Trust me. You're going to need this countdown clock when you see the picture in this post. Twilight hottie Taylor Lautner stopped by L'Uomo Vogue for a photo shoot, which involved him getting his clothes all soaking wet and throwing his legs in the air like a willing power bottom.
In case you're wondering, he doesn't turn eighteen until February 11th next year. That means you're a perv if you're turned on by him. Because we're totally not. That'd just be wrong.
– Dewitt
To check out Taylor's photo, follow the JUMP:
this is kinda pathatic
Agreed. Let’s just perpetuate the myth that we’re all looking for underage boys to “convert”. Creepy.
I can’t get over how many guys don’t understand. Age of consent in Massachusetts and most other places is 16 NOT 18
he’s not underage in Minnesota
This is kinda stupid but I have to admit he’s one sexy mother fucker.
however the age of consent maybe 16 but in the gay community all over you have to be 18 … age of consent does not apply to the Gay Community … it is rape if under 18 … Well at least in WA State
Cameron is right. In a lot of the US, the age of consent is 16 for heterosexual relationships and 18 for homosexual relationships.
It’s not that way in Alaska, but a friend of mine bitched me out when I was in Arizona for it.
How about we worry less about what is legal and more about what is ethical?
calm down queens, this guy is putting himself out there in a sexualized manner, are we supposed to just ignore it because we’re not 16 year old girls? if it’s out its for anyone who wants to look to look. I’m not looking to hookup with a 17 year old, but If a model or actor is out there all sexy looking and is 17, what’s the problem?
I guess the problem (for me) is that those models, don’t typically have a “countdown” clock as to when they become “legal”.
I wouldn’t kick him out If he crawled in to my bed, unless he wanted to move to the floor (in 5 months) ;p
Yeah and in some places the legal age of consent is under 16. That doesn’t mean it still isn’t disgusting to actually do it.
Him though. He’s so hot. And I’m only 20 so it wouldn’t be so bad.
This is kinda sad. Maybe gays ARE predators waiting to get peoples children?! If they are hot enough eh?
“Maybe gays ARE predators waiting to get peoples children?! If they are hot enough eh?”
I think “guys” works equally well as “gays” in that sentence.
This thread is absolutely hilarious! I’m sure that no one reading this blog has a shot in hell of sleeping with TL, so fantasize all you want, guys! The odds of most of us even meeting a model/movie star are pretty slim – the odds of sleeping with one seem to be on the order of being hit by lightning! Is it really unethical to drool over and/or masturbate to a hot 17yo? C’mon.
he is very sexy, too bad the pic doen’t do him credit.
he doesn’t need to grow up all you immature anal kids do! hot is hot regardless of age. and hot doesn’t necessarily mean you’re gonna fuck. sex is not the be all and end all of everything!
Thanks For Such A Nice Post
Thanks For Such A Nice Post
Turn off your SafeSearch in Google and type this in Taylor Lautner bulge. Nice surprise.
Turn off your SafeSearch in Google and type this in Taylor Lautner bulge. Nice surprise.
wtf? Hot is hot, and TL is definitely hot! What differentiates pervs from the rest of society is the ability to govern one’s actions and make responsible decisions. We can appreciate that he’s hot and understand that that does not mean we are going to sleep with him.