Cinemax has only aired four episodes of their “original” action series Strike Back: Project Dawn. So far, Sullivan Stapleton has been partially naked in at least three of them. This bodes well for the series. Since I’m partial to furry men who are a little […]
Tag: rough around the edges
Quickie: Jason Hermiz
Is the implication of this picture that Jason Hermiz is a total “catcher”? We’re keeping our fingers crossed, because we would love to bend this hottie over in the dugout. He’s got a bit of a “rough around the edges” look, which somehow makes it […]
Quickie: Ward Hudson
Ward Hudson isn’t your typical pretty boy model. He’s got a rugged, old-Hollywood look to him, somewhere between the Marlboro Man and the latest incarnation of the Brawny Man. Maybe that means he should be doing commercials for cigarettes or paper towels? It’s impossible to […]
Would You Hit That?: Russell Crowe
Despite the inclusion of Academy Award winners Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett, many critics have agreed that the latest Robin Hood revamp is totally unnecessary. Well, I could have told you that from the beginning! This story has been told so many times, that even […]