Secret Sex: The 650-Pound Virgin

David Smith, 650 Lbs Virgin

If I told you that the man above used to be a suicidal 650-pound man, would you believe me? Well, you kind of have to believe me. David Smith is the star of TLC's 650-lb Virgin special. Now that he's lost 410 pounds and had most of his excess skin removed, I kind of think he's a little hunky.

But that's not why I'm ashamed of my attraction. I mean, did you miss the fact that he's a virgin? Apparently he's saving himself for a girl he falls in love with, which is so ridiculously sweet that I feel inappropriate for wanting to bend him over my couch. All the girls making "googly eyes" at him will have to get through me, because I'm so ready to google his moogly.

– Dewitt

12 thoughts on “Secret Sex: The 650-Pound Virgin

  1. Ewww, yes in the face he’s cute now… but did you not see his butchered body? I’ll pass! Now that trainer of his…. YES PLEASE!

  2. Yeah, I caught an episode where he was on a date with a chick and I thought he was pretty hot, especially after he said he was a personal trainer (which I don’t think was the complete truth, was it?).

  3. Yeah, that trainer is the one I keep noticing everytime I see him being featured on TV. Who is that hot guy?!

  4. He’s definitely attractive…but his body is really messed up from the excess skin – even after the cosmetic surgery. He even had to have an additional surgery because his penis was buried in excess skin. They showed the before but not the after.

  5. I think it rather impressive that he lost all of that weight. Wow! That must have been some task. I think that’s pretty admirable and good luck to him in finding true love though I think looking for it via the tele will probably bring some dubious success at best.
    His trainer does give off a gay vibe to me. For that matter, so does he… But I could be just reading into it wrong!

  6. Ok, who the hell is this trainer you all keep talking about.
    Damnit, nowI’ll have to look this up!
    Good luck to David though. Hopefully, he can find a woman to look past all the surgical scars and love him for who he is.

  7. In general, women are far more forgiving than men (Julia Roberts/Lyle Lovett, Angelina/Billy Bob, etc.), so I’m sure he’ll have no trouble. And he is both good looking and a nice guy.

  8. He’s cute in the face because he’s had a bunch of plastic surgery and cosmetic dentistry. His body is very scarred from all of the excess skin he’s had removed.
    It’s great he lost all that weight (he did it without gastric bypass, and everything), and I hope he finds a chick that makes him happy (I suspect the women he dates on the show have been – uhm – compensated for their appearance?) – but I’ll pass.
    That trainer on the other hand……

  9. I’m pretty sure the reason that he’s a virgin is because he couldn’t find his penis between his churning 650 pound thighs. He’s still 240. Remove about 30 more and then call me.

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