Andy shared kind obsessed
Colin Powell Supports DADT Repeal
Talk about switch-hitting. After his opposition to letting gays serve in the military helped our country adopt the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, retired Army General Colin Powell has stepped out in support of repealing the law. "Attitudes and circumstances have changed," he said, citing […]
DADT To Be Repealed This Year?
Ryan Raz (pictured above) almost enlisted in the armed services, but he made promises to put an end to the policy seemed quite empty, leaving a big question mark as to when this repeal would be happening. Well, he's got a year to make it happen […]
Will Obama Be Delivering Big News On DADT?
Tomorrow night's State of the Union address may or may not be the "most important" speech of President Barack Obama's political career, but one thing's for sure–he'll be addressing the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy of the US military. How exactly will he be addressing […]
Gerard Butler Tackles DADT On SNL
This past weekend's episode of Saturday Night Live gave a royal whipping to the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy. In one skit, host Gerard Butler joined the cast for a spoof of his film 300. The sequence also poked fun at President Barack Obama's slow pace on the […]
Obama To Speak At HRC Dinner
On the eve of the National Equality March, President Barack Obama will be speaking at the Human Rights Campaign's annual dinner in Washington D.C. With many individuals growing tired of his inaction on gay issues, we sincerely hope that his speech will include big news on […]
I Don’t Know Much About Advocacy, But My Suits Look Fierce
While I'm still not fully certain where I stand on the Obama administration's treatment of our community, I couldn't help but get a huge "LOL" out of this cartoon by illustrator Michael Derry. It's a little suspect that all these small bits of good news […]
Rachel Maddow on Department of Justice DOMA Brief
What the hell is going on with Barack Obama‘s administration and the Defense of Marriage Act? Is there any possibility that he had no clue about the Department of Justice brief which compared gay marriage to incest or pedophilia? Our favorite lezzie Rachel Maddow invited […]
Supreme Court Rejects DADT Challenge
Barack Obama previously declared June as LGBT Pride month, which makes it a perfect time for his administration to request the Supreme Court reject a case challenging Don't Ask, Don't Tell, right? I guess we have to turn our backs on "discrimination and prejudice everywhere it […]
Don’t Worry! Military Homophobia is Just Like Locker Room Homophobia
A soldier of the US military has let reporter Michael Hastings in on a huge secret: the reason the government won't allow gays in the military is because it'd ruin their "24-hour gay joke". Hastings continues, "The homophobia in the military is akin to the […]