Bears are sexy as fuck. Count me on #TeamChunkStandTheFuckUp. They’re the segment of the gay community you most want to party with, they have barrel chests and a fuck-twinkle in their eye, and bigger guys try harder when they’re blasting your booty into the stratosphere. […]
Tag: fat guys
Tom Goss’ “Bears”: Do Gays Really Require A Song Letting Them Know It’s OK To Like Fat Guys?
Per usual, I’m of two minds about Tom Goss’ “Bears” song and video. [Ed. note – It’s painful to be this wishy-washy in life.] If the gay community is so looks-obsessed and vapid that we’re ashamed to want to fuck what we want to fuck, […]
Gone Way Too Soon: James Gandolfini
James Gandolfini died of a heart attack yesterday at 51. He was vacationing in Italy with his wife and infant daughter. So sad. As someone who’s way into beefy guys and bears, he was hotsy to me. It also helped that he was a tremendous […]
Would You Hit That?: Kevin James
I sure as fuck would. So would my illustrious co-blogger. Kevin James is one of the hottest pieces of celebrity ass out there. True, I have an addiction to beef, but he’s got a killer smile and he’s so sweet-looking! I want to shove my […]