I can’t get the song out of my head! “Straight dudes skipping! Straight dudes skipping!” My mind is on fire with it! I WILL NEVER NOT HEAR IT! Here’s the guys (or guy) from pleated-jeans on YouTube with a simple but satisfying tribute to bromance. Just cuz’ two guys are holding hands and skipping (as well as engaging in tickle breaks) doesn’t mean they’re sucking each other’s dicks. It might be a CLUE, but it doesn’t make it fact.
Check out “Straight Dudes Skipping” below and I dare you not to get it stuck in your head.
I think you forgot something…
LOL ya like the video or a link to it
BTW check out the taco / depression video got a kick out of that
Brilliant! Thanks for that.
any time
Sorry, guys. Vid’s here.
um…..they can skip right to my dick