Four straight guys commiserate about their lack of tail, and also note that they don’t want girlfriends because it would mess with their social lives. One of them reasons that it would be much easier if they could just have sex with each other. He has this pill…
This is pretty dumb, although sorta funny. It also plays on my theory that straight guys all possess a LITTLE bit of jealousy towards gay guys and our delightfully free and easy (yeah, right) lifestyle.
I’d get with the blond one with the chronic masturbation habit and the one with the hairy arms. Totally.
– J. Harvey
To watch “The Gay Pill”, Follow the JUMP:
Cute, especially the punchline. And I’d do any of them, but especially the one who introduces the idea.
tres sweet
That is hilarious!
Gotta love the power of aspirin.
Haha! Nice!
Love it! Hilarious!!!
I simply must start using that brand of aspirin.
Sh#t our new gov (LNP) will see this and think its real