Secret Sex: Max Greenfield

I’m more annoyed by Schmidt on New Girl than J. Harvey is by Zooey Deschanel‘s entire existence. Loose translation, for those of you who don’t follow Manhunt Daily religiously? I am extremely annoyed by Schmidt. Whoever dreamt up this character needs to put a bajillion dollars in the “douchebag jar”, because he’s worse than the show’s tendency to end every episode with a “let’s all come together and do something adorkable!” moment.

But here’s the thing! People like Schmidt. I’m not sure if they appreciate the character’s softer side or if they just want to bang the fuck out of Max Greenfield (the actor who plays him), but people are really into Schmidt. Intensely devoted! It doesn’t make sense.

Today’s installment of Secret Sex is dedicated to those people. Frankly, I don’t really get the appeal… I’m more of a Jake Johnson kind of guy.

– Dewitt

Click through for more shirtless pics of Max Greenfield:

(via superherofan)

239 thoughts on “Secret Sex: Max Greenfield

  1. Because with alot of gay boys if someone is attractive they get a passl, like when John Mayer said his dumb stuff. Yet if  they don’t find them attractive like a Kanye or Chris Brown they are eternally damned. 

  2. For me, the question isn’t whether porn is hotter without condoms, but rather, is it responsible to  glamorize it? I’m old enough to have seen guys die of AIDS, see what it did to them on their way to death, and how gay men, whether infected or not, were treated at the height of the crisis.  Rampant fucking without condoms outside of a monogamous relationship in our community is recreating the exact SAME fecund bacterial environment that will make us susceptible to an as-yet undiscovered virus that may be completely different from HIV yet be just as deadly.  And if a virus like that takes hold our community again and spreads like wildfire like HIV did, who will we have to blame? How much sympathy do we think we’ll get this time from the world at large? At least last time we could claim ignorance and say we didn’t know our behavior could lead to this. We can’t say that a second time.

    I know FAR too many guys under 25 who approach me on Manhunt who only fuck without condoms.  Back when I was 25, the stigma of that type of behavior was so great that I never considered it. What’s the difference between now and then? Better AIDS drugs for sure, but I have no doubt that the explosion in the glamorization of condomless sex, especially in porn, has had a huge effect, and it makes me sad.

    I wish I could be as flip about this subject as others seem to be, but whenever I try, the memories of Jeff and Greg flood my mind. To honor them, and keep them alive, and to hope that their deaths weren’t totally in vain, I feel compelled to speak up and tell the other side whenever this topic comes up.

  3. I guess I will be the sole voice of dissent, but I am completely turned off by this trend. Maybe it’s because of my age–I’m 33 and was born into the midst of the AIDS epidemic and was scared out of my mind by the stories I heard–but I prefer to think it’s my common sense.  People do imitate what they see, and unprotected sex is a serious public health concern, even if HIV/AIDS is largely treatable today.  I don’t judge consenting adults for their choices, but from my point of view, unprotected sex is a really reckless act that in which I don’t participate.

  4. When it comes to Porn and having sex with my husband I am into Bare Back sex.
    But with a stranger that can not produce proof of the testing they have done to show they are safe from all STD’s oh hell no!
    I do not mind watching porn with a condom but it is not the normal ones I look for online.

  5. BB is always hot.  If you don’t like it/or are serophobic (google it), take your small mind and your small opinion somewhere else.

    No one is forcing you to watch BB porn or have BB sex.  If you dont like it, DONT GIVE THEM YOUR MONEY.  End of discussion.

  6. Honestly doesn’t matter to me.  You can barely see a condom during a fuck scene, so can’t see why it makes a difference.

    I do get turned off by bareback porn where they start using cum as lube.  No fun watching a hot young guy kill himself.

  7. I think sites like Sean Cody are going bareback because it’s taboo, and the fantasy taboo they used to cater to was ‘sexy with a straight guy’. Now the everyone is doing the ‘hot guys in a generically decorated room having sex shtick, so they need to find a way to stand out. 

    It’s sad to me that these young guys are willing to have riskier sex than they need to just to make a few bucks and cater to unimaginative people who could care less if they live or die. 

  8. Two observations, neither of which is likely to win me popularity contests.  First, I wonder how elastic the term “bareback” is.  Does the term refer to any form of condomless sex or does it represent the narrower category of bug-chasing, or the desire to intentionally transmit the virus?  Since I tend to think of it it in relation to that narrower category, I was puzzled by Sean Cody’s disclaimer, with its first bareback/condomless video about the testing protocal.  If we have all kinds of assurances that everything’s safe and there’s no genuine risk, then what exactly is taboo about the practice?  (And, if there is no genuine risk, what about it do we find sexy–when WATCHING it?)

    Second, I wonder about the slippage when we talk about “people will do what they want.”  I’m uncertain that porn stars are doing what they want.  They are, for the most part, doing what will get them a paycheck.  If we aren’t practicing bareback sex in our lives because we are worried about the health risks, then should we be paying other people to undergo that risk so that we can have the vicarious thrill?  Do we really think that the average Sean Cody model would be out there fucking raw if he wasn’t getting a paycheck to do so?  I guess I’m not sure.

  9. Okay those rentboys are not straight, and Poser, I would see that as a curse not an asset, but God bless you, he already did, obviously

  10.  Totally agree that BB is unsafe and it should not be glamorized. That said, the thing that makes the Jed & Jamie scene WAY hotter, is the kissing.

  11. What I can’t help wondering is how Chaosmen finds so many “straight” guys willing to get fucked, let alone bareback. Bareback looks hot, but it’s dirty and dangerous and no one should be doing it, period.

  12. I don’t think it’s just the taboo of the act as it correlates to danger and sexual risk.  There is also a sense that condomless sex is more immediate, and intimate.  Most bb porn I just can’t get into…because it looks like a bio hazzard.  The Sean Cody bb actually seems more innocent than raunchy in its recently optional condom usage.  I don’t support their decision to promote such activity (and it does support it, no matter their disclaimer) but their boys are so clean cut, and wholesome, they are tested and so they just seem to exist in an alternate dimension where there are no sexual dangers…

    Something I find very peculiar about this discussion though, is the way that it occurs in our community.  It’s a much more heated talking point, whereas straight porn is almost always condomless.  There’s this sense that homosexuals are responsible for the danger, because ours was a community that was hit so devastatingly by it, but as far as I understand that isn’t the truth.  Anyway.  I’m glad its being talked about, but I’m bummed out by the poll results. 

    All that it tells me is that I should continue staying on top of knowing my status and always keep condoms close at hand…because its hard to believe that more people aren’t taking risks and mine is the only behaviour I can control.

  13. There is no valid proof that someone is STD free, and that’s the problem.  Even the best STD/HIV testing allows for a “window” period where the test may not pick up the infection, but the individual may still be infectious.  While that window is closing, until we have an instant STD/HIV test that is accurate up to the day (or a cure for all diseases), condoms will be necessary.

  14. No one should be disputing whether BB is “hotter”–why wouldn’t it be? The question is whether it is safe.  It is not.  When we finally have a cure for STDS/HIV-or tests that are so highly reliable they pick up an infection immediately– then performers bareback safely.   Porn is a business like anything else and in the U.S. we have basic occupational safety laws.  Cafeteria workers wear gloves, construction workers wear hard hats, porn stars should wear condoms.  Our own desire to see BB, shouldn’t trump the safety of the performers.  It is our demand for BB that fuels its production. 

  15. I am sorry,  I am an immunologist, and to me there is nothing sexy about bare-backing. Fools!

  16. I see and understand your view point but it dose show that someone thinks about it and tries to be informed of his status and taking care of himself no matter what kind of sex is performed.

  17. Bareback feels so much hotter….can’t get that feeling wrapped up like a sausage…..

  18. First of all anyone willing to bottom for someone else should be using cleaning themselves before it happens anyways either with a shower wand or a disposable duche because smelling or seeing poo is pretty much a turn off for most people topping plus your more comfortable when it comes to actually being screwed by someone else after words.
    I would never bottom if I was not clean nor would my Husband. 

  19. Just an added thought for all the ones who insist on playing and being safe you can also contract an STD sucking on another man’s cock if they have any.
    How many of you saying no way to BB suck a dick without a condom and never worry about they being tested or getting tested yourself and I am not talking about HIV either many STD’s can be passed on with a blow job.

    Do I think it is a good idea to go BB hell no and a lot of people out there do it without a thought about it no doubt. But if you insist on going BB @ least know about yourself and your partner as best you can.

  20. Why is it whenever this conversation comes up do all the guys who think barebacking is bad/risky/”killing themselves” automatically assume the performers who are barebacking are all having rampant, uninformed, untested sex with anything that moves.  I would venture that many of the Sean Cody performers have very few sexual partners outside of the group they perform and are tested frequently with.  The notion that barebacking in of itself is terribley dangerous is exactly the homophobic stance force fed to the gay community by the CDC and other health organizations in this country in the 80’s.  Untested and uninformed sex, bareback or not,  is what is risky.  If we encouraged open communication with our partners, and embraced a “sex positive” (sorry, don’t have another term off the top of my head) attitude instead of the sanitized “you can’t even have unprotected sex with your monogamous partner” axiom we live with now, we would probably have a better chance of reducing the rising number of STD cases by eliminating the “tabboo” or illicit nature of sex.   Has anyone of you seen ad campaigns telling straights to only have protected sex the way there have been campaigns for gays?  If so I love to hear about it. 

  21. I came out in the early 80s with HIV and AIDS.  There WAS no cure.  There STILL isn’t.  The younger gays today could be my sons.  Bareback does feel better.  IVs and neuropathy  and PCP pneumonia hurt.  Play safe, young man, Play safe!

  22.  It’s more of a small mind to think that someone is afraid of someone with AIDS. That’s not what the topic is about, and AIDS is not the only STD one can catch.
    That narrow defensive attitude is very akin to a lack of responsibility, and informing people of the possible risks.
    Apathy is never cool.

  23. I think that “glamorizing” is a strong word to just apply to the condomless scenes (I personally think bareback sex should be used to refer to the narrower category that Kink2go mentioned).  I think that the term “glamorizing” really applies to all of the Sean Cody scenes.  I mean those men are all close to perfection, sometimes I want to know what planet they come from.  On a side note, I do actually know one of the solo models and he is just as beautiful in person as on the site.  But for me, condom or no condom, it is about the chemistry (and the hot kissing) that do it for me in a scene.  And the risk to the guys in the scene, though real, is minimal because of the testing that is done so I don’t feel as though I am living a fantasy through them because of that and also because sex without a condom is not something I am interested in at all.  Wrapping it up, whether it feels different or not, is the only way someone gets to feel it.  That being said, if you choose to leave it unwrapped, good times to you.  Judge lest ye be judged (and there are plenty of things I could be judged for).  Fun times men, boys, and all those with hard cocks. 🙂

  24. I think you’re both brainwashed dumbfornicators. Videos with condoms are NOT porn, they’re propaganda. And “Sean Cody” and anyone else that makes condomized “porn,” and any models that are in them, are all hypocritical despicable whores for money that have sold out the gay community, and repressed our natural, perfectly human sexuality, far beyond what the religious right has ever DREAMED of being able to repress us. I wish a whole lot of these condom queen’s parents had used condoms. Ooo no – wait, straight people, at least, realize condoms are a failed strategy to prevent ANYTHING in the long run, because they ruin sex, the way humans are hardwired to have it. Hmmm… ya think maybe that’s why they invented the pill, the IUD, the sponge, the other pill. Condoms prove just how stupid and manipulated gays are willing to be. HIV could be something we talk about that happened last century, if enough of us had stood up and demanded  readily available prevention tools and tactics that WORK, and DON’T ruin sex (not to mention the condom strategy has caused all sorts of animosity, divisiveness, hypocrisy and unnecessary guilt and shame, withing the gay community. I really hate people like you. You make me embarrassed to say I’m gay, and you disrespect the honor, integrity and history of facing the truth that the gay community, prior to the condom religion, has been built on. 

    I also hate all these bitter old gays that either have HIV/AIDS or have lost loved ones from it, and then go around preaching fear and guilt to the younger generation. I was a teenager in the 80’s. I worked on the front lines of this shit, when people were scared shitless. And while getting HIV now is certainly not desirable – face facts – it’s a sentence to taking pills. That’s about it. It’s NOTHING anymore today, like it was back when I was seeing people die. So stop fucking lying to the younger generation about it, so you can try to ruin their enjoyment of their sexually prime years, you tired, non-fucking old queens.

    And you know what I or anyone else will get for saying this. Called, by other gays,  a “monster,” a “disease spreader,” or someone who already has it. How brainwashed. How irrelevant. How despicable. 

  25. I picked Jamie and Jed cuz well Jamie is a HOTTIE. Condom or not I’m picking him. At the end of the day it’s about the attractiveness of the models for me. Kudos for finding a way to throw Jamie in another post.

  26. I prefer porn with condoms. No need to make a fuss of it, but we should condoms when we are not in mutually monogamous relationships and I think glamorizing bareback sex is a little unhealthy. Not unhealthy enough to warrant a condemnation, but still circumspect.

  27. You know Dewitt, I am starting to think that the person with the secret hard-on the have raw sex is YOU!!!!  Opening dialogue about HIV is a great thing.  But you are starting to sound like the Southern Baptist preacher condemning faggotry while taking cock on the sly.  I’m sense a bullshitter…

  28. No one can claim ignorance now. It’s been 30 years since HIV/AIDS started spreading to not only the gay community,. but the straight community as well. This is one of those times were ignorance is not bliss. 

    There is a scene from “Demolition Man” where Sandra Bullock’s character talks about STDs and she says something about after AIDS there other diseases. It makes you think about what would be next after a cure for AIDS was discovered. What disease could be spread now without us even knowing it? When are those symptoms going to show?

  29. You’re actually quite right that bareback sex is more natural, especially in the way that it correlates to much of human history…where the average life span was less than 40 years. I hope you enjoy your sexual partners sans hygiene and your porn sans electricity. Your logic is in many ways failed. It is obvious  that you not only prefer not to use condoms but have a personal vendetta against their use by others, though as usual I am sure the bitterness deludes the hypocrite.

  30. So HIV is nothing anymore today?  Expensive medication? Costs pennies, I guess. Meds that have side effects, like unnatural fat deposit, accelerated aging, and who knows what else? Completely safe and harmless. Laws criminalizing HIV? They don’t ever, ever get enforced, and no one gets worse sentencing by being poz. Billions have been spent over the past thirty years, and there’s still no cure or vaccine in sight. I dunno about you, but I don’t want to see anybody harmed by something so easily preventable.

    Here in Los Angeles, there are billboards that say, in giant letters, “HIV STIGMA SUCKS.” I suppose the stigma is nothing, too. Being poz is sure gonna attract all those hotties on Manhunt that demand DDF/NEG-only guys, right?

  31.  <>

    Guys seem to have lots of confidence in
    our country that these drugs are always going to be plentiful and available to any and all who want or need them. I hope the day doesn’t arrive when health care budget cuts come and suddenly all the uninsured infected people on Medicaid have to pay for their own meds… what will they do then? I myself don’t consider pointing out that possibility to be <> – I consider that being responsible and planning ahead…

  32. “face facts – it’s a sentence to taking pills”

    Guys seem to have lots of confidence in our
    country that these drugs are always going to be plentiful and available
    to any and all who want or need them. I hope the day doesn’t arrive
    when health care budget cuts come and suddenly all the uninsured
    infected people on Medicaid have to pay for their own meds… what will
    they do then? I myself don’t consider pointing out that possibility to
    be “preaching fear and guilt” – I consider that
    being responsible and planning ahead…

  33. Why is it “OK” for almost all straight porno to show BB sex, but most gay porno to have to use condoms? We have known for a while it’s not a GAY disease – and either type of sex can spread it, yet there seems to be 2 standards, depending on who is getting fucked. If it is “safe” for straight porno actors to BB, why not gay ones? Both groups are being tested.
    Real life is a different matter, of course.

  34. yadah, yadah, yadah…. we’ve all heard these comments – nothing new under the sun guys… 

    So…keepin’ the reply simple (to a simple question)…. I agree with BlondMale !

  35. Jesus, all you “queens” need to get off your soapboxes…it’s P-O-R-N get over it and grow-up. It’s not the industries responsibility to promote views, it’s their responsibility to ENTERTAIN!! It is OUR responsibility to make the right decisions for OURSELVES and OUR OWN wellbeing.

    If you don’t like a movie or a video for WHATEVER reasons you have just simply DON’T WATCH IT, simply put…


  36. I think some (not all, some) of the HIV positive community feel bareback sex is one of the (very) few things we can benefit from being infected. True, there is risk still, but life is too short not to live it to the fullest. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow.
    I for one try to be responsible, and only have unprotected sex with other undetectable guys.
    This does not make us Typhoid Marys. We are all adults, and responding to a very basic human need, one we all fall prey to at some point.
    Plus, the topic is about bareback porn, which kind of makes the point moot. It’s a film where the actors are paid to have sex while being directed. They’ve agreed to what’s going to happen first, despite the setup. They have made their own decisions, and if you don’t agree with them, simply don’t watch it. But, don’t try and take it away from other people just because you think it’s wrong.
    That’s exactly what’s been done to our community for far too long, and it’s about time things changed.

  37. I dont understand how people can have such little respect for their own life or those of others. In a perfect world couples would be totally monongamous and you would not have to worry about giving each other a deadly disease at the sake of getting off! To me its more thrilling to look in a guys eyes when he’s coming and shooting his load onto my stomach and chest! I cant tell that it feels any less filling with or with out a condom. I barebacked once and regretted it after I gave in. Thank god everything was ok but I never felt so low and anxious in my whole life! Play safe and have fun but think about your life!

  38. I happen to drive cars at very high rates of speed through very difficult road conditions. I performance test these vehicles probably well beyond the capabilities of any of these actors and it is part of my job. The chances of a sudden death are higher for me than for any of those models. Yet *they* are my “stunt double” for something I won’t/can’t feel safe doing. That’s why I pay for BB porn.

  39. The porn movies are fantasy….dip shits and to think it promotes anything is the belief that we are all stupid….do your homme werk and shut the fuck up

  40. hes a great looking guy but why does his hair look like it came from that “HAIR IN A CAN Commercial”

  41. LMAO!!!!….YOU GO GIRL!….YOU ROCK!!…LOVE YOUR ATTITUDE… makes you wonder how many think your way but afraid to say it or even admit it…like one of the commentators said on here your taking a chance by sucking a cock without a condom…my opinion to condoms :P….I myself have fucked guys who are HIV+….I put in my profile here and other profiles that I bb….I liked the opinions of shoesize15, guest123 and especially of blondemale…you bet bb wins out

  42. Francois Sagat is, and has long been, bald.  Bald as a cue ball.

    His reaction to this fact of his existence was singular and fairly unique: … he sought out a tattoo artist and … had a hairline tattooed into place.

    I’ve never been able to reconcile my feelings about this.   I find it tragically odd sometimes (like now in these pictures) but kind of cool at other times.

  43. I agree with the other guys here.  This guy is undeniably hot in so many ways, but you can’t help but focus on his tattooed skull and wonder why he ever thought that would be cool as a permanent feature of his “look.”  Maybe as a painted on thing for a few films, but forever?  No thanks.  I’d rather watch, for example, Jesse Jackman, who’s just as bald but not nearly as weird.

  44. who’s to say we aren’t thinking of our life if we like to WATCH bb porn…just because we like to watch it doesn’t mean we don’t make decisions for our OWN well being. it’s entertainment, don’t judge or ridicule others for doing or watching something you wouldn’t do. I don’t jump without a parachute, nor do I take a dip without a rubber…whatever you call it, don’t judge me or anyone else for something that is ENTERTAINING for me and others, don’t tell US what’s right or wrong FOR US to watch, it has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU.


  45.  Tattooed hair? — learn something every day.   Creative idea.   I’ve got this odd curiosity about how long it took and how much pain was involved.    

  46. Mr Sagat is an otherwise stunning guy with one fatal, bone-killing detail: that tattooed hair!  I just hope that one of his millions of ‘fans’ is a compassionate plastic surgeon who will offer him a pro-bono ( or pro-boner!–LOL–) eradication of that sad eyesore with a l’il laser love to his head…It really IS beautiful to be bald, baby!

  47. A perfect world will entail totally monogamous couples?  *Sigh* The death of the radical political vision that inspired the early gay movement makes me very, very sad.

  48. What!????? Shmidt’s character is so-o-o-o-o-o-o good. He says all the rediculous things. He has some of the funniest moments. His character is so “bro,” but in a way that’s funny.

    Like Barney on HIMYM is a tue bro. When we watch him we get a feeling that it isn’t a front. With Shmidt, it is. And because we know it is it’s a good commentary on the Bro-Lifestyles. I think he’s great.

    Plus he’s hot. So hot in an always shirtless way. But I agree, Jake Johnson is hotter. But I wouldn’t mind being caught in between the two. Or even the black one. Or hell, Zooey. She looks damn fine in this show too.

  49. Back on topic, I think when you have an ass and thighs like his, you can actually pull off booty shorts.

    And speaking of pulling off booty shorts…do you need a guy to take more pics for you, Francois?  I volunteer!!  Having to resort to your sister?  Please! 

  50. Perhaps it is because, like me, he isn’t locked into the straight world paradigm that one person can be all things sexually to another person forever. The nice thing about gay relationships is that we can construct them in a way that works for everyone involved. If you can’t make everyone happy, you’re in the wrong relationship.

  51. Betcha can’t fuck just one.

    Voted for Ben Brown, but half of them could get it and all of them are looking good.  I suppose that’s what they’re paid to do…

  52. After 7 years of being together no matter how hard you try and no matter how you change things up sex does become a little stagnate and you get into the same ole slump.
    The number of offers we have gotten or opportunities are far few and in-between  and it’s purpose is just to spice things up a bit for us.
    When I worked part time at a porn store with booths in the back the number of married men that came in for a quick BJ or what ever was off the scale.
    So I would say there is a lot more of that stuff going on both in the straight world and gay would than most realize or like to admit.
    As human being we need sex to be exciting and fun from time to time in a relationship or it slowly falls apart in it’s own way. And I personally would rather keep my relationship alive and going so I am willing to do what it takes to make that happen.
    I do not ask anyone to understand we are all different in thinking and needs but I / We do not hide who or what we are.

  53. Okay lets put it this way I would rather know what my husband is doing and be able to trust him & know who he is with & where he is @ than have him doing it behind my back and possibly end up in a dangerous situation or lie to me the entire time and take more risks.
     At least we talk enough with each other to know what we need to do to keep our relationship alive and do not hide our thoughts, needs and feelings which is the doom of most relationships.
    Love, trust and honesty mean more to me than my husband being totally sexually exclusive in our relationship.
     We have no right judging each other we have enough of that going on already making our lives difficult @ times save it for when you have jury duty in a murder case.

  54. The top two vote getters are the guys showing dick.  Makes sense to me, otherwise, why bother.  Voted for Austin.

  55. My only problem with him is the fact that they have a guy that can’t act straight to save his life (even though his, you know, an actor) playing a womanizer.  

  56. Not another ignorant person saying that they’re too skinny.
    His BMI I’m sure is well within the normal range.

  57. The douche bag character has been in so many shows I don’t see how it’s any different from Neil Patrick Harris’ (bleh) character is any different yet people like him.

    Who can even dislike Zooey?!

    And the show those “adorkable” moments is what the show is all about.

    The whole show is a breath of fresh comedy in a time when there’s barely any cute funny shows.

  58. I feel his character is a gay man who hasn’t figured out he’s gay yet…it can happen 🙂

  59. If you can’t find peen pics, how about a pic with a big smile?  Given his facial structure, I bet he’s even hotter flashin’ the pearly whites.

  60. That’s a whooooooooole lotta hot/cute/adorable/sexy/etc!!!!
    The more I stare, the deeper in love I’m falling!  :)~

  61. I like tats on men, especially good tats on muscular men, but that skull tat is remarkably disgusting.

  62. It’s a picture, people.  Stop imputing to it traits that aren’t necessarily there. 

    It’s hairspray and lipstick and airbrushing and…and…

    And they say gay men are superficial.  Go figure.

  63. …”manorexia” that implies skinny or trying to be.
    He looks healthy now I’m not sure what you believe to be “healthy”

  64. my mouth had started watering, while i was looking through saleem’s spread, here.

    i believe this is the first time That has ever happened.


    someone, get mr. andrews in my mouth, statim.

  65. That last pic = gorgeousness!

    I am staring at that towel with all my might, hoping it will fall.  Come on guys, maybe if we all stare together and try really, really hard…

  66. nice to see Austin Wilde can make a new face, but i guess u can  get away with anything with a big penis……

  67. can’t stand the character, Schmidt is infufferable
    the hot actor Max, however, i’d fuck him like a jackhammer

  68. What safety precautions are you required to take on your job? Is it ok for you to not wear a seat belt? Or to disable the airbags before your drive?

    It’s a good analogy, thought. Porn performers are like stunt people in a movie. Yes, there are risks involved in the job – but measures are taken to protect them and lessen the risks.

  69. It doesn’t matter what people think of Francois’ scalp tattoo. He is a porn star god….and now with his new film “Incubus” he will be even bigger. No matter how many negative comments you make, he will probably never change it.

  70. Annoying as all Hell. Is he really supposed to be straight on the show?!!

    The other guy exudes sex without even trying.

  71. I will NEVER pay to watch bareback sex. I don’t get people who are turned off by watching  people have sex with condoms. Holes are still being entered — and that’s all the turn on I need.

    Aside from that, it’s all about the performers. So, some of the bareback scenes are hot because of that — not the lack of condoms. But I still won’t give sites featuring bareback one cent!

  72. The guy isn’t ugly. However, he doesn’t turn me own. Men from India or of Indian origin doesn’t turn me on. The same applies to Asians.

  73. Schmidt as a character has grown on me….and him being wet and shirtless helped as well….though he still has tiny ass nipples…that continues to bother me :p

  74. I think that there are three issues to consider here.
    1) First and most importantly, in EVERY state in the US, employers are required to provide a safe work place environment.  Period.  Not only allowing, but encouraging and rewarding life-threatening behavior is against the law in every state in the US.  And there are good reaosns for this.  When money is involved, it makes it harder for people to make good decisions.  It’s much like with sexual harrassment in the workplace.  It may seem fun and often is consensual.  But once money is involved, it’s not an equal situation, where people are making decisions solely based on what they actually want to do.  Take poor kids desperate for money.  (There are sites like Broke Straight Guys who actually publicize that that they are taking advantage of desperate poor guys to get them to do things they otherwise wouldn’t do.)  Then offer them lots of money to do something that they realize is dangerous.  But when you’re poor and you’re offered a lot of money, you don’t always make the smart decisions.  And this is a MAJOR decision.  It’s very risky behavior that can lead to a lifelong infection with HIV (not to mention other STD’s.)  Are the porn companies going to pay the tens of thousands of dollars each and every year that it takes to treat HIV properly?  Of course not.  Most of them don’t even provide basic insurance, since they treat their “stars” as independent contractors to avoid having to pay benefits or even their share of taxes.  So now a kid who made a mistake for a few thousand dollars is stuck with a deadly disease that he’s going to have to spend the rest of his likely shortened life fighting.  And it’s a gamble that will utimately cost him millions of dollars — or his life.  This is one of the times where the government has the right to step in and protect the workers from being taken advantage of with dangerous work-related activity.  A construction company isn’t allowed to allow their employees to skip wearing hardhats or goggles, no matter how much the employee may not want to wear them or feel they’re uncomfortable.  And they’re certianly not allowed to offer financial incentives for their workers to risk their lives.  It’s the exact same situation here.  Except that at least in the construction industry, the employees are covered with insurance and can also claim workman’s comp and sue their employers if they get injured on the job.  The porn industry forces their workers to sign waivers that prevent them from being compensated for incidents that occur as a result of their work for the company.   No matter how much you may enjoy watching men risk their lives, the porn companies don’t have the legal right to pressure men into risking their lives on the job. 
    2) The notion that the porn companies are taking “precautions” to protect their workers is a bold-faced lie.  Simply put, and scientifically speaking, there are NO precautions that will protect someone from unprotected anal sex.  You can test people all you want, but if they’ve had sex in the past 3-6 months, the test is not accurate.  (And if you’re in the sex industry, the odds are pretty damn good that you’ve had sex in the past 3-6 months, or you’re broke!)  You can use all the poisonous jelly you want up the ass, but the cock is still ripping millions of holes in the lining of the ass, which would allow HIV to slip in.  Period.  The fact that anyone even brings this fake concept up scares me, becuase it shows that people out here are NOT making educated choices in their own lives, if they don’t even know this basic information.  And those who try to equate uncovered fucking with uncovered sucking are either ignorant or are being facetious.  Trying to equate the two is ludicrous.  Yes, there are a handful of cases where it is believed that HIV infection may have occurred through oral sex.  Out of millions of cases of HIV infection worldwide over more than 25 years.  And there are millions of cased of infection through anal sex.  Not even remotely the same risk.  And if you don’t understand that simple concept, then you’re not matuire enough to be having sex responsibly.  If the industry was so sure that they’re taking “precautions” to protect their employees — excuse me, their 1099 subcontractors — then why do they force them to sign waivers holding the porno companies not liable for any infections they contract on the job?  Every other worker in America has the legal right for compensation from their employers.  Surely, if they’re taking such great precautions, then they don’t need such disclaimers, right?
    3) While I’m sure that bareback scenes generate a lot of business for porn companies, I wonder if they realize how much business it costs them?  Maybe you might find watching a guy potentially killing himself to be hot, I don’t.  I’ve read about porn stars who I’ve jacked off to announcing that they have HIV.  And I felt guilty for having watched their porno because, like it or not, if you are financially sopporting companies who pruduce bareback porn, you are helping them raise finds to kill those guys you are drolling over.  You can deny it all you want, but YOU are enabling their murder.  Being an accessory to murder doesn’t get me all hot and bothered.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a preview of a hot scene on a site like this, gone to the site, and seen bareback porn there.  I was all set to plunk down my credit card, but I refuse to enable them to kill hot guys.  it’sa that much of an issue for me, that if I see ANY bareback pron on a site, then they will never get my money.  Sure, on sites like this, you’ll see tons of guys defending the porn industry, but just about every gay guy I know feels the same way.  The companies may be getting a bit more money in the short term by fighting over the people who live for porno and join a bunch of sites, but they’re losing a whole lot of money from people like me who don’t obsess over porno, but might like to check some out once in a while, but will NEVER buy from that site again.  They may make a few bucks from instant gratification customers, but they’re permanently turning away a huge number of potential customers for the life of their company.

  75. I’m a top guy but I may have to evaluate my position when encounter with Jonathan Agassi… Maybe a wrestling match can settle who tops between him and me.

  76.  well dewitt if you like what you see let me know. I’m byeberlin on manhunt all you guys hit me up

  77. Everything that you observe or interact with through watching, touching, smelling, listening or any other form of experiences alters the actions and perceptions whether  positively or negatively.

  78. Chris Evans is ALWAYS hot, though considerably more so when he’s not all shaved.

    And for those who care about such things, I know that the tatoo under is pec is real, because he’s had it forever!  (Well, for years, anyways.)

  79. I’ve been in love with Francois Sagat for years! He has the most sexy, the most delicious, the cutest ass on the planet!! I’m not kidding!! Watch any of his porn and you’ll know what i’m talking about.  He also was in movie called ” L’homme au Bain” where his ass is so kindly exposed as well. Check it out!

  80. see?

    i can declare, without batting an eye, that kenneth has just displayed a potential example of what i would normally deem a “whole•sale prejudice/bias.”


    good job, ken.

    good job.

    and, That’s just more for me to have, gladly.

  81. The character totally cracks me up. All those moles or freckles or whatevers however are a bit of a buzz kill but the character is funny.

  82. Mister, I didn’t say the guy wasn’t attractive. I stated, I am not attracted to East Indian and Asian men. That’s not prejudice. Some me aren’t attractive to white, black, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Mexican, Arab, Jewish,  and West Indian men.

  83. Actually no, Sonique (Season 2) got elimnated even after several cartwheels and splits, there have also been others , that’s not all there is to lip synching

  84. Im sorry but Senyichiya is right i mean i saw him then and  now and on Greek and i don’t really see much of a difrence, expect he was younger then.

  85. I agree HE IS AWESOME !!!!!! I love schmit he is hilarious i swear, everything he says is money. And zoey isn’t that bad. Maybe she is a little awkward and quirky but thats why we love her !!!!!! Its better than watching WHITNEY !

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