Romania May Make Me Forget About Brazil

Alex Ceobanu

Many of you have complained that we feature too many guys from Brazil (can you blame us?). To appease everyone, here is a hottie from Romania. Alex Ceobanu is 6'10 and packed with muscles. The man looks like he doesn't have any fat on his body and he's so tall, you can probably give him a blow job standing up… Ok, maybe not. He might make me forget about Brazilian hunks… for about a minute. I wonder if his cock is as big as his muscles. Anyways enjoy the pictures.

– Andy

Photo credit: Martin Ryter

For more sexy pictures, the JUMP:

Alex Ceobanu
Alex Ceobanu
Alex Ceobanu
Alex Ceobanu
Alex Ceobanu

16 thoughts on “Romania May Make Me Forget About Brazil

  1. Holy sh*t… Pardon me a moment while I pick my jaw up off the floor.
    He’s got to be the most delicious looking man I’ve ever seen on ManHunt. Absolutely gorgeous.
    I have to admit though – if you did one of your “Who would you rather?” as a “Brazil v. Romania” edition, I’d have a tough time deciding on just one over the other.

  2. Yes, his body is packed with bulging muscles, but his crotch area (especially with the jeans) seems deflated. He may be one of those huge guys with a tiny dick & nuts from too many steroids.?? He is good looking though.

  3. Oh, whiny, jealous bitches. LOL. I guess guys as near perfectly goodlooking like this are so common “in any part of the world” that they outnumber average guys. So why not make average looking guys models?! Great logic.
    There’s a reason they are called “MODELS”.

  4. I love a well worked out man, but i hate when it looks unnatural. Did anyone else look at his stomach while he’s laying down? It looks less like abs and more like deformed bumps on his stomach. No need to be that defined, I bet he’s cranky from not eating… ever.

  5. This guy is hot, I bet he is from outer space. At his height, his smallest dick is equal to the normal average dick… So he must have above average dick

  6. jesus, he’s yummy as fuck…and can people stop acting like they would ever kick him out of bed if they had the chance….i

  7. Romania by far has some of the hottest guys I have seen so far in my life. Seriously.

  8. Well I am romanian, and honestly…. I AM PROUD OF IT. I know we dont have a great image in europe, but like i say always “you can not put all the people of a county in the same track because of some of them”.
    And yes, Romanians are cute and they have something special, i never find out what but we have, i am not topmodel, but i manage to survive hjejejeje

  9. Honestly…I would kick him out of bed. He’s nowhere near my type and I’m not jealous. I acknowledge he’s aesthetically pleasing and far from ugly but some of us don’t want a man who looks like this. Though others choose to post negative comments about their preference, I think you should cut them some slack because they may not like the same thing as you.

  10. Once again the jaded and bitter have to comment about what they don’t like…lolol..miserable lot. The man is handsome and built. So many Romanian men have such great faces,something you’re born with. This guy’s obviously got some incredible genes, even if he did take the fuck’s his body, not shut up. Just because you or I wouldn’t take them doesn’t mean a thing; besides just because (if) he took them doesn’t take away from the hard work he still had to do to attain that muscularity. If he didn’t work hard, he’d just be stop spreading your fucking negativity around, misery lovin some company..find one another and just go away so the rest of us can enjoy life’s simple pleasures with out your bitchiness.

  11. Fine example of a man.
    And the size queen at the top of the thread: if this dude’s schlong was proportional to the height-to-package ratio of normal 5’5″ models, he’d be packing something outside of the range of anatomy, like a baseball bat.

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