There's a video of country singer Matt Boswell making the rounds, in which he drops the following line–"And you can’t get married, you stupid gays and queers, so why don’t you go somewhere else?" Yes, it's homophobic. Yes, it's pretty damn offensive. And as much […]
Tag: Secret Sex
Secret Sex: Kyle Bornheimer
If you're not familiar with the premise of the Daily's Secret Sex feature, I basically feature a guy every week who I want to have sex with. How is that different from half of our other features? Well, in this case, my lust comes with a side […]
Secret Sex: Aziz Ansari
The other day, I was having a conversation with one of my supreme besties, and we stumbled upon the topic of Aziz Ansari. For those not in the know, he plays sidekick to Amy Poehler on NBC’s Parks and Recreation. So we were basically chatting […]
Secret Sex: 50 Cent
When I saw the title of Andy's post
Secret Sex: Harvey Levin
For one of the first times, I received a request for our Secret Sex feature–Harvey Levin. To be entirely honest, I had no idea who this motherfucker was. Apparently he's the managing editor of TMZ and host of TMZ on TV. He also happens to be […]
Secret Sex: Adam Sandler
Funny People is out this weekend, and I thought I'd celebrate by confessing my secret crush on Adam Sandler. Even though I can't stand the majority of his movies, I wouldn't mind having 50 First Dates with his crotch. And no, I wouldn't do him […]
Secret Sex: The 650-Pound Virgin
If I told you that the man above used to be a suicidal 650-pound man, would you believe me? Well, you kind of have to believe me. David Smith is the star of TLC's 650-lb Virgin special. Now that he's lost 410 pounds and had most […]
Secret Sex: Jeremy Piven
I've heard some things here and there about Entourage star Jeremy Piven being a total douche nozzle. That doesn't mean he still doesn't make me want to take my clothes off. When that whole mercury poisoning incident went down, I seriously thought about starting a "Leave […]
Secret Sex: Flo Rida
While I really can't stand any of Flo Rida's songs, I'd be there in a second if I were given a chance to spin his head right round (by going down, of course). Even though I melt every time the Miami-based rapper takes his shirt […]