn’t about your PC diversity initiative… He’s too eastern euro for my tastes I’m not usually into caucasian men esp. eastern euro baltic types. I would hang out with one certainly but I don’t find them attractive.
And yes here in the USA Sasha is primarily a girl’s name I was pointing to the irony learn a lesson in hyperbole.
“Get over it”…nice. lol. Who said anything about PC diversity….it’s about being plain civil…even in a blog where you are free to say anything behind a keyboard without consequence. Pretty difficult for you to accept constructive criticism with your negative input, huh? And nice try with your explanation, you were just plain rude. Again, expect criticism for your negative remarks, plain and simple. But at least have an educated response.
Who is this “Karma” dude ? Does he know the meaning of the word, Karma ? LOL
Well let’s try this instead take your civility and cram it up your ass with Id lube you self-righteous prick. My preference has nothing to do with you, and if you consider my preference something that is outside of “respecting diversity” than you’ve got a serious problem.
He’s not for me hence the “pass” doesn’t mean you aren’t welcome to lavish him with compliments.
Diversity of opinions is just as important as diversity of people, it’s about tolerance, you may not agree with my opinion but such is life, we won’t all agree.
So yes, “get over it”
@Karma, the United States of America isn’t the whole world, so going after someone for their given name that may be traditional from where they or their ancestors come from is a tad bigoted. Besides, in regards to the name, Sasha… I’ve known of several in my life, and only 1 was female. I can think of two ‘western’ actors named Sasha right off the bat (Sasha Baron Cohen, Sasha Mitchell).
Has you ever heard of diversity? Writing you don’t find him to your tastes is one thing, but to point out that you find him “too” anything is bigoted (like straight people saying they don’t like us for being “too girly”). it just speaks of ignorance.
Of course, meant to write, “Have you ever heard of…”
Wow this guy is beautiful, love his features despite what you may think karma. And you’re right you have every right to your opinion, however it is worth noting that your opinion is very closed minded. A lot on this blog we see what amounts to disparaging comments about people of color. It’s interesting that yours is the reverse but no matter who is the target it’s just as close-minded and will only serve to limit your prospects for love in life. (I don’t presume to know your personal life) I would hope that you would considering opening your eyes and mind to knew experiences and to new people and eliminate these artificial barriers that hinder not only you but others as well. Best of luck to you!
Aw, poor Karma has a thin skin. So defensive. Tsk, tsk. Why exploit your weaknesses by lowering your IQ with one expletive-laced sentence? Correction. All of your posts? lol.
Well, you are correct about your definition of preference…The “iass” comment was ok. However, you dod not state your preference, but instead you state what you DON’T prefer. Big difference.
I may not agree with your opinion, but turnabout is fair play. If I disagree with you, be prepared to accept that as well.
The expletives…well, that pretty much says it all when one’s brain runs on empty.
Correction….second paragraph in quotes should read…The “Pass” comment was ok…..
I would hardly consider “ass” to be an expletive but I guess in your extremely narrow convergent way of thinking it would be. And it’s really ironic to the point of banality that you would accuse me of being “thin skinned” when you’re the one who initial felt compelled to respond to my comment in the first place.
Oh and FYI in the three comments I’ve posted “ass” was the only expletive so either you exaggerate or you have no idea what an expletive actually is.
OK, “prick”…lol.
ohh…. you caaught me “two” whole expletives…
Please manhunt remove stupid comments. You are pushing away “normal” paid users who come to this site to enjoy the good site. Why don’t you make everyone login with their manhunt names before they comment in this blog. It will sound fair and civil if the blog is integrated with manhunt authentication login. I Will volunteer to write the code for you if you need help.
Iam sure the controversy entains the public but the this trend has gone wild (Rogue as Palin). Manhutn is loosing its credebility.
*Force everyone to login with manhunt usernames*
@Not Enough: I do like the idea, but it treads awfully close to censorship. A layer of anonymity would need to remain intact to avoid the obvious. So, unless Manhunt allows paid subscribers the liberty to change their blog username once authenticated via their actual login username, subscribers will likely opt out from using this feature. The obvious risk being that users’ actual profiles/accounts will be flamed by incensed and irrational individuals who take offense on those with opposing views.
The suggestion that paid members can have alias name tide their profile seems to be fair. Manhunt need to be web 2.0 compatible. The current system degraded our collective intelligence and some of us don’t want to be identified with this label.
well I’ll take him then…
karma can get pour beer on his hand trying to get his date drunk for all I care…
I think saucers of milk should be passed out to everyone!
i think i know what’s going on.
and i’m just gonna sit back and watch it continue to unfold, too.
in the mean•time…)
i think i can see the charm in River..
..i reck’n i’d like to give his ass a test drive.
(but who knows? he might be a Surprise Top!)
‘karma’ is earning himself some good…..erm….
I fail to see the need that people have to proclaim what they don’t find attractive on every blog entry that there is. If you are not into “Euro” guys- Karma thats fine, however why waste your time and ours by telling everybody about it? I have my preferences too but if I find something not to my liking, I just move on and find something that I do like. This model was “too eastern Euro,” Tucker Carlson in another blog in your opinion is “too Euro and old” if all you do is judge people, people are going to judge you. If you’re looking for arguments being judgmental on a blog is a good way to start one. As the saying goes, If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all.
To you, my dear “Karma”, Yes, my name is Sasha, which just happens to be the diminuitive form of Alekcander. That means “nickname” if that’s too large a word for your limited vocabulary! And yes, it’s a very common name from my side of the planet! About me being masculine, I think I’ll just let my farm/ranch background, college football lovin’, and Harley-Davidson iron ass, speak for itself! Karma’s a bitch, “Karma”!!! And she bites!
Karma based upon your stupidity one can only assume that bad karma is the only karma that U have ever none ! BTW Karma if U knew anything about the rest of the world U would know that Sasha is a comon Russian male name ………….
Okay it’s time for some reality, I’m actually not bigoted against white males at all the purpose of my posting (which I think I achieved) is to just show SOME people who seem to think it’s okay to say “not into black guys, or he’s too native american looking” what it looks and FEELS LIKE when someone is disparaging an entire group of people — hence the name Karma.
It’s usually minorities who are subjected to these types of comments, (i want everyone to know I don’t think all white males say such comments or believe in such a way) The point is simple yes you are entitled to your preference but no you don’t have to put down anyone in the process.
ToddM in an earlier post was aggressively defending DLeon after he made such a comment … you can see them here:
and here:
It was interesting that when the situation was reversed ToddM was one of the first to comment on some of these disrespectful and abhorrent remarks.
I used part of some of his very own comments against him after he attacked me, needless to say I believe it opened his eyes.
You can see this exchange here:
I know ALOT of people will not agree with my methods but I’m sorry it was meant to be a bit of an eyeopener. And to anyone who was needlessly offended I apologize.
(i called it.
you called it alright S.I.
Dewitt please ban karma, censorship or not, so we can get back to raving over these hotties you send us. I personally believe if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything. karma’s way too negative for me and don’t need his meanness.
he’s cute … but would be better to see him in person
He’s cute.
Opened my eyes? No such thing happened. You think too much of yourself, Karma. Funny that you take me so seriously that you have to single me out. All you did, in the end, was make yourself look like an ass. Nothing more.
That said, I think this guy is cute!
I just clicked on all of your links that you posted, Karma, and nowhere did I attack you! LOL You tried to get a rise out of me, but didn’t succeed. If you will notice, I told you I wasn’t mad. You failed miserably in your quest. Miserably!
You proved your point Karma. Lesson learned and lets move on.
Woody, your link is broken. Just thought I’d let you know!
When we give these prolific posters any attention (which is all they are seeking) it just fuels their fire. If they need to bombard us with their negativity and attempted selfaggrandizement, let them. Don’t get hooked by their drama. It’s not worth it. They clearly love this type of mental masturbation. Ignore them and hopefully they, their judgments, negativity and over-inflated sense of self will just go away.
you say somethin’, mike?
After reviewing Karma’s other posts, it was apparent he was baiting people, including myself. Regardless, there are those with that genuine mindset of never having anything good to say about anyone whether it be on race, religious preference, sexual orientation, etc. Point proven, but nothing revealing, except the occasional misinterpretation of ideas common within a blogsphere. We pick and choose our battles, and how strongly we are compelled to engage in a healthy dialogue exchange.
much prefer a guy to swallow over giving him a facial … only time I really like to deliver it outside one hole or the other is when a guy is sucking my nuts and I shoot involuntarily … usually he’s on his back over the edge of the bed … hot!
For those who are interested (not me, particularly) “Karma” is actually Saint Impatience. Surprise, surprise. And we were all “surprised” that he called it…. LOL. Of course he did.
NOW… I don’t like a facial! Period.
Mindfucks are totally gay….lol.
dear ToddM:
i can see why you’d believe such a thing but, no, i can’t claim any credit for karma’s efforts.
(there you go with that “we” business again.
“we” won’t be there to help you not look foolish for that “educated guess” you’d just made about me.
but if you’d like, please go ahead and promulgate what you know to be the truth, here.)
i will say that i didn’t see anything wrong with karma’s experiment, although i already knew it was futile — actually, it probably (‘supposition’) says a lot about your (‘plural’) own perceptive abilities, that you (‘plural’) couldn’t apparently (‘conjecture’) see what was happening, from karma’s very first post, either.
it definitely says a lot about you (still ‘plural’) that you don’t consistently jump down the throats of those other individuals who have left their hurtful, prejudiced/biased/bigoted comments on non-whites in this blog.
i don’t know why you insist on fucking with little old me: speaking as if i’m some Dragon that you have to vanquish. (an endeavour that won’t end well for you {‘plural’}, anyway, no matter the outcome of it.)
i already know i have no allies who will stand up for me here.
but it’s cool — i’m used to fending for myself.
Is that a threat, St?
Let’s see: I write and sincerely apologize to you personally via e-mail for being rude to you, and you did NOT accept the apology! Second, I write to you and say that you are Karma, and you do not refute it, and neither has “Karma”.
Thirdly, don’t play the pity card either. I tried to mend things between us, and you refused, AND stated that you were going to take care of some “external things” as well. This was certainly an “external thing” since you singled me out. I’m not stupid, as you take me to be.
Just do us all a favor and shut up. All you do is (1) whine about “poor me”. You say you don’t. Read your last two lines. (2) You act like you are all-knowing. That gets old and tiresome after a while.
At least I had the balls to apologize personally and privately to you. But it’s obvious you would rather argue and try to make me look bad. Well.. Suck it.
I can see how you would assume that this was a tactic of St. however I can assure you I am not him! ToddM to be honest I have conversed with you under my regular user name ( a few months back or so) and found you to be rather intelligent, thoughtful and a overall likable person (so far as one can tell over the internet), what irked me was just how severely blunted you seemed when it came to matters of race relations.
I want to make something else clear, there are some who cry wolf and immediately yank out the race card and that is shameful but just because there are those who do that, does not excuse ACTUAL instances of racism. Okay, I need to step down off of my soapbox, I planned on retiring this handle after I had admitted my strategy so after this post I will not post again.
Also, and yes this is a dig at saint impatience, he is not me and partially you can tell by the fact that saint impatience is a rambler and he is rather fond of emoticons and poor sentence structure. Saint is guilty of a lot of things on this blog, this however is not one of them.
Quick Addendum:
and ToddM as well as anyone else. Please do not attempt to identify me. Even if you are correct I will deny culpability.
Again, I apologize to you ToddM for baiting you as well as anyone else who I have hurt with my extreme tactic. Part of the reason I decided to retire this and admit my wrongdoing is because I had remember (while posting) what it felt like to be on the receiving end of such diatribe and was immediately struck with guilt.
I again to anyone who has felt that, I apologize.
This is MY last post!
I AM a likeable person. But when I earnestly tried to make things right with someone and was turned down, it irked me some. I do try to do what is right.
I apologize then for calling you St. Impatience.
And another thing (and yes, I’ll shut up too! lol), I totally believe there is such a thing as racism. But I think the card is pulled way too much on here. That’s my only point. Sorry if I came across as blunted.
So what you’re telling me is, if I employ “proper English” more often, you’d be able to understand me better?
Since you, too, have apparently been tracking my activity on this blog through the months, then please enlighten me? What have I been guilty of?
(The stipulation for answering that is, you will have to name those unique misdeeds that only I have committed here.)
But if you don’t want to do so, then have one of your compadres compile & publish that list.
While you’re at it: please share your definition of “ramble,” and provide concrete examples of those instances when you say I have done so, and explain why they were rambles (or “rants”).
(One other thing I’ve noticed about you, {my detractors}, is, you almost never put your money where your mouths are, when requested to do so by me.
You will, instead, retort with the excuse, “Oh, I just don’t feel like going back through all that mumbo jumbo you’re always spouting off.”
What that means to me is, you’re not really able to stand behind your “conviction.” Likely, because you know that when your assertion is held up to true scrutiny, it will disintegrate. Or.. ..that same Scrutiny will also wind up casting *you* into the unfavourable light.
F.Y.I.: It’s meaningless to enjoy the consensus of individuals who are equally as {or more} devoid of Good Moral Standing & Character — so far, I believe there is between 6 – 10 of you who fall into that category.
Why should I give credence to the cackles and hoots of the hyenas who are, in fact, actually threatened by some aspect of The Saint?
Maybe I really am delusional.. ..in believing that it is still possible to reason with such psychologically-low creatures as you {‘plural’}.)
At least 93% of the things I’ve ever said in this here web logue, I will readily stand by and own. And, I am more than prepared to explain myself if questioned.
Can you say the same?
At any rate, if you feel strongly enough against Me, then feel free to let Andy & Dewitt weigh in on the matter. Request that a poll is made for gauging my unpopularity. If successful, then I will look forward to reading all of the vitriol that will inevitably spew out, there.
And at that time, “we” will begin to bear witness to the true depths of ugliness to which you humans can delve.
I already told you this, months ago, tammy: we were not destined to see eye•to•eye.
And, to clear up this other bit of business: while I didn’t accept your request of being forgiven at the time you offered it, I never refused it either.
(Those “external things” I’d made reference to are the activities that normally occur during the course of my day, which I need to take care of; but, in reference to this matter, it seems that revelation is mostly irrelevant.)
It was precisely because of what’s transpired over the past few days that I’d elected to hold off and observe you.
For, what further meaning is there in having and expressing “words of sorrow,” if you still hold on to unfavourable opinions?
Although I can’t take back the hope that I had for having a Cause Sympathizer in “karma,” I am glad that I had the foresight to exercise caution with you.
(p.s. — Criticize me for having the penchant of making long posts in a forum that isn’t designed for it, if you’d like; but don’t dare try pawning off your lack of attention span as my not being coherent, precise, relevant.)
As of now, I am going to take the course of action that I had with that other person.. ..by merely glossing over anything that doesn’t attempt to foster an actual discussion, but instead is imbued with surface-level psychological warfare-tactics.
(And, yes: I’m not altering what I do, and that was not a “threat” but rather the reality, which you yourself took part in creating, Myers.
{Creating soap-opera drama that wasn’t there.})
Rex Ganymede, You are correct in one thing. You ARE delusional! You think you are more than you are. Speaking for myself, I am NOT threatened by you! Period. I’m sure no one else is either. But I’ll let them speak for themselves.
I was sincere in my apology. Period. But you continued to make pokes at me, so I finally stood up for myself. You can’t fault me for that. Having “Good moral and character” requires you to accept a sincere apology, even if you don’t care for the person or agree with him. That leaves you out of the 6 – 10 on here then.
If you want an example of what we speak of, look above this post of mine. You are a nutcase!
I am sure most would concur that we wouldn’t give the time of day to ask for Andy/Dewitt to post a poll on you. Again, I’ll let them speak for themselves tho. Frankly, I don’t care! That would only serve your purpose for more attention, which is what you are truly seeking by posting the way you do. Like we truly care whether you are “Going to set back and see how this turns out before I post”!!!
I too shall gloss over YOUR posts from now on, cause Frankly psycho, I don’t give a damn.
Sheesh! Now you’ve made me ramble like you. Just shoot me!