Sally Kern Is At It Again

Sally Kern

Sally Kern, the gun-totin' rabid anti-gay representative from Oklahoma who called homosexuality a greater threat than Al-Qaeda is at it again! The Anita Bryant of our time is back with more crazy conspiracy theories about the 'gay agenda.' 

The OKGazette reports from the 'Clouds Over America' conference:

"She recounted the bullet points of a secret public relations campaign to have gays accepted by the general public — step by step — with the final goal being not just acceptance of gays by heterosexuals, but eventual triumph of homosexuality as a superior lifestyle."

She continued by calling for a new surge in the battle against homosexuality, “The solution is another Great Awakening, folks, we need a spiritual revival, and that will only come if God’s people, especially you pastors, will stand in your pulpits and vocally preach the word of God and thus declare the Lord this sin, and preach it in love, only then does our nation have a chance of overcoming the scourge of AIDS, HIV and the devastating destruction that the homosexual lifestyle is bringing on your children and our grandchildren.”

What do you think about her comments? Is she crazy enough that we should just ignore her, and more importantly, how the hell did she ever get elected? It baffles me. I wonder if she thinks her reportedly gay son is a part of the conspiracy…

– Andy

25 thoughts on “Sally Kern Is At It Again

  1. what a cuntt! don’t the people of Oklahoma know they’re a laughing stock because of her.. dumbasses

  2. Unfortunately, in my home state of Queensland, Australia we also had a bible totin’, anti-gay Premier “Sir Johannes Bjelke-Peterson” until the late 1980’s.
    It was alleged that he engaged many illegitimate activities as Premier, however, he did not have to stand trial because of his age at the time.
    Therefore, I question who are the real demons in our society? The meek homosexual or the aggressive politician?

  3. being gay and from oklahoma i don’t relate to her in any way. i’ve never even heard of her till now. as far as i’m concerned she needs to head to the backwoods with the rest of the cast of deliverance

  4. she’s obviously a dyke. still, a secret public relations campaign isn’t such a bad idea.

  5. maybe they should all get some shock treatment… if it “worked” to cure the “fag” in us then it should cure the hate in them too right?

  6. She should have a good talk with Mary Griffith, whose son Bobby (Prayers for Bobby) commited suicide from her constant religious condemnation of his homosexuality. then maybe the crazy old bitch will mind her own business.

  7. I agree with her, you know most gay people have an issue with monogomy. – Gay people are too often simply looking for sex, and this in the straight world is considered a disorder. Anything politicians have to say, gay people have no one but themselves to blame for speculation, negative perceptions etc. People can be what they want, but when one sexuality is constantly demonstrating unsafe practices and taking drugs blah – what you expect people to say?
    Power to her I think, its not just Oklahoma , Texas as well. If gay people demonstrated maturity and that being gay isn’t ‘differen’t'( as alot of gay ppl seem to say, just because their gay doesn’t make them any less different) perhaps there wouldn’t be so much of an issue. eg stop fucking around so much. Stop fucking in public, stop drugs, practice safe sex, behave as you have, before you had sex Maybe.

  8. Hey Sven, FUCK YOU DUDE. How DARE you say what you just said. I’ve always believed in the saying ” Those who live in glass WHOREhouses shouldn’t throw stones”. When the fucking breeders zip up their pants and quit hiding their sex secrets, then I’ll gladly zip up mine. Why don’t these so-called welfare moms that go on Maury to find their baby daddy get labeled “filthy whores”? Yet we get singled out for not being afraid to enjoy sex? Fuck you, dude! Not cool! It’s a double edged sword when you really think about it…. or do you even think?

  9. Post to Richard –
    From your comments listed above at 10:13pm tonight.
    Any self respecting gay man or couple wouldn’t dare be more than mildly intimate in view of the general public. We don’t all “fuck around, not practice safe sex & behave as you have” – What the hell does that mean?.
    To me, it sounds like your just another homophobic prick who is scared that gay acceptance is growing by the day & someday, we will have the same rights as the breaders, we will be allowed to marry & to legally adopt children as couples.

  10. Sven said, “Gay people are too often simply looking for sex, and this in the straight world is considered a disorder.” Do you actually know anyone straight, Sven? In my experience, straight guys are just as horny as gay guys (if not moreso). And what is so wrong with wanting to have sex? I’ve never understood this ridiculous notion that sex is bad and sinful and only married people who are forced to have sex for the sake of having children are okay.
    “People can be what they want, but when one sexuality is constantly demonstrating unsafe practices and taking drugs blah – what you expect people to say?”
    Um, what? I assume you’re talking about a specific person that pissed you off, because the gay guys I know aren’t hooked on drugs or “demonstrating unsafe practices” at all. Shouldn’t you be addressing your comments to the guy that fucked you up, instead of presenting them as generalizations describing all gay men?
    “Stop fucking in public, stop drugs, practice safe sex, behave as you have, before you had sex Maybe.” Not sure what the last few words meant (“behave as you have?”), but can you tell me where guys are fucking in public? I’d like to see that.

  11. Another whack job in public office. I knew about her last ramblings and she’s at it again I see. Will she be happy if her son does what Bobby did when he killed himself over his hateful mother who tried to ‘cure’ him?
    Funny how these religious freaks talk out of both sides of their ass…love one another, don’t judge, forgiveness, charity and the like..and they always say the most hateful things towards others.
    What wonderful people to look up to for examples on how to lead a decent Christian life…Jim and Tammy Bakker, Oral Roberts son, Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Swaggert and the list goes on.
    We are such a powerful group as gays, to influence and recruit anyone we want and to infiltrate everything to make it seem it is ‘normal.’ Is this where I am supposed to break out into tears, after admitting I paid a prostitute for sex in a sleezy motel room..I have sinnnnnned!

  12. Not all gays are sluts u know some of us are faithful to our partners and there is nothing rong with having sex.
    my concern is the rate in wich the gay people are growing especially here in South Africa there is too much faqs and young kids now still in school are cuming out of the closet n having sex ,its like the world is only producing sex faries now .

  13. We’re growing? YIPPIE! The more gay people we have the more we can advance our cock sucking, ass fucking agenda. One day we will take over the world.
    Seriously though, for you gay bashing people that are making negative comments – how did you even find this site? If you’re so straight and hate us fags so much why are you here? Why are you even associating with us. If our homosexuality is a disease then you had better watch out because you may catch it. It’s contagious you know. 😉
    I often wonder why all of these homo-hating bible-thumping morons are so concerned with us “gays” taking over the world. In the bible it says that all the God fearing, righteous people will be taken into heaven. So that means all us “gays” will be left to burn in everlasting hell fire.
    So why should you even care what we do since you’ll be in heaven?
    Perhaps those bible-thumping hate mongering idiots should really read what the bible says and go back to the original interprations – and not just listen to what you’ve been told by other hate mongers.
    If the bible really did say that homosexuality is an abomination… and you’re one of those bible-thumping morons that eat shrimp, lobster, scallops or pig; or you wear any type of blended material clothing (e.g. wool/cotton, ployester/rayon, etc.) then I’ll look forward to seeing you in hell too.
    Oh and by the way if your children have ever disrespected you in any way (raising their voice, not following your instructions, etc) then you should have stoned them to death – because the Bible tells you so.

  14. i totally and absolutely agree with richard, i havent found a ” normal ” gay guy yet, and what i say by normal, i mean monogamo, that dont do drugs, that is not only looking for sex, that actually behave as a guy and not as femenine as my mom ! etccetera ectetera . . .
    and yes I AM GAY.

  15. oh please, give me a break. when the bible-thumpers start bashing those who reject Christ and say they’re gonna burn in hell then, and only then, will i even begin to acknowledge their hatefulness. come on you religious wrong. if the LORD killed off half the Israelites in the desert for worshiping a gold bull calf what do u think He will do to those who reject Him? yeah, that’s right. while you’re at it let’s condemn all the babies born out of wedlock, those who divorce and remarry, not saving yourself until marriage, etc. these bible-thumpers are nothing but pharisees of our time, and God despises them the most. quit picking on gays only. as Jesus says, “those who are WITHOUT sin may cast the fist stone”.
    Sven: do you only know a couple of gays? generalizing an entire group of people based on a relatively small sample is exceptionally narrowminded. i don’t use drugs, don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, and don’t sleep around. furthermore there are pleanty of people who are like minded. i have a few straight buds who are constantly picking up women at bars and on the girlfriend-of-the-week club. does that mean all straights are promiscious? i know two who arent exactly honest so does that make all straights liars and theives? seriously man, get a clue!

  16. It’s kinda cute that she thinks that we’re a well organized enough group to have an agenda. I mean, I’d be shocked if as a “community” could hold a successful bakesale.
    Now the KKK of which she is more than likely a closet member… That’s a well organized group.

  17. How did they get the gay agenda? On line of course
    6:00 am Gym (upper body)
    8:00 am Breakfast (oatmeal and egg whites)
    9:00 am Show up for “work”
    9:15 am Coffee Break (double latte mocha frappuchino)
    9:30 am Hair appointment
    11:00 am Shopping
    1:00 pm Late lunch (salad, with an appletini)
    2:45 pm Achieve world conquest:
    a) Assume control of Federal, State and Local Governments
    b) Recruit teens with unlimited sex, alcohol, and chocolate,
    c) Dissolving all heterosexual marriages,
    d) Replacing all school counselors with recruiters from modeling agencies, bartending academies, culinary institutes, and nursing schools,
    e) bulldozing all places of worship, and
    f) Securing total control of the internet and all mass media.
    3:00 pm Beauty rest to recover from stress of world conquest
    4:00 pm Gym (aerobics workout)
    6:00 pm Smoothie break (with energy boost)
    7:00 pm Disco Nap
    8:00 pm Light Dinner (marinated skinless chicken breast, with Pinot Gris)
    9:00 pm Theater
    11:00 pm Hit the Clubs
    2:00 am Bed (someone’s bed anyhow)

  18. This has been on my mind since I read it a few days ago. I’m curious: what would she have the world do with homosexuals? Arrest us? Institutionalize us? Kill us? I’ll try to find out for us as these statements seem threatening in nature to me.
    If she thinks we’re on a cladestine mission to soften the public view of homosexuality, promote the acceptance of homosexuals, and generate a civil rights campaign then she’s so goddamn right it’s uncanny.
    We joke about this in the posts above but we’ve infiltrated this world from schoolbuilding to skyscraper. We are a huge part of their world, they just won’t realize it until we all stand up at the same time and demand to be heard. Maybe when her gynecologist is rooting in her vagina he/she could make a small announcement about also being gay. Or when her attorney is drafting up some important documents he/she could mention what it’s like to be gay. Because we are these people and we do these things everyday we have no understanding of how surprising it would be for a straight person in her situation if we all pointed at her one day and said, “You’re talking about me”.
    One day soon we’re going to go after her and people like her. If they think we’re the pussy-whipped faggots they dealt with in Middle School they have another thing coming to them. We were scared at one point, and soon we’ll be angry.
    Don’t ever let these bigots make you fight amongst one another. Gays come in all colors. Some live in gay areas where straights only see what’s taking place in parades or in clubs. Others work hard to make a life for themselves in the suburbs. Some of us do shameful things and others are as innocent as we’ve ever known they could be. We’re as varied and complex as the people in the communities we grew up in. We deserve a life of comfort and joy as much as anyone else.
    In the Middle East and other parts of this world they are executing men who engage in homosexual acts. Executing them! What if the people who oppose us in America had their way somehow? Would you be willing to go to war over it? Would you say we deserve what we get? Would you go into hiding? I would die for it and I would take a few from the opposing side with me.
    If anyone knows of any clandestine meetings in the Atlanta area, please let me know.

  19. Ha ha ha, what are gay people complaining about? gay people are just as judgmental as straight people. LOL get over it everyones entittled to their opinions.

  20. Yeah jessica, and they are offended by my statement? Which is so typical for the overely gay person. Can’t handle any sort of critism’ ha ha.
    Firstly I don’t really care, Im my own minority, I don’t go to gay parades, and I do have straight friends and I work in the corperate straight world too ( comment directed for the dickhead above) lol..
    I was speaking in regards to GAY people. Those that do drugs, the ones that fuck everything that has a dick, you know? They are the ones that give all gay people the bad name’. At the end of the day I wouldn’t be blaming Sally Kern for her comments and actions, take a look around your so called ‘ minority group’. And why do some gays speak worse then women ? And no one give me that ‘ theyre born with it shit either’. You can’t all sound the same, do you take coaching classes on how to sound disfunctionally more fem than an actual woman?
    Peace out

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