No, we’re not actually asking this question. This just seemed like an excellent opportunity to address Colorado Senate candidate Ken Buck‘s ridiculous comments on Meet The Press. The “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” supporter was asked to elaborate on recent comments he made about homosexuality as […]
Judge Virginia Phillips Still Bitch-Slapping DADT
Nice work, Ginny. Federal judge Virginia Phillips ordered the U.S. military to stop enforcing the infamous ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy today. Her Honor ruled that the military must act “immediately to suspend and discontinue any investigation, or discharge, separation, or other proceeding, that may […]
Hot Flash: Jim Wilkinson
It was extremely refreshing to stumble upon Jim Wilkinson‘s photography. Although a good portion of his portfolio is devoted to male nudes, he avoids objectifying turning his subjects into blatantly sexual objects or over-the-top artistic abstract forms. Perhaps I should let him speak for himself… […]
Popular Demand: Simon Dexter & Circe Jerks
So I have good news and bad news for you. Due to our new design, we were unable to determine the Most Popular posts on Manhunt Daily for the past week. This is only a temporary problem, and it should be solved for next week’s Popular […]
US Soldiers Use The Power of Ke$ha For Good
We're always down for half-naked military men dancing to pop tunes. Most recently, a few soldiers in Afghanistan unleashed
Lt. Dan Choi & Five DADT Protesters Arrested
Lt. Dan Choi and five additional protesters from GetEQUAL chained themselves to a White House fence today, demanding that President Barack Obama submit “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal language to Congress for inclusion in the defense authorization bill. After three verbal warning from police officers, […]
Lt. Dan Choi Returns To Rachel Maddow Show
On the 1 year anniversary of his very public coming out of the closet, Lt. Dan Choi is back on the show where it all started to talk about his favorite topic, Don't Ask, Don't Tell. He elaborates on his arrest last week at The […]
Defense Secretary Announces DADT Changes
Earlier today, Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced changes to the enforcement of the US military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy. He said at a Penragon news conference: "I believe these changes represent an important improvement in the way the current law is put into practice, above […]
Exclusive Interview With Tom Goss & Matt Alber
Yesterday, we featured a
On The Download: David Guetta, Pink & More!
It's time for another edition of Manhunt Daily's On The Download, our weekly roundup of free MP3 downloads. These songs are yours for the taking, whether you listen to them at the gym, in your car or while you're doing someone up the butt. But […]