With the exception of our first place finisher and actual Man of The Year, I took some liberties assembling this round-up of the best Manhunt Man of The Week posts. We have to face the fact that, here at Manhunt headquarters, we still haven’t figured […]
Tag: Derek Anthony
Manhunt Man of The Week: DA90027 (AKA Gay Porn Performer Derek Anthony)
LA-based Derek Anthony is what I guess you would call a silver fox, a fifty-something daddy with a big dick and a real passion for fucking. He’s got wonderfully hairy legs and dramatic tan lines, and if I had any frequent flyer miles saved up, […]
Cock-A-Doodle Do Me: Derek Anthony
You look like you could use some daddy dick! If you can’t get to Australia to ride Decentdude, our latest Manhunt Man of the Week, into oblivion, then maybe you can track down Derek Anthony and beg him to ram your hole. The handsome, 52 year-old […]