Ryan Reynolds is in a tight, dark place and I'm not talking about my ass. Ryan is currently filming an indie thriller titled Buried in which he plays a kidnapped civilian buried in a coffin in the desert. The only items he has with him are a cell phone, candle and knife. The most interesting thing about the flick is that Ryan will be the only character in the entire film.
"It's the only movie I've ever heard of with only one person in it. So it's just me, I'm the only person in the whole movie," Reynolds explained. "It's either going to be the greatest, most experimental cool movie ever made or god knows what."
Hmmm… a movie starring only Ryan Reynolds? He'd better be naked for a good portion of the movie or somethin' because I'm not really sure how I feel about a movie with only one character. I have an idea! How about they make a movie about me being buried in Ryan's dark and tight hole? Now that would be a blockbuster.
– Andy
I’m getting claustrophobic just thinking about this movie.
I really don’t know how they could successfully pull off a movie like this, let alone with an actor like him. I think I like Andy’s movie better. Call Ryan’s agent!
candles burn away oxygen right? lets light this one up!
Reminds me of Hitchcock’s “Lifeboat”. This film also had a very hot young actor (“The baby’s got a gun”). Good stuff, and anything with Ryan Reynolds gives me a boner, including just the mention of his name.
Agreed…. Ryan is such a wet dream that I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt! Just last night I watched one of his earlier films (Just Friends)… he’s a pretty fantastic comic actor. Besides the hot bod, which is best showcased in the remake of the Amityville Horror!!

Ugh, I don’t care how hot he looks, I hate Ryan Reynolds as an actor. No talent, totally cocky and arrogant (I get that that’s the character he always plays, too bad that he now believes it). Hopefully the movie is only 15 minutes long because that’s about as long as I can stand to watch him.