Ok, wardrobe malfunctions should happen more often in swimming, then maybe more people would watch it. Swimmer Ricky Berens swimsuit tore open in the back right before he was supposed to swim his leg for the U.S. team in the 400-meter freestyle relay preliminaries in Rome, Italy. As he was bending over to get a drink of water, his suit, a Jaked01, split open revealing his nice tan ass. Despite the gaping hole (calm down all you power tops), Ricky swam his leg and helped team USA finished 4th for the heat–securing a spot for the team in the finals.
Anyone else thinking that Ricky is kind of cute? Also here's hoping that Michael Phelps suffers a similiar malfunction. Michael might be a butterface, but I'd still do him. Just brown bag it… right? Ok, I admit, he's kind of hot in a dorky guy sort of way. It must be the gold medals.
– Andy
For picture of the wardrobe malfunction, follow the JUMP:
mmmmm easy access
Nice ass!
very hot. And while michael phelps isn’t the hottest guy around, he’s not what I would call ugly. Really? Brown Bag jokes? Frankly 95% of the people who use butter face jokes need a brown bag themselves. I’m kinda over this blog.
bahaha I actually know Ricky and plan on texting him asap to let him know of his first appearance on a gay porn blog
Wow his ass is HOT! He is hotter than Phelps, I don’t see why people think he’s so attractive.
okay, you boys disappoint me very much. the folks over at huffington post are up to 16 pages of lusting after this magnificent ass. check out the link for more scrumptious pics- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/07/27/ricky-berens-splits-swims_n_245780.html
i dunno – i think all the suits should be built like that from now on
except for his hair, that looks like a bad rug or even more like a hat, I think he’s hot and I get a boner just thinking about shaving him “anywhere”…
OMG, just viewed the Huntington pics!!!!
I’d bury my face into that fuzzy crack until I suffocated…jeez!
And now that I’ve got a good look at the gorgeous hair in his crack, I don’t care what the hair on his head looks like…LOL…it was pretty cute in the last picture when it is still wet…
That’s a great ass … especially the little peach fuzz shown in the Huffington pics. Kudos, Ricky!