Former One Direction member Liam Payne, 26, has continued his elastic partnership with Hugo Boss. In images taken by photographer Tom Craig, Liam was the picture of confidence as he posed shirtless on an abandoned rooftop in the heart of London. Looking every inch the hunk, the […]
Tag: David Gandy
Quickie: David Gandy
We really should include some sort of sound file that plays glorious heaven trumpets whenever our readers view a new post full of David Gandy. His hotness is Clash of the Titans-esque. Obviously Zeus fathered him upon a mortal woman and created a male supermodel […]
Who The Hell Won: Week Of 2/20/12
How about them Oscars? Sheesh. When your most exciting moment is a near-death actress striking a ridiculous leg pose, it’s time to re-evaluate your approach. Ugh, so much wrong. Very little right. Billy Crystal in blackface. Go lay down. At least we got to look […]
Who Would You Rather?: David Gandy And Gabriel Aubry
Male model quandry! Dark or light? Chiseled or lean? Intense or laid-back (well, maybe not so much)? David Gandy and Gabriel Aubry head up the male supermodel pack. It’s Fantasy Land, and both of them are looking to get on you. Which do you choose? […]
Would You Hit That? (Rhetorical Question Edition): David Gandy
Male supermodel David Gandy turned 31 yesterday. That’s the latest flimsy excuse we’re using to post pics of this delectable dude. Hell, we’re even shoehorning him into “Would You Hit That?” as if it’s an actual legit question. There is always one nay-sayer in the […]
Hot Flash: David Gandy
A photography book has just been released which is solely dedicated to images of intensely hot model David Gandy. David Gandy by Dolce & Gabbana pays photographic tribute to the fashion house’s main model muse. The picture are sumptuous, and the man himself is sex […]
Quickie: David Gandy
The D&G doesn’t just stand for “Dolce” and “Gabbana.” David Gandy is a British model who functions as one of the Italian fashion house’s male muses. He’s what happens when James Bond infiltrates the Mad Men offices and makes everyone (women AND men) completely soaked […]