Secret Sex: Michael “The Miz” Mizanin

Earlier this week, a reader suggested MichaelThe MizMizanin for an upcoming edition of our Would You Hit That series. Considering I haven’t watched professional wrestling or The Real World since eighth grade, the name didn’t ring a bell at all. But apparently he’s the reigning WWE champion?

Upon scrolling through his pictures, the word “douche” came to mind on more than one occasion. Although we were warned in advance that Mizanin’s “extremely obnoxious and full of himself”, we weren’t exactly prepared for the sheer magnitude of his obnoxiousness…

And then we got to the shots of his butt. Actually, we started to feel it a little sooner, around the time we scrolled past the image above. This guy is kind of hot, even if we don’t want to admit we’re attracted to him. In our perfect world, those “I’m Awesome” trunks would be equipped with microscopic text below which reads “At Bottoming”.

– Dewitt

To check out more pictures of Michael Mizanin, follow the JUMP:

40 thoughts on “Secret Sex: Michael “The Miz” Mizanin

  1. My problem is, I like to fuck during the day, or with the lights on, and any position where I would have to look at this douche’s face wouldn’t work for me.

    And for the record, I don’t watch wrestling, but this guy just looks like a douchebag.

  2. i have never seen him wrestle but i have seen him on realworld and the challenges and hes cute

    id deff his that heheh

  3. Smooth and muscular is rarely my favorite, but having jerked off to mid and late-90’s wrestlers so much as a teenager, I can appreciate the Miz. A lot. (I also guiltily followed the Challenges for six or seven seasons…)

  4. I am a fan of The Miz. His character is a loud douche nozzle, and Mike does it well. He is very entertaining, and I would love to shove my cock down his throat to shut him up.

  5. He’s my favourite wrestler EVER and not in spite of him being a douche but BECAUSE of it. At first I thought he was really hot but now I just love the character. I’d totally do him still.

  6. He’s my favourite wrestler EVER and not in spite of him being a douche but BECAUSE of it. At first I thought he was really hot but now I just love the character. I’d totally do him still.

  7. in between a douche and a colonoscopy bag, he’s like a human version of a taint…. but i’d still do him

  8. Maybe if, he was face down, flat on his stomach with his, back arched, his legs spread and, his butt in the air, would I be interested in him 😉 lol

  9. Funny you mention him. Justin was the next wrestler I was going to send in. I’ve been sending wrestlers in ever so often to try and get them a bit more exposure on here. There are a lot of hot men in wrestling and it does have a decent gay following. I warned them that Miz was obnoxious. lol! Yet there is something so damn hot about him and he knows it, which makes him even more obnoxious. lol!

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