As a fan of shorter men, Daniel Radcliffe is kind of my wet dream. The former Harry Potter star stands at 5’5″ with a compact build and one of the most magnificent treasure trails I have ever seen on a man. When I heard he’d […]
Tag: Male Celebrities
Celebrity Skin: Chiwetel Ejiofor’s Dick & Ass
The Oscars are tonight. I’m trying to muster up the energy to care like a good gay should, but the truth is, I find most award shows to be long-winded and tiresome. (It probably doesn’t help in this particular case that I never get out […]
The Ten: Paul Wagner Stays On Top, Shows Alex Minsky Who’s Boss
You’ve got to give Alex Minsky credit for trying to knock Paul Wagner out of his four-week winning streak on The Ten. The former marine gone model came 55 votes away from taking the title of “Sexiest Man of The Moment“, but Wagner’s fans voted […]
The Ten: Can Any of These Men Top Paul Wagner?
For the past three weeks, Paul Wagner has pretty much decimated his competition on The Ten. He came in over 200 votes ahead of Saul Harris and David Picard in our last round, also dominating newcomers Julian and Jared Allman by approximately 300 votes. One […]
Celebrity Skin: Ryan Kwanten’s Butt (Again)
Thanks to True Blood and his various film roles, we’ve seen Ryan Kwanten‘s ass approximately 87,982,000 times over the past decade. That, of course, doesn’t stop him from dropping his drawers and showing it another 82,888,220,126 times. The Australian actor has gone bare yet again […]
Celebrity Skin: Josh Radnor’s Butt
Most of you know Josh Radnor for his portrayal of Ted Mosby on the long-running CBS comedy How I Met Your Mother. While his colleagues Neil Patrick Harris and Jason Segel were busy hogging all the attention, the 39 year-old actor appeared in an all-too-brief […]
Klondike: AKA My New Sex Fantasy Starring Richard Madden As My Secret Yukon Lover
Uncharted territory, swarthy characters, flannel, manly men swinging giant tools and rolling around in the mud. No, I’m not talking about Manhunt‘s tent at Phoenix Pride. I’m talking about a little piece of America’s history known as the Gold Rush. Klondike, The Discovery Channel‘s mini-series […]
Did Y’all See That Picture of Michael Fassbender Pissing… With His DICK?
OH HELL TO THE YES! That hot motherfucker Michael Fassbender is twirling around his BIG DICK on the set of some bullshit called Slow West, and you just KNOW that Ms. Boulangerié Knowles had to come up in here and TELL you about it. Y’all […]
Celebrity Skin: Josh Brolin’s Butt
Did you wake up today thinking about how it’d be great to see an image of Josh Brolin naked on all fours? Then I’ve got some great news for you! The ruggedly handsome 45 year-old actor did a nude scene for Spike Lee‘s 2013 film […]
I Drank Scotch With Nick Offerman (And He Ate My Asshole)
Lea Michele’s “Cannonball” is playing. It is just starting to rain outside. I haven’t left my bed for a week. After you’ve closed the door on filthy, no-rules, aggressive sex with a Twitter comedian, you begin to wonder if you can ever truly fly—fly, like […]