Oooo, True Blood is gittin’ so good! Eric and Sookie are all over each other, Pam’s dropping c-bombs, and Jason, Jessica, AND HOYT are having dream sex together. Read on! – J. Harvey For the True Blood recap, Follow the JUMP:
Tag: Tara
Hot Blooded: That Was Saucy
Did anyone else think this past Sunday’s episode of True Blood was way better than the premiere? Two words: NO FAIRYLAND. The fairy lore in this show is bringing me down (although I could use the ability to throw lethal glitter bombs). Lots of crazy […]
Hot Blooded: We’re Recapping True Blood
We figured since I’ve been writing pretty much non-stop about True Blood that we should recap the damn thing. Why? Cuz’ it’s big with the ridiculous, campy fun, it’s hugely gay, and it has a bunch of actors I want to suck off. No, it’s […]
Gay Ass Gossip: Tom Hardy (That’s All We Have To Type)
ITEM – You get arrested for jerking off on a movie poster in the theater lobby right? Fascists. It’s not like there’s not plexiglass over it. Here’s the poster for Tom Hardy’s new movie Warrior. We were going to save it for “Trailer Trash” on […]
Tara and Bella are BFFs
This video is so effin' cute! Tara and Bella are adorable. This video almost made me cry…lol. Check it out. – Andy