Sacha Baron Cohen appeared on Letterman yet again, but this time he showed up as his character Bruno. I'll admit that there was a time when I was excited about this movie, but I'm getting a little tired of this guy's over-the-top publicity stunts and stale jokes. It's just the same shit over and over again! Why is the gay media spending so much time promoting a straight actor depicting a gay stereotype? I ask this question as I write this post promoting him, and I will probably still see this movie out of curiosity. ::sigh::
Rant aside, the most hilarious thing about Bruno's top ten list is that the majority of it isn't funny. Aren't top ten lists supposed to build towards some sort of climax? This one wastes the best joke on the first item, so it's basically like someone cumming right as your dick gets in. Boner kill, for sure.
UPDATE: To clarify about certain things I wrote, I'm solely wondering why Sacha Baron Cohen's character is on the cover of so many gay magazines when there are plenty of actual gay individuals (other than Mario Lavandeira) who they could be featuring. I absolutely respect what he's doing and understand that the stereotype he's portraying is in jest, for a better cause.
– Dewitt
what? if something sucks because “it’s the same shit over and over again” (verbatim from the author), then how can you possibly justify the musical selections offered in the votes you’ve held this summer? that’s definitely the same shit over and over again. as is the vapid gossip spread via this site. as are the models put up on display here. as are the nearly completely vacuous rants of social issues here… I could go on but I hope you see the point.
and given that this comedian uses extreme gay stereotypes to expose the hypocrisy and bigotry of society, you should give him more credit. he doesn’t do this just to make people laugh; he does it to expose people for the fools that they are. I don’t think he’s very funny but he sure as hell draws a lot of attention to how ingrained bigotry is; and for that I give him kudos.
and who are you to complain about stereotypes when I’ve yet to see a single post in the blog here that isn’t entirely stereotypical? can ya answer that one, please.
what Chuck said…. the irony of the manhunt blog bitching about the “same shit over and over again” is rich.
not just bigotry – this kind of comedy indicates the sheer stupidity of the type itself.
if any gay man feels that he is represented by this kind of stereotype, it should only make him (re)consider what kind of social character/persona he has modeled himself on.
I have to say that I totally find Sacha Cohen HOT! LOVE HIM!
Its going to be a laugh.. just all stop stressing out take a chill pill and relax. Laugh at how middle american people treat gays. Only in america can this happen.
I was going to say exactly what chuck did: “given that this comedian uses extreme gay stereotypes to expose the hypocrisy and bigotry of society, you should give him more credit. he doesn’t do this just to make people laugh; he does it to expose people for the fools that they are. I don’t think he’s very funny but he sure as hell draws a lot of attention to how ingrained bigotry is; and for that I give him kudos.”
So yeah. On the surface, it’s just another perpetuation of the flamboyant gay stereotype, but you HAVE to realize that there is definitely a deeper, more intellectual reason he is doing this movie. Think back to Borat, that is another example of stereotyping, and it’s also perfect way to make people think about their feelings towards people of Middle Eastern and/or Muslim heritage.
Thank you, Trevor! I agree that part of Sasha’s performance is both making people think as well as gentle (and not so) prodding at biggotry.
Another way to view this is that the outlandish exposure chips away at many people’s fear of the “dreaded homosexuals!” As they get used to seeing the extremes, the rest of us become much more normal and acceptable.
It is no different than the news media always flocking to the over-the-top drag queens during pride parades. Do they ever take note of the rest of us “average” appearing Americans (I do REFUSE to use the Joe Six Pack analogy). I say fine, let someone else look the fool.
Granted that Cohen’s attempt at exposing bigotry is a noble one, it does so at the expense of lumping all gay men as that stereotypical flaming queen. Bummer on that. Audiences will likely leave theaters reaffirming their stereotypes of gay men and perhaps half-heartedly getting the message itself due to Cohen’s outlandish performance. All this for the sake of box office receipts, and an excuse for him to straighten his hair.
ugh I have absolutely NO desire to see this movie. I agree that this will just re-enforce the stereotype of gays in this country. And for what..yes box office receiepts. Its a disgrace and I will not support it.
good rebuttal points.
however, audiences most certainly leave pride parades reaffirming their stereotypes of gay men, too. if queers can act that way for no other reason than to be queer, why can’t Cohen co-opt that behavior to make a point? to complain about him while ignoring the reality behind the stereotype is hypocrisy.
I went to see Bruno today and thought it was genious! Even better than Borat. And I was sad at the end of the movie cuz it definitely left me wanting way more!