It’s interesting how age can be a major factor when deciding sexual roles in the bedroom. Often, I’ve found myself meeting up with older guys with the intention of bottoming, then as soon as they’re on all fours with my tongue buried in their asses, […]
Tag: athletic builds
“I Want More Than Your Average Joe.”
Can I say that Ultrapro1 probably has the most diplomatic profile I’ve ever seen on Manhunt? It’s true! Listen to this: “You don’t have to be big or small, ripped or slim. And honestly age just completely eludes me, but please remember everyone is just […]
Free Your Mind (And Your Ass Will Follow)
There are some fantastic Manhunt profile names available for the taking. I know this, because in compiling data for this post, I sifted through hundreds of recently liberated aliases like Chewy, Slurper, freakasaurousfux, ForgotMyPassword, and my personal all-time favorite—BirdsAteMyFace. That said, you can’t have freedom […]
I Want To Put My Face In This Ass.
You may have heard vicious rumors on the internet that I am a big fan of butts. After numerous inquiries from the press to address this issue, I am here to confirm that these rumors are absolutely, one-hundred percent not #SLANDER. I love butts more […]
Woof, Indeed.
First and foremost, bald is beautiful. There are a lot of dudes with completely shaved heads that I would bang without a moment of hesitation, and in case you haven’t figured it out by now, Manhunt member cooltommyboy fits into that category. The combination of […]
“Willing To Lie About How We Met”
There’s a dumb amount of stigma attached to people meeting their romantic partners on a site like Manhunt (so much so that I become thoroughly jazzed every time a couple tells me we’re the reason they’re together). That said, even I had to laugh out […]
“I’m Openly & Responsibly HIV+”
More and more, I am seeing folks on Manhunt, Jack’d and elsewhere making honest statements about their HIV statuses and the kind of sex that gets them off. While we’re not quite at the point where we can celebrate the end of all stigma, it […]
Hot Guys In Glasses Make Me Cum.
The fetishization of glasses isn’t something I fully understand. My best guess is that it’s likely rooted in some illusion of intelligence or the whole Clark Kent dynamic, but other than that, I don’t have any theories on why guys have consistently asked me to […]
“It Doesn’t Even Have To Involve Sex.”
I’m just going to be blunt—you have no fucking right to tell people what they want or don’t want out of life. If some guy wants to flaunt his ass on Manhunt—or, say, Twitter—he’s not entitled to indulge or, hell, even acknowledge your desire to […]
A Hot Brazilian Living In New York Describes Himself As A Bearded Playground
I’m not sure how many of you listen to NPR, but the other week I was in the car and heard Tom Ashbrook do this unintentionally hilarious trend story about beards. They’re popular! And also I guess he just noticed. I know that straight people […]