My penis is having a serious conflict. It can't decide whether it finds Zac Efron attractive or not. In the past, you may some people). It turns out that he's not much younger than myself. Not that I'm going to tell you the exact gap […]
Tag: attractive
Is Robert Pattinson Really The Sexiest Man Alive?
Robert Pattinson has been deemed People magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive", and you've probably guessed by now that I think this designation is complete bullshit. Sure, Pattinson isn't the most unattractive kid on the planet, but is he really hotter than Chris Pine, Ryan Reynolds or the […]
Quickie: Three Photos of Robert Pattinson
When it comes to my boner, Robert Pattinson is hit or miss. I can't pretend that I don't understand the appeal of him (like some of you), but I also can't comprehend why anyone would go crazy over him. There are times when he looks […]