The Office’s John Krasinski never did it for me until he whipped off his jacket while dramatically lip-synching Boyz II Men’s “I’ll Make Love To You.” And he’s singing it to Jimmy Fallon! Jimmy and John competed against each other in a lip-synching competition. And it got really emotional and bordering on sexy. But doesn’t all competition between straight dudes? Fallon has annoyed me since he couldn’t get through an SNL sketch without cracking up. But now I totally want to be the Pam to Krasinski’s Jim. But only if he lip-dubs Boyz II Men all the time. Everything except “End Of The Road.” It’s far too sad for sexy times.
Blowjob handle ears and a hockey playoff worthy beard?
My boner is having a hard time grasping whatever doubt weree….were…omg he took the suit jacket off. Fuck.
When did late night start including the moment to lip sync….for your lives?
I’ve always had it bad for John.
Awww, I click the video link and it says This Video is Private.