Screw This Asshole For Making Me Give Up Baconators Whenever I’m In North Carolina

UPDATE: Wendy’s corporate heads smacked this dude upside the head, and made him take down all of his bullshit signs. I still wouldn’t rush to this guy’s franchises for fries and a chili (mmm, chili) but it’s good to know Wendy’s discriminates against NO ONE when it comes to clogging arteries with their fast food. Yay, Wendy’s!

Wendy is a whore. Jim Furmen owns 86 Wendy’s franchises all over North Carolina. Towleroad is reporting that each one now sports a version of the sign above. That’s 86 restaurants supporting Chick-fil-A’s bigotry. Ain’t that a bitch? Now whenever I’m in North Carolina (a state that’s already proven some of their residents are pinheads) I can’t eat a Baconator.Fuck my life. Wait, so can I still have em’ here in Boston? Does the Wendy’s corporation have to approve what this dickhead is doing with his franchises? It’s all very confusing, and I’m a vapid whore – so someone break it down for me.

Whatever. The Italian Chicken Sandwich at BK is way better than a Baconator , anyway.

– J. Harvey

For another photo of a different homophobic Wendy’s sign, Follow the JOB:

244 thoughts on “Screw This Asshole For Making Me Give Up Baconators Whenever I’m In North Carolina

  1. no chick-fil-A and now no Wendy’s in NC…..wonder how Wendy’s stand on the issue is in Virginia..almost know what it is since Virginia seems to be backward…agree they are allowed to have their own belief’s and opinions, but when it attacks the rights of others it is closing in on hatred

  2. I hope I am right by saying this… I dont believe Dave Thomas nor his daughter Wendy would support this sign. I do not believe Wendy’s Corperate or other Franchises feel this way. However if I am wrong and they do allow this sign to stand then that is very bad business on their part. This is a great example of why EVERY gay person must register to vote and vote for Obama this election. If Romney get in office you can bet ALL rights will taken away from the gay community. Any and all accomplishments for the gay community will all be in vain if we do not get out and vote for the only President who stands up for the rights of ALL..

  3. It’s already been on the news in NC. These signs are photo shopped, just like the ones from McDonald’s

  4. I plan on heading to Chick-Fil-A for dinner today, going to be buying two of my usual order.

    Chick-Fil-A doesn’t discriminate against gay employees.

    Chick-Fil-A doesn’t discriminate against gay customers.

    The owner of Cjick-Fil-A personally believes in traditional marriage and his Christian religion and it’s values.  That’s it.  This threatens no one.  It’s a matter of free speech and  free exercise of religion.

    Don’t hate.

    Don’t be a liberal dork.

  5. From what I’ve heard, Wendy’s corporate office has ordered that the signs be removed.

  6. Their corporate office just confirmed when I called.   (614) 764-3100

    Bombard them with calls if you’d like!   🙂

  7. A friend of mine placed this comment about the subject on his facebook.   Interesting take on this I think.   Just putting it out there for consideration.  

    It was in response to this:

    Liberal logic? It’s common sense. Let me try to explain it for the feeble-minded. Dan Cathy is free to believe whatever he wants about anything, That’s his right as a human being and as an American citizen. He’s also free to use his pri…vate income to promote those beliefs by giving it to organizations that seek to exert pressure on legislators and other politicians to embody those beliefs into law. What is objectionable to the “liberal” is when Dan Cathy uses funds that belong to the Chick-fil-A corporation to promote his personal agenda. It is objectionable because 1.) it’s not his money and 2.) We, the consumers, gave it to them. And while the Supreme Court has redefined corporations to be individual sentient beings with the freedom to spend money any way they want (a ludicrous proposition, incidentally), we the consumer are forced to think twice before we give these new sentient beings our money if we don’t want to underwrite the promotion of agendas that harm us. That’s it, in a nutshell. Understand?

  8.  dont’ hate — but don’t purchase.
    for years i’ve avoided domino’s because of their rabid support of Pro-Lifers,  i’ve survived fine on other pizza

  9. Subsidizing anti-gay hate groups to the tune of 5 million dollars is worth boycotting.  So, tell me again, why should I line his pockets with my $$ so he can continue to contribute to organizations that would love to see us in camps or dead?

  10. Thank you @pappanut for being a voice of reason rather than all these trigger happy liberals that can’t wait to spread their liberal venom.

  11. I am from the South originally.  I have been boycotting Chik-Fil-A for years.  Yes they have a right to believe in what they will.  They have the right to close on Sunday’s.  They have the right to hate the whole world if they like.  But they don’t have the right to judge.  I am a human just like they are human.  I am not judging their beliefs what so ever. But I have to treat everyone equal on my job and I feel that as right wing as they are, they need to be equal to employing everyone equally. What if we didn’t hire right wing people.  How would they feel. It isn’t about belief. There are just as many christian gays, it is about equality.  Personally I will never support Chik Fil A.  And I have never liked Wendys.  Burger King is where I chose to go.  


  12. Chick-fil-a funds orgainsations that lobby against laws protecting gays from dicrimination! It’s not just about marriage. Are you serious supporting them? Are you really gay???

  13. Wonder what Wendy’s Home Office feels about this, someone should find out and let us all know.

  14. This is disheartening. I live in NC, and my Facebook has be bombarded with pictures of the local Chick-fil-As and how crowded they are as well as statuses about eating every meal at Chick-Fil-A today. It just sucks. I’m not mad at Cathy for stating his opinion, but i’m mad about donating all of the money to the gay hating organizations that he did. BUT NOW I HAVE DO DEAL WITH WENDY’S TOO! I’ve gotta get out of this place! I attached one of the pics from Facebook.

  15.  I’ve always found politicizing my consumer purchases to be petty and misguided.

  16. I’ve found no evidence that supports your accusations.

    Don’t spread malicious rumors and lies, it only diminishes you and your arguments.

    Don’t be a Liberal Dork.

  17. Let them eat their every meal there from now until the time their arteries are so clogged with fat it won’t matter anymore. I have never eaten at a Chic-fil-crap because he made his opinion on gays and gay rights known years ago, and also because I don’t think their food is good enough to justify the high prices they charge. 

  18.  I’m having the same problem and I live in Charlotte (one of the few voting districts who actually opposed Amendment One)! It’s really sickening.

  19. i emailed Wendy and asked where they stand and i told them i will not eat at any of the restaurants including TIm Hortons Cold stone creamery  

  20. Yeah, I’m about 30 minutes from Charlotte. It’s really demoralizing to see how many people around me oppose my sexuality and are willing to support hate groups.

  21. Hi, let me Google that for you: who wants to claim supporting Chick-fil-a DOESN’T directly benefit homophobic causes should expect to be served divorce papers from Reality for irreconcilable differences. 

    At its heart, the Chick-fil-a boycott is not about punishing someone with whom you disagree—although Chick-fil-a’s First Amendment rights don’t protect it from the boycotters’ First Amendment-protected response. It’s about not giving your money to people who will turn around and donate it to organizations seeking to make your life worse. 

    Protestors aren’t politicizing their consumer purchases, the companies that use their profits to fund hate groups are.

  22. this is what Wendys had to say to me   “This is one independent franchisee’s personal opinion. We are proud to serve customers of varied races, backgrounds, cultures and sexual orientation, with different beliefs and values.  Bearing that in mind, this franchisee has decided to remove the messages from his restaurant signs.”

  23. “If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the other direction.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer

  24. He could be a PR for the Anti-gay group. But if he is gay, then something is wrong in his head.

  25. “First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist so I did not speak out. 
    Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists, but I was neither, so I did not speak out. 
    Then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew so I did not speak out.
    And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me.”
           Dietrich Bonhoeffer

  26. I agree with everything you say… However as mentioned above Wendy’s Corperate does not support chik fil a. They have orderd the sign removed. Do not punish the good people over 1 jack ass. That would be like punishing the Prodistant Church because of those jack asses at the westboro baptist church…

  27.  Rivercitbear: technically, it IS his money – or rather, his family’s money. Chick fil-A is a privately held corporation; it has three stockholders, who are all descendants of the founder (the current #1 and #2 at the company are the sons of the founder).

    I hate what he stands for, and I refuse to give him my money to spend on hate groups, but he has a perfect right, as the owner of the corporation, to do what he wants with his money.

    (Nonetheless, I believe what he does is this: the corporation donates some of its proceeds to the non-profit foundation set up by the family, and that foundation donates the money to the hate groups. Either way, once the company has made the money, he can do with it as he pleases.)

  28. If you don’t know what Chick fil-A and its owner are donating to, it’s because you are choosing not to look very hard. It’s been widely reported and documented – millions given to groups like the Family Research Council. Cathy has freely admitted to such. Why don’t you believe him when he tells you what he does with his money?

  29. if thats the only reason you are voting for Obama, you should really think again as he is putting this country in the hole financially, he has racked up more debt in his one term than almost all the presidents before him combined.

  30. Actually, I heard when I was younger that Dave was outraged because Wendy herself was a lesbian. I could be wrong on both counts though.

  31. I agree….Obama is killing this country. You have to look at the big picture. There is more at stake here than just gay rights…which IS very important. There are NO signs that Romney hates gays. Chill out, THINK what is happening right now with unemployment over 8%…trillions of dollars in debt. NOT what I like. I don’t want to buy my fast food with food stamps.

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