I saw this photo of Lance Bass hanging with Gustavo Marzolia floating around last week, but nobody told me that they were committing to his man, Madge was dumping hers… But I digress. How does Lance Bass bag all these sexy men? He's a decent looking guy, and […]
Tag: Lance Bass
Proposition 8 Update
While the passage of Proposition 8 was a disappointment to many, there are those who remain committed to fighting it. All eyes are on the California Supreme Court as the body that can most effectively and quickly put an end to the ban. The main […]
Steve Bing Donates $500,000 to Fight Proposition 8!
Film producer Steve Bing recently donated $500,000 to fight Proposition 8. This is the largest donation from a celebrity and he’s not even gay! Where are all the gay celebrities and why aren’t they donating money to fight Proposition 8? Lance Bass? Ellen DeGeneres? I […]
Coming Out Covers Over the Years
Coming out is never easy, and it can’t help if have you do it on a widely read national magazine! Throughout the years we have had a quite a few ‘coming out covers,’ some easily forgotten, while others became ingrained in our collective conscious. From […]
Spotlight on California’s Proposition 8
Stars like Brad Pitt