The time has come for you to lip-synch for your life. Actually, it’s just time to talk about the season finale of RuPaul’s Drag Race. Since some of you may not have seen last night’s two-and-a-half hour extravaganza, I won’t spoil it by telling you who won… unless you want me to!
Click through to watch the episode, and scroll to the bottom to find out who became “America’s Next Drag Superstar”. It came down to three queens–Jujubee, Tyra Sanchez and Raven. So which one wound up on top?
– Dewitt
To watch the episode and find out who won, follow the JUMP:
CATCH UP: Gone With The Window (Episode 1), Starbootylicious (Episode 2), Country Queens (Episode 3), Snatch Game (Episode 4), Here Comes The Bride (Episode 5), Rocker Chicks (Episode 6), Once Upon A Queen (Episode 7), Golden Gals (Episode 8), The Diva Awards (Episode 9)
12. SHANGELA LAQUIFA WADLEY: Shangela rolled up to the reunion show with a “Gaga-inspired corn-sage” on her wrist, and she was looking damn good! Ever since she lip-synced for her life, it’s been clear that she has some attention-grabbing star power in her, and it’s nice to see that she’s learned from the show and continues to grow. Work it out, girl!
11. NICOLE PAIGE BROOKS: Wow, I had completely forgotten that Nicole Paige Brooks had been the victim of so much shadiness. It would have been interesting to see how she would have progressed as the competition went along. Oh, who am I kidding? Every time she spoke during the reunion special, I was bored to tears…
10. MYSTIQUE SUMMERS MADISON: Two piece and a biscuit! It was great to see Mystique back on stage representing for the big girls. She looked fantastic, despite the fact that her glittery eye shadow clashed with her necklace. Her excuses also seemed to get more and more ridiculous, but I can’t help myself from loving this bitch!
9. SONIQUE: If you had asked me a few weeks ago about my least favorite contestants, Sonique would have been towards the top of the list. This was a mistake on my part, and not just because of her shocking confession on the reunion show. There’s something I can respect about her attitude, because it comes from a place of “trust”. Or, um… truth. One of those two.
8. MORGAN MCMICHAELS: Wasn’t it so nice to see that Morgan and Mystique patched things up? The reunion show featured a softer side of Morgan, greatly contrasting with the immature bitchery we witnessed throughout the competition. I almost like her a little. Almost.
7. SAHARA DAVENPORT: Of all the queens on the show, I’d most like to hang out with Sahara Davenport. She may not have been one of the best in the bunch, but she definitely had one of the most likable personalities. Next time I’m in New York, you know I’m going to try tracking her down to see her perform.
6. JESSICA WILD: There was a point where I wanted to criticize RuPaul for calling Jessica’s accent “absolutely charming”, because it almost seems like she’s making fun of it. However, listening to Jessica speak may be one of my favorite pastimes in the history of the world. That disco critter is forever embedded in my brain.
5. PANDORA BOXX: In my mind, Pandora Boxx won this competition. She’s an embodiment of everything I like to see in a drag queen, from her sense of humor to that extra bit of vulnerability that makes her so damn personable. And can we discuss how amazing that outfit was? Santino Rice can eat a bag of crusty dicks, because that shit was downright fierce.
4. TATIANNA: UGH. A part of me feels bad for talking shit about Tatianna. I can’t deny that I’ve gone home some nights and wondered, “What if she wound up reading my posts?” It made me feel like this treacherous cyber-bully who got off on bringing other people down. And that’s not who I am!
With that said, Tatianna continues to make me feel uneasy. Even on the reunion special, her snappy attitude put me off, and it didn’t help when they called her out for the shit she said behind the other queens’ backs. Sure, the two of us can hug it out, but I’m going to roll my eyes while doing so.
3. JUJUBEE: It was refreshing to see Jujubee get to the top three. I sat there hoping that she’d whip out something that’s blow Raven and Tyra out of the water, but alas it wasn’t meant to be. We have a pretty good feeling that there are big things in Juju’s future. Like, she may wind up being the Jennifer Hudson of this competition.
2. RAVEN: So what if my prediction that Raven would win the competition didn’t come true? Despite her frigid realness and scathingly insulting sign-off to Tyra, she has an element of star power. I don’t need my drag queens to play well with others, as long as they turn it out. And this “eloquent trucker” rocks like no one else.
1. TYRA SANCHEZ: It’s not easy accepting Tyra as “America’s Next Drag Superstar”. While it can be argued that she possesses the “uniqueness, nerve and talent” to fill the position, there’s seriously something lacking in the charisma department. Jujubee pointed out this “U.N.T.” factor, and I couldn’t agree anymore with her.
They made it seem like Tyra pulled a complete 180 degree turn, blossoming into a whole new individual… yet she intentionally pulled off Raven’s wig twice in the music video shoot and nearly poked out Jujubee’s eye. It just seems fucking shady!
However, Tyra still deserved to win this competition. You may look at me like I’m crazy for saying that, but it’s one-hundred percent true. She delivered on the runway and consistently put out her best for a significant portion of the challenges. Though I’d argue that this competition puts too much emphasis on image, that’s one of the most important aspects of being a drag queen. And at only twenty-one years old, she still has time to work on the personality.
I’m glad Tyra won, Raven was a huge cunt on the show and her lipstick message to Tyra was a low blow.
‘Keep your eyes on the stars… because you’ll never be one’ – Uhh bitter much for not winning?
Miss. Tati, what the fuck is up with that side weave on the Reunion show?! Yuck, horrible.
Tyra is 22 now, we share the same birthday, and I think that the U.N.T. factor is totally correct. Thats why Juju is my girl.
lame. raven is a cunt and is far from being a “pretty” drag queen, but she has it and i disagree tyra should have won entirely. she is just so boring.
Trya should never have won this at all, yet it was obvious from at least mid-season RuPaul had already picked her for the win. While Raven expressed her feelings and did not hold back she was upfront for the most part and not like Tyra doing sneaky crap. RuPaul thinking the wig was funny was just another indication of Tyra could do no wrong.
I did not see where Tyra was superior in her lipsync for life to make her win out.
Raven should have won…=[
You know after watching the Reunion show (didn’t watch it before making my previous comments) Raven grew on me.
Based on the footage we saw on the show I still wouldn’t have crowned her the winner but if she was portrayed like she was on the reunion episode last night things would have definitely been different.
It’s a shame she was edited to look like a nasty bitter cunt on the show. I’m sure she probably said shit about everyone but they only edited it to make it look like a feud between Tatianna and herself.
after hours of trying to find where to start a petition to have a revote on the finale i’m so bummed and disappointed in …rupaul for letting america down . so what if the dumbbitch was homeless and has a kid so are half the other people in the world maybe someone should go pick the next crack mamma with a child off the street and make her miss america …
TYRA! REALLY? Ru, you lost me…
I have been saying week after week that Ru had already picked Tyra. No one would listen. It was blatantly obvious.
Saharra performs at Suite in NYC near Columbia University. She has been there since before she was voted off…
@Jeremy, for that matter they should have let Mystic win. After all the amount she eats she will be homeless or they could save a family of food.. LOL.
But to be serious you are correct, Ru picked her for homeless/kid. Baffles me how Tyra could have been able to get the son and support him rather than fart around on RuPauls. I am sure a good part of it was a sham. Ru knew exactly what was going on behind the scenes and Tyra’s real antics. Ru did let everyone down, I for one am not going to watch it next season. No sense in watching a rigged show.
I agree that Pandora Boxx should have won.
But the show is rigged- and has gotten tired. The first year was a fun novelty, the 2nd a big yawn. Time for RuPaul and her one act drag act to hang her shoes and retire.
tyra deserved to win because she did drag to perfection
tyra did deserve to win, ultimately, but i’m always gonna be a pandora and jessica fan. and what’s with tyra’s fake cleavage? that was kinda creepy.
This was a very interesting top 3…. I honestly thought that Tatianna wouldn’t have gotten as far, And that Jessica/Sahara would have gone further.
Raven was THE BEST on the entire show, you can’t argue that: you was witty, mysterious, and knew how to perform. but her personality and personal style left alot to be desired. I think they are looking for someone who is beautiful to go out and represent them on the absolut vodka tour and Raven had the talent, but physically she was not a winner… Raven seemed to be jaded by the fact that she was the most experienced one there. Instead of helping Tati, she criticized her and started catfights…
Mystique was full of excuses… you blame those pants on the country episode on thinking your mom is going to get kidnapped in mexico?! that’s a stretch even for Mystique… Mystique could have done so much more and put forth alot more effort during the show. Alot of bigger dragqueens are very successful because they have more feminine figures (hips, breasts, etc) and mystique really could have used that to her advantage.
I have to agree that I did like Sahara alot, she seemed really down to earth and easy to get along with.
Tatiana was a beautiful girl and i think alot of people were jealous of her for that. I also think she used her looks to get by during most of the show…
Jujubee seems like a very nice person and someone who is good at drag as well. But her performance over the entire show did not seem like that of someone who was going to actually win. She’s a pretty girl as well so she’s going to have a succesful career.
I was suprised that Tyra won… But if you watch the entire show: she was focused every week, she was never in the bottom two, she won challenges, she’s gorgeous, her make-up was amazing and her outfits were brilliant. Maybe people were counting her out because of her attitude and her “roughness”, but if you want the show and focus just on her performance she was giving you pure fish all the way through
UGH! Not the way it should have turned out. It was obvious almost from the beginning who the judges were rooting for – Tyra. While she had some cleaver moments, all I saw was a Beyonce wannabe and shady as all hell. My vote was for Pandora Boxx as the best all around talent.
BTW…..Tyra was homeless and destitute yet she spent money to perfect her grill. Yup, I am so buying her honesty. NOT!
I feel like raven should have won, but it is what it is. Tyra looks like a mini Ru, so i wonder if that helped her, but she did do a great job. I just can’t get over her voice when she was being Beyonce lol. I have major respect for Sonique for admitting herself on tv. Jujubee will always be my fav.
Yes, it sucks that Tyra won – but after Pandora was sent home I was never really going to be super excited for the winner anyways. As for the contest being rigged – pretty much all reality contests are rigged to hold onto ratings; it’s just a business. I’ll definately still watch the 3rd season and any other that follow – RPDR really shines a positive light on one of our communities art forms, and beyond that I just love the show!
I think you could tell the whole thing was rigged from about show #3. Ridiculous to have a panel of “judges,” when none of them can vote anyway. I’m glad Pandora won the “Miss Congeniality” prize–obviously, the fans are more honest in their assessments of talent than RuPaul! I doubt that I’ll be watching the show next season.
i like the show, but rue will really have to spice things up next season
this is not ” DRAG FRIEND RACE” .. stop the bitching, Tyra turned it out each week
My two cents: Tyra may be trashy, but was the most consistent one throughout the season. The way Ru was eliminating other girls, determined the top 3, and out of those, Tyra was the best and the hungriest. So young, but so talented and knowledgeable. Hope they polish here A LOT before she goes out there to represent our community. I am still Jessica’s fan, although she has a lot to learn about gay and general culture. Too bad she wasn’t in top three. She may have been better competition. Two cents over.
this year’s final three came off like a Dollar Store version of season one’s final three — none of them deserved to win, but Tyra deserved it least of all. At least Raven’s bitchiness was entertaining, and Juju presented a positive image. Tyra is simply Beyonce to Tati’s Cher — a one trick pony that was a cliche to begin with
I still cannot get over the episode where Tyra fell asleep on her teammates in the second week. She was a fierce fashionista, but she seems like she will be impossible to work with. She always said that she wanted to win so bad, but she did not act like she wanted it as bad as Juju or Raven. She better enjoy her new grill and the remaining five dollars of prize money that she has left, because america’s next drag superstar is not a lazy bitch.
It was so obvious the Tyra was gonna win….not cuz she should have (Raven is the real winner) but becuz RuPaul for some reason favored that ho from early on…I don’t get Tyra’s appeal at all..she is lazy and very dumb….
Meh, this season couldn’t top season one.
That season was fierce! The bitchiness of this season semi-ruined it for me. I don’t give two shits if Mystique was from Chicago or what Raven thought about Tatianna. Why Tyra was sleeping on the couch and Tatianna not being ‘upfront’ about her feelings. Use Untucked for those little dramatic pieces of crap and save ‘Interior Illusions Lounge’ backstabbing for the web.
Just let us watch drag queens making magic for fucks sake. Everyone was all ‘if it was so boring I wouldn’t even be watching the show’.
Hello, go and watch season one and tell me that shit wasn’t the best television you’ve ever watched. A little bit of bitchiness provided by Akashia and Rebecca Glasscock but it didn’t run the show like Tyra/Tatianna and Raven/Tatianna feuds did this season.
Season 1 > Season 2. There were some REAL drag queens season 1; I think Nina Flowers should’ve won it. Season 2 — Raven should’ve won. Tyra was too bitchy, and throughout the show she sounded really dumb, for lack of a better word. Raven: you’re fierce!
Tyra crushing on Tatianna, I’ve never laughed so hard at anything on RPDR except for the ‘Gone With The Window’ mini challenge.
Tatianna is beautiful though, just wished she could have worn something more ‘glamorous’ to the reunion show since what she did wear still looked cheap. Right down to that dead animal on her head.
Jujubee, meh by the end of the season I wasn’t blown away by her like I was with Raven and Tyra. If anything I started disliking her, especially since she seemed more two-faced than anyone else on the show.
Raven, if she didn’t talk so much shit about Tatianna I could have potentially liked her. In saying that when she won the book cover challenge I thought Jujubee was robbed that week. I’m surprised Jujubee didn’t say anything else about the matter.
Tyra, by the end of the season and out of the three remaining contestants remaining she was the clear winner. So glad she took the crown over the other two.
Pandora Boxx – she won Miss Congeniality, nuff said. It was obvious who everyone wanted to win and I couldn’t agree with them more. I think too much rides on the LSFYL.
Season 1 Nina should have won and I was very surprised that she didn’t, especially for never being in the bottom two. This season I learned my lesson and during the wedding challenge I realized that Tyra was gonna win. I felt that she should have been in the bottom that episode but apparently she “turned it out”. that was the only challenge I thought Raven should have won.
Miss Boxx should have won this competition hands down. She is a fierce bitch. loved her from the very beginning. And in the reunion when she talk about her father calling her before he died, I was in tears. I have gone through, like many people have, what Pandora has gone through and it’s good to have a role model like her to show proper perseverance and tact.
I feel for Tati. She got put down time after time by these other girls. I know when I go through that I put up a edged shield also. It’s a common defense mechanism and it was needed for a healthy psyche. A less healthy defense mechanism is what raven did, put down everyone to make ones self feel better. I hated when Ru told Tati that she has to not mind the trash talk because that gives permission and excuses for people like raven to behave uncivil and hypocritically bitchy.