Given the number of scenes Drew Cutler has done for OnTheHunt, it’s kind of absurd that we’ve never chatted with him for Manhunt Daily. As soon as we noticed this, we sent the sexy porn star a note, which basically read, “Why the hell haven’t we […]
Tag: wild
Hot or Not?: The Gay Club Scene
Our favorite
Caption This: Thong Guy
Some of you may be tired of captioning the homoerotic antics of drunken straight boys, but this post goes out to those of you who aren't. In today's caption-worthy image, we have two frat boys hanging out in a bedroom. One of them is wearing […]
Jason Mraz Has The Remedy, And It Involves Him Naked
He-who-must-not-be-named posted this picture of singer-songwriter Jason Mraz on what looks like a naked camping trip. It didn't really get my boner stirring, but I know plenty of guys would kill to spend a night alone with him in a tent. Why is it that […]