It's weird for me to admit this, but I want to bang the hell out of Jimmy Kimmel. I'm probably the only guy in the world who got hard while watching "I'm Fucking Ben Affleck", his response to Sarah Silverman's "I'm Fucking Matt Damon. My fantasies had nothing to do with Ben Affleck, and everything to do with doing Jimmy Kimmel in the butt. To make matters even worse, I've felt this way about him since The Man Show.
Let me just make it clear that I'd never let Jimmy Kimmel fuck me. I'm not exactly sure why, but all of my fantasies have either involved him sucking my cock or taking it in the ass. More often than not, he is either on his knees or bent over with his arms against the wall. Yes, I've actually thought about the details of this matter, and I'm not ashamed of it. Except for the fact that I kind of am.
– Dewitt
For two shirtless pics of Jimmy Kimmel, follow the JUMP:
Jimmy Kimmel, no…. Seth Rogen, YES!
Matt Damon………….YES!
Jimmy Kimmel…………NO!
it’s ok Dewitt. I think he’s hot too. lol
everyone to their own taste (thank god!) but to me, he looks like someone who’d get the door slammed in his face when he showed up on your doorstep and tried to force you to accept a copy of “good news”!
Up until this point I thought I was the only one who thought he was super cute…
He may be a nerdy little Jew-boy, but he’s still a cute bear cub of a nerdy little Jew-boy.
Yeah, I’d do him, and if Harrison Ford wanted to join in, that’d be pretty hot, too.
Sometimes you have really good taste and then other picks are borderline disgusting… can u guess which one i think this falls under?
he’s not hot… but still amazing nonetheless.
I do find him really cute…
And I thought I was alone on this one… XD
I love a guy that can make me laugh, I’d definitely do him.