17 thoughts on “Shakira’s She Wolf Comes Out Of The Closet

  1. That video was awesome. She must be taking up YOGA or something. She has never been THAT flexible. LOVE IT!

  2. I love it. She looks amazing, but she really needs to teach Britney a thing a two about dancing. Britney’s music plus Shakira’s moves equals GOLD MINE

  3. Shakira can Move. I agree with Dewitt, I would totally go straight for her, she’s just that hott.

  4. 1. overly erotic. do women really need to put themselves out that much?
    2. the black dress and moves (while in it) are similar to beyonce’s “single ladies” (just one legging is missing). not to mention an undeniable similarity between the two ladies (at least on some level)
    3. clothes and moves in the cage are similar to madonna’s “sorry” – just change the skin color outfit to pink.
    4. the end part reminds of beyonce even more.
    5. not to mention that the english version of the song is rather inferior to the spanish.
    for whiners:
    *i really like shakira, much more than beyonce
    **i am not spaniard, but i still prefer the spanish version

  5. I LOVE Shakira! She is so fucking hot & sexy (yeah, those can be 2 seperate things). I’m mostly into guys, but dude, if she were in front of me, I’d… well, I won’t go into details, but there’d be some moaning that’s for sure!

  6. Totally hottt and very sexxxy….Yeah Shakira gets my stamp of approval…always love just about anything she does

  7. This was a total overkill, I was expecting such a wow factor from this video due to all the buzz they created about it. It is kind of cheap and some moves are just plain idiotic.

  8. I agree with Andrew – the song is hot and when she’s in the cage she’s hot – but what the hell is she doing dancing in the cave and at the end of the video? Her choreographer should be shot! Yes she can move her hips but her dancing is . . . well lets just focus on the positive, the song is catchy and hot!

  9. I’m guessing you can’t dance, Cody. Clearly, she does really good isolations and contortions in this video. Dancing…she doesn’t have it. Hate to break it to you, but Britney actually dances circles around her.

  10. After watching it I keep wondering if she stole an extra’s outfit from Barberella

  11. What ever we think or say about Shakira, the true is: She’s getting everyone’s attention with her song and her unusual moves…SHE’S AWSOME!!!!

  12. Youve got to be kidding me. How is this even a hit?…this is mediocre music and dancing at its best. This makes Lady GaGa’s dance moves look almost swan like…leave the dancing to professionals with LOTS of training and just sing.

  13. that was a amazing video. The song was just aieight for me. But it was decent. She is an amazing artist. She is only 4’11 in real life..so tiny and sexy! Who knew!

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