Have you kept up on the Seven Days of Loads challenge? Over the weekend, I demanded that you bust a nut every day this week up until Friday. While you should be on load number three tonight, I’m willing to forgive you if you work […]
Tag: Richard Pierce
Fuck Vs. Fuck: The Tops & Bottoms of Randy Blue
There are a few reasons for the existence of this competition—1) I’m still playing catch up on all the gay porn I missed over the holiday, 2) Our final 2013 Best of Manhunt Daily countdowns showed me that I’ve wildly underestimated the popularity of our […]
Porn Star Vids That Make Us Like Them More
If you're not already obsessed with muscular bottom here or won't mention, watching a candid video of him actually makes him hotter! The Sword tipped us off to this behind-the-scenes video, in which Mr. Ross and scene partner Richard Pierce take a shower together. I can't […]
Cayden Ross Rides Again
There's no denying it any longer–Cayden Ross loves the cock. When he first made his bottomed for Alex Eden was some kind of stunt? I thought it might have been too! But now Cayden's back again and he's holding his ankles in the air for […]