Admittedly, these pics of model Christian from CleverPrime (via Gay Body Blog) are so photoshopped that it looks like he just pulled in on The Polar Express. Who cares? He’s still hot in real life, unless this is animation. And man – the ass on […]
Tag: Christian
Have You Ever: Skipped Out On Work For Sex?
It would be unethical to cruise on Manhunt during working hours, right? And it’d be especially devious to steal valuable hours from your company or business, just to sneak out for a few hours of man-on-man action… Alas, we can’t all be perfect angels! Have […]
Woof Alert: Justin
If the man above looks familiar, your eyes aren’t deceiving you! Justin has appeared on the pages of Manhunt Daily in the past (albeit under a different name). Even though I’d swear that I’m not obsessed with him, further evidence seems to indicate otherwise. But […]
Hot Flash: Jim Wilkinson
It was extremely refreshing to stumble upon Jim Wilkinson‘s photography. Although a good portion of his portfolio is devoted to male nudes, he avoids objectifying turning his subjects into blatantly sexual objects or over-the-top artistic abstract forms. Perhaps I should let him speak for himself… […]
Ted Haggard’s Back… This Time With Compassion
The always infamous Ted Haggard is back with a new interview and an interesting take on his feelings toward the gay community. Even though he insists he is just a "heterosexual with issues", his ordeal gave him a more compassionate view . Though I'm sure […]
NYSM’s Resident Cocksucker Gets Naked
Remember Christian from New York Straight Men? We featured him a while back as our
Woof Alert: Christian
Here’s a riddle for you. This week’s Woof Alert involves a lot of hard cock, but none of it actually belongs to the man who’s being featured. You’re probably wondering how this is possible right about now. Are we making some joke about roosters? Nope. […]
Dan Savage Reacts To Robertson’s Abuse Comments
Gay parent and sex columnist Dan Savage has responded to Pat Robertson's
Kris Allen Wins American Idol
Congratulations to Kris Allen on his American Idol win. Some people seem to be surprised that Adam Lambert didn't take home the prize, but what did I
Could Adam Lambert Lose American Idol?
Every American Idol winner has had two things in common with one another. They're all southern and Christian. So what makes you think that a potentially gay, California-native with an ambiguous religious background could take home the prize? Currently, Dial Idol is showing Kris Allen […]