The Onion has a new fake clip up entitled "Conservatives Warn Quick Sex Change Only Barrier Between Gays, Marriage", which would be even funnier if there was any truth to it. You may remember that last month a man and a transgender woman in Tennessee had their marriage license revoked, but that doesn't mean there aren't other loopholes us evil homos can exploit…
– Dewitt
interesting method of burying problematic blog entries…
An interesting method of burying problematic blog entries?
As a transman, I do see the point of this in a way, although I highly doubt anyone would undergo transition just to marry someone. However, if the person had already transition but their gender marker was kept original, it could look like a same-sex marriage while technically not being one. As in my case; I still have my documentation with the F on it, but I am very much a guy. So, if I found a guy whose marker was M, I could legally marry him anywhere in this country I wanted, because legally it would be one F and one M. So, thus, a legal “gay” marriage. I believe this also could happen with a lesbian transwoman who hadn’t had her documentation changed to F yet.