It seems like it was just yesterday that I popped into a local pharmacy to grab condoms for a late-night rendezvous. In fact, it's quite possible that it was yesterday. My memory is fading in my old age, you know? But back to the story… I was picking up some rubbers when some drunk frat boy from the local college campus shouted behind me, "Get the Magnums, bro! They'll impress her."
As much as I wanted this random jock to think I had a huge penis, I knew very well that I don't have the girth to fill an extra-large condom (sorry to crush any of your dreams). I wound up purchasing a standard pack, heading over to my bud's place and fucking him until he collapsed in my arms.
Unfortunately, the point of this story has nothing to do with my wrapped cock sliding in and out of a hot friend's eager hole. It's actually about condom size. Manhunt Cares recently brought our attention to a study on how the right fit can have a direct effect on condom usage.
Approximately 436 males, ages 18-67, were surveyed for the study, and forty-five percent said they used a poorly-fitting condom within the three previous months. This group was more than two-and-a-half times as likely to report slippage, breaking or irritation when using a condom.
Is it a matter of pride or mere lack of education on this matter? Many men aren't too keen on the idea of purchasing a condom marked as "small" or even "medium", and this can lead to discomfort for both them and their partners.
It's a shame that situations like this happen when lines like Condomerie produce practically custom-fit jimmy hats for your magic wand. You probably wouldn't go outside in a sweater that didn't fit right, so why would you slip inside with a condom that doesn't?
– Dewitt
i wear large
I think guys just need to fucking get over their pride and just do it. If you get a small condom, well… your partner is going to notice your dick is small whether they see the condom or not. So if you get one that fits like an overstretched christmas wool sweater (my boyfriend got a sweater like that this christmas… he looked ridiculous :P), then you’re just askin for what ever is comin for you. An ex of mine used to buy me condoms that were too big. One time i finished, and it was so loose and his nice whole was so tight (and I truly mean that… RAWR!) that it came off. He was lucky that the end of the condom was still on the outside, because I’ve heard of people having to get those surgically removed. So… your pride is DEFINITELY not worth your partner having to go to the hospital for. And if it is… you’re a HUGE douche.
here here brech! and it is also not worth your HEALTH
Don’t you just shit the condom out – I have. No problem.