Oooo, True Blood is gittin’ so good! Eric and Sookie are all over each other, Pam’s dropping c-bombs, and Jason, Jessica, AND HOYT are having dream sex together. Read on! – J. Harvey For the True Blood recap, Follow the JUMP:
Tag: bill
Hot Blooded: That Was Saucy
Did anyone else think this past Sunday’s episode of True Blood was way better than the premiere? Two words: NO FAIRYLAND. The fairy lore in this show is bringing me down (although I could use the ability to throw lethal glitter bombs). Lots of crazy […]
Hot Blooded: We’re Recapping True Blood
We figured since I’ve been writing pretty much non-stop about True Blood that we should recap the damn thing. Why? Cuz’ it’s big with the ridiculous, campy fun, it’s hugely gay, and it has a bunch of actors I want to suck off. No, it’s […]
Random Question: How ‘Bout That Health Care?
No matter where I went this weekend, the discussion eventually led to health care reform. Even if I had gone to the sleaziest sex party, I'm convinced that the two guys next to me would have been discussing the bill between moans, as some hungry […]
Oklahoma Loves Hate Crimes
Okay, so the title of this post may be inaccurate and overly dramatic, but the truth isn't much better. The Oklahoma Senate has voted 39-6 to approve Senator Steve Russell's bill that provides exemption from complying to federal hate crimes laws. The bill will now […]
Mexico City Approves Same-Sex Marriage
With a vote of 39-20, Mexico City lawmakers have approved a marriage equality bill, becoming the first region in Latin America to legalize gay marriage. The bill calls for changing the definition of marriage from a union between a man and a woman to "the […]
Marriage Equality In Washington DC
The holiday season has me so distracted that this bit of good news passed right by me. Yesterday, the D.C. Council approved a same-sex marriage bill with a vote 11-2. Washington, D.C. has now become the sixth US location with marriage equality, joining Massachusetts, Connecticut, […]
Schwarzenegger Approves Harvey Milk Day
Good news from California! Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has approved a bill that will recognize every May 22nd as Harvey Milk Day. Though it won't be a state holiday, the measure will encourage schools to conduct lessons "remembering the life of Harvey Milk, recognizing his accomplishments […]
Senate Passes Hate Crimes Bill
In a vote of 63 to 28, the US Senate has approved a bill that would extend federal hate crimes laws to protect those who are attacked because of their gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. The current law is limited to discrimination based […]