This is a thing?
The rules to “Naked Human Skittles” appear to be:
– Strip a guy.
– Grease him up.
– Give him some sort of a helmet.
– Grease up the floor of a bar (ew).
– Everyone grab a limb.
– Slide his nude body down the length of the barroom and try to knock down as many stacked chairs as possible.
Sounds like fun to me.
Check out a couple of “Naked Human Skittles” vids after the JUMP:
This simply proves straight guys enjoy seeing other guys naked & look for a legitimate reason to be nude around other guys.
also says they are crazy to Allow their bodies to be tossed across a greasy dirty floor and into stacks of chairs.
One word commet to this…. STUPID!
who said str8 men needed a good reason,,,and most str8 men are dumb,,,and who would want to hit a bunch of chairs naked? your cock and balls scraping across a dirty bar floor and having chair fall on you? DUMB
And we wonder why the world is fucked up????
I have never seen anything so stupid………..What was the point? Str8 guys do the dumbest things.
Come on Manhunt…..can’t you come up with something better to post?
You’re looking as stupid and shallow as the guys on the video’s. You lost points here – big time.
I can’t believe someone would allow themselves to be used like that. Manhunt you have out done yourselves in the STOOPID Department!
I guess this replaces dwarf tossing?
nice asses though
Wasn’t this a Letterman bit? “Stupid Straight Guy Tricks?”
lots of alcohol and one naked guy are you sure that’s all they did was slide his naked ass down a greasy bar floor ?
In Milwaukee, this used to be known as ‘beer sliding’.
Ah, the luck of the Irish again. They’ll do anything for a pint.
Ha!!! Hilarious
Jeez, lighten up. It’s one post.
We’re not in the vids, dickhead!